Hate to admit it but....

Several times a year I get a craving for corned beef hash. Usually I'm able to ride it out and just say no. Something about canned meat that just doesn't sound right. But two or three times a year the craving wins out and I'll skulk about the grocery store looking for it.

How about the rest of ya? Got a secret food you're too embarrassed to admit?
nope, no secret at all...if it is on a plate and looks and smells good, I will eat it...I am not picky...but I do carry DefCon Zero in my pocket at all times...

(by the way, I DO love a good corned beef hash on a couple of fried eggs for breakfast)
A place by me has jerk chicken hash with eggs.


(Thread moved)
Every so often I get a can of Spam and have it with my eggs -- I so do love Corned beef hash and will make my own if there are any brisket or corned beef leftovers
Sometimes i get a hankerin for some corned beef hash also......and yes, its usually the canned variety. I also occasionally don't feel like going through the motions of making beef stew so i'll pick up a big can of Dinty Moore's......even though there's enough salt in one can to drop a whole mule team.
Isn't that normal? Dinty Moore's beef stew has to be some of the best stuff to come out of a can, corn beef hash too. Health issues aside, I think some questionable food once in a while feeds the soul.
I forgot to say....

Yea, I love corned beef hash with eggs, potatos and some chiles. Makes a great brekky.

Grew up on fried spam, so I guess that too. ;)
Can't do Dinty Moore. We were on vacation in British Columbia Canada and mom pulled out a big can of Dinty Beef Stew. As we were all sitting around grubbing my uncle dipped his spoon in and came up with a rather large piece of something. After rinsing it off we realized what it was--a cow's eye. Haven't had Dinty Moore Beef Stew since. That was back in the summer of 1966.
patrick said:
Can't do Dinty Moore. We were on vacation in British Columbia Canada and mom pulled out a big can of Dinty Beef Stew. As we were all sitting around grubbing my uncle dipped his spoon in and came up with a rather large piece of something. After rinsing it off we realized what it was--a cow's eye. Haven't had Dinty Moore Beef Stew since. That was back in the summer of 1966.

That would of done it for me too........... NASTY
There isn't anything wrong about hash (corn beef hash) as long as it is cooked right. No need to feel ashamed. I also enjoy a good side dish of grits. I say if you can't enjoy the food you eat, then eating becomes boring.
QuadShotz said:
Grew up on fried spam, so I guess that too. ;)

I was force fed this shite as a kid too and as a result I have been scarred for life from eating processed meats. When I got the option of finishing my tea or going to bed I said "goodnight". Won't even eat bacon and the smell of most processed hams makes me feel physically ill.
Pepperfreak said:
There isn't anything wrong about hash (corn beef hash) as long as it is cooked right. No need to feel ashamed. I also enjoy a good side dish of grits. I say if you can't enjoy the food you eat, then eating becomes boring.
It's not the meal that is the guilty pleasure, it's the can.

SnakeDoc said:
Where is the jerk chicken hash located? It sounds good...
Hope and Anchor Diner, Brooklyn

LOTS of killer stuff!
AlabamaJack said:
I forgot to say....


i was waitin for this one haha! i get so much sh!t for eatin sardines and spinach from friends, so i guess i 'should' be embarassed by this one? but im not :cool:
MI goreng noodels - (Asian packet 2min noodles) with THSC jungle juice and a dash of GPS . Yummy

Im addicted to these little buggers ! Since Uni (8-9yrs ago now) ! And they are CHEAP ! about 20cents a pack. hense why i lived on them through college and Uni... hehehe ;)