Here's what I got today:
Left to Right, Top to Bottom (from the Quarter) - Habanero Orange, Venezuelan Sweet Hab, Fresno, Assorted Reds, Aji Limon, Assorted Cayennes, Naga, Inca Drop, Mystery, Paper Lanterns? (had an earlier post trying to identify), Assorted Thais, Pusa Jwala Orange, Jalapenos, More Assorted Reds, Sibirischer Paprika, Criolla Sells, Charapita, Biquinho, and another long Red.
Will probably dehyrdate most of them. This is what I dehyrdated yesterday. Also made 3 pints of Habanero/Pineapple, 3 pints of Habanero/Peach/Mango hot sauce and 1 1/2 pints of Hot Pepper Jelly. Plus 4 pints of pickled Pepperoncini and assorted red/anaheim/sweet peppers. House smelled pretty spicy yesterday.
Lucky that I've been on vacation this week.