harvest/sauce time

ok here's some of what I've harvested over the couple days before, not impressive as others but I'm happy(with many more pods waiting to ripen). & other ripe chiles I've ate so no pods of them to show. also the stupid mix up as to what people label them or what you recieve for seeds/plants (rolleyes smilie)


starting from the hot sauce bottle. top-bottom, left - right (yea they're on the floor but no worse than in the garden but will be cleaned throughly as always)

beaver dam

mystery chile #1, mystery chile #2, scotch bonnet (yea funky shape but the other pods look like scotch bonnets on same plant),mystery chile #3, only ripe fatalii so far.

white hab's, mystery chile #4, bulgarian carrot, mystery chile #5 (aka orange plum?), orange thai, lemon drop

mystery chile #6 (called purple thai ?), black pearl, mystery chile #7 (sold as thais but question that), purple tiger (oh my god such a nasty taste to them!!!! but has a decent heat to them but must be used in cooking so ya dont taste them!), thai's.

ok heres the rest of the picture.


the top chiles are caribbean reds far as I can tell(I wish they would wait & pick only ripe chiles, but oh well), if not then they are a cross between those & some other hab's. I wish I harvested those but instead I bought them at the farmers market today for dirt cheap (at least this location its dirt cheap)
it weighed 12 lbs for $25 = $2.08 per lbs :cool: otherwise at the stores here its $5.99-$6.99 per lbs. I even contemplated if I should buy another bucket or two from the hmong lady :think: since she had several more of these & orange habs, but figured this should be fine for now LOL
theres a couple bad pods in the bunch but I can live with that for that price LOL
Nice pods if you make hot sauce did you ever try to mix with hot ones some super sweet peppers they will give great aroma what ever ingridiance you choose to mix in, couple year ago I did like that & come out great hot sauce but I put to many super hot so it was very very hot & darn good.
yes I have mixed mild w/hot chiles when making hot sauce. I've thrown everything in 1 batch or I've split them up between red chiles for this sauce & yellow/orange chiles for this sauce.
I've never did a green unripe chile sauce before, so this will be new to me.
Lovely harvest chilehunter as for the sauces..Why don't you try making your own Thai sweet chili sauce with some of your Thai mystery peppers,Always a nice accomplimant to other sauces you'll make :)
a very simple green habanero sauce is great, like the el yucateco green hab thats actually one of my favourite hot sauces.
looks great too.
stillmanz said:
a very simple green habanero sauce is great, like the el yucateco green hab thats actually one of my favourite hot sauces.
looks great too.
Always shy away from the green hab sauces..Dont no why perhaps thinking of the non ripe flavor..So Flavors good mick?:rolleyes:
dang CH...what do you mean not impressive...that is a great spread...

the purple tigers I don't think were developed/grown for taste (as is evident) but rather for show...to me they make up for their lack of taste by the gorgeous foliage they have...I agree 100% with the assessment of "nasty taste"...I tried my first ripe one, chewed a bit, got the taste and burn, and spit it out it was so nasty....
thank you all for the complements.

stillz - the el yucateco sauces have a decent heat to them but not much of a fan for tomato based hot sauces.
I'm just like talas as I also shyed away from green sauces because of the thought of the unripe flavor & most times green sauces are jalapenos which I do NOT like their flavor in sauces.
but I guess I'll have to change my thinking about green sauces that are not jalapeno sauces.

AJ - yea I know the purple tiger was designed for looks but I didnt think the flavor would of been "THAT" BAD! :shocked:
I also was ready to spit the pod out as soon as I bit into it. but toughed it out (ate the whole pod) & said to myself its gotta get better, well it didnt :lol: except the heat helped mask the taste some.
chilehunter said:
thank you all for the complements.

stillz - the el yucateco sauces have a decent heat to them but not much of a fan for tomato based hot sauces.
I'm just like talas as I also shyed away from green sauces because of the thought of the unripe flavor & most times green sauces are jalapenos which I do NOT like their flavor in sauces.
but I guess I'll have to change my thinking about green sauces that are not jalapeno sauces.

AJ - yea I know the purple tiger was designed for looks but I didnt think the flavor would of been "THAT" BAD! :shocked:
I also was ready to spit the pod out as soon as I bit into it. but toughed it out (ate the whole pod) & said to myself its gotta get better, well it didnt :lol: except the heat helped mask the taste some.

Such a beautiful plant should have such horrible pods is a real shame :shocked:
heres what I harvested today.
the pods in the middle are for saving seeds & didnt want to mix them up with the rest.
the (green) pods on the right are lemon drop, I had/have a problem with the plants & was losing pods & plants, so I decided to just harvest whats left & what worth saving. what is shown of lemon drops is about only 1/4 or 1/3 of what the plants had, they're now in a paper bag hoping to ripen more.

good mix CH...the lemon drops should still taste good even if they are green...just won't have the yellow color...
stillmanz said:
a very simple green habanero sauce is great, like the el yucateco green hab thats actually one of my favourite hot sauces.
looks great too.

Forgot that i bought one last week at my local store and admittedly was not a bad sauce..Just the color putting me and a few others of i think:rolleyes:
I like it when sauces have an unusual color and not because of some additives, but natural ingredients used. Of course, the color doesn't matter as much as the taste, but I definitely wouldn't be put off by a green sauce.
Well...I think you were just trying to modest :lol: That is a super harvest with a great many wonderful looking pods. Have fun making your sauce. :)