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have you tried rocotos?

Armadillo said:
I only had one canario pod to taste and I absolutely liked it. And those black seeds are beautyful. I hope to grow some next year. I already started red and canario as a test. And maybe they will survive for the summer.

Gotta lOve that Canario and Willard Agree 100% :cheers:
I have several Pubescens, but still looking for that apple-shaped Rocoto. they're hard to find, as all the Rocotos I've seen are not exactly apple-shaped.
Chiliac said:
I'd have sent you some Rocoto pods, too, but they are ripening (I hope!) in a paper bag atm....

Thanx a lot! But I already have some. Can tell you about germination in a few weeks.

talas said:
Gotta lOve that Canario and Willard Agree 100% :cheers:

That one pod was promising!

Are they as low temperature resistant as I read?
Nope, one of mine died at low temps, but no frost! It left the pods unharmed, but all of the leaves turned yellow/brownish overnight!
Omri said:
I have several Pubescens, but still looking for that apple-shaped Rocoto. they're hard to find, as all the Rocotos I've seen are not exactly apple-shaped.

This is the biggest one I've had. I took this pic a few days ago. Almost a small apple and about twice the size of my normal ones. I was surprised by the heat from the Manazanos (more than I expected) but a little underwhelmed with the dull flavor. It's an OK pepper IMO, but nothing special. The plants are certainly good producers and the black seeds are cool.

millworkman said:
I would like to. Any idea a good place to pick up some seeds?

I got my Manzano Red seeds from Redwood City seeds in Cali - very good germination rate - both plants from that I had from 2007 survived and kicked ass again this year. They did require manual pollination though.
I got my seed from peppergal,I've a red and yellow sprouted,hoping my mild winter will be acceptible to them getting going ok.maybe get some peppers in spring.Bigt I'm from Fax,used to fish L Manassas when it was pasture land.Perhaps you could let those manzanose ripen a bit more for a better flavor,they are supposed to take a chill nicely,maybe a sheet over them on cold nites will help!HTTR!
scoville said:
I got my seed from peppergal,I've a red and yellow sprouted,hoping my mild winter will be acceptible to them getting going ok.maybe get some peppers in spring.Bigt I'm from Fax,used to fish L Manassas when it was pasture land.Perhaps you could let those manzanose ripen a bit more for a better flavor,they are supposed to take a chill nicely,maybe a sheet over them on cold nites will help!HTTR!

Yes those Cooler temps this season have not helped :clap: