show-off Harvest

Where do I start for the currying recipes or base recipes your pulling bro?!
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Just keep tasting it and remove the bonnet IF it gets hot enough for you. Goat takes a long time to cook but chicken is really fast. I use vadouvan curry powder for Jamaican style curries. Its actually a French India blend but it includes spices normally used in Caribbean curries.
I love this stuff because it has no added salt and its mild. Very easy to use if you need more without making it into a salt lick.
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Muckyai said:
You guys are kicking butt!

Slow and steady here.

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Tepin in the top left? I have a fully mature single plant right now (in full on production mode) that made it; and there must be 200+ of em on there and it's a constant harvest and truly the epitome of big things in small packages!! So hot and flavorful and pungent/fruity/strong /all adjectives applied!
Constant harvest! Very ornamental as well! Hard to see the colors as it's nighttime but I just got done harvesting some of my ripe aji citos off my one pride and joy plant look at the size of this thing!! It's well over 6'tall! Hell of a producer!
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YAMracer754 said:
Where do I start for the currying recipes or base recipes your pulling bro?!
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Jamaican style recipes normally say to marinate the meat in curry powder, onion, scallions,salt and garlic first. Im not really sure how much this is needed because its gunna take upto 3 hours to get the goat tender. In reality its not much different than making a beef stew and adding curry powder/fresh thyme to the mix. One thing i really prefer to do is cook down a bunch of the onions early in the cooking. Add more larger pieces later in the cooking so you got some nice 1"x1" pieces left.
A good start is just Googling....Jamaican Goat Curry. Variations are pretty minor. Some add coconut milk which i kinda like in mine. The big difference in the spice mix is Jamaican style usually adds allspice, fresh thyme and sometimes rosemary... Plus that wonderful bonnet for heat and the unmistakable aroma.
Here is a basic Jamaican curry mix you can do from scratch.
This is my first year growing hot peppers and I am excited to share my first pickings!  I grew a habanero and a scotch bonnet plant.  i picked a couple of the scotch bonnets while they were still green because I felt like the plant wasn't putting much effort into produding more peppers while they were still attached.  But the others that turned red took FOREVER it seemed.  I know it takes like 100 days but I guess I was just being impatient  :P
1st peppers.jpg

These are the plants.  The scotch bonnet pepper plant will hopefully produce more peppers now that the more mature ones are removed.  The habaneros however... once one started ripening, its looks like a chain reaction.  YOu have no idea how happy I am!  I can't wait to start using them!
Scothc bonnet plant.jpg
habanero plant.jpg

Other plants in the container garden:
Blue Lake bush beans (2nd crop)
Marketmore 76 cukes (started these in early July after my straight 8 cukes were taken over by aphids  :tear: )
Bush champion cukes (see above)
Crimson sweet watermelon (hopefully by the end of the month... never been able to successfully grow those but this is the first time trying them in a container... have 3 grapefruit sized melons on there so far... hopefully they will ripen successfully)
Lemon Boy tomatoes (they have come out more orange than yellow  :think: )
Sunstar cherry tomatoes (this plant has exploded with them!)
YAMracer754 said:
Where's the good curry base recipes? I love me some Currys and all my curries I've made were from powders or pastes from the grocery stores which I know wouldn't even hold a candle to all of our fresh peppers we all got!
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Google is your friend. If you are looking for any specific Indian curry recipe, hit me up. I will get it from my wife or mother.
I'd contribute more, but every day is the same.... I'm getting about a dozen pods, mostly Serranos and Jalapeños, with a few Poblanos and/or Guajillos thrown in....

Actually, i'm lying. Been getting some Orange Thais, too. But apart from a couple of Fataliis and two of these mysterious yellow things (labelled Naga Morich, but nope), I'm not getting ANY chinense pods. None. Decent number of unripe Bonnets, various Habs, and JPGS popping up, but nothing ripe and delicious yet.
saiias said:
Love how your pepper plant looks. Did you prune all the leaves from the bottom of the plant?
Yes, the plants all look good now. All of my Kratky plants are currently going through a growth spurt. I did not prune the leaves, when you move them to different containers they get a little shocked and drop some leaves, usually from the bottom. I moved these two times.
RoyBoy said:
Oh My WORD!!!!!! to get a Fraction of that harvest from my Moruga Scorpions would be worthy of backward somersaults and major Beer drinking spree....... Very, VERY Nice!!!!!!!
I expect to get 1 or 2 more pulls like that before we get the hard freeze here. Maybe I will count and weigh them to see what I actually get off of that plant.
My first harvest of this season. The crop is the same as previous season, even though I have twice as much plants... in short, I did a screw up and unfortunately I made a death spray which killed half of my plants, only two of them are by now recovering and growing new healthy shoots.
On the pics are Habanero Red, BOC, Bahamian Goat, Bhut Jolokia Yellow, Dorset Naga X, TSM, Naganero, Nagabrain Chocolate