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Healthy Peppers but...

I have a Jalapeno plant that has some really healthy peppers on it but a lot of the leaves are yellowing and the lower leaves are falling off. I make sure not to water too much and I backed off the fish emulsion/kelp fertilizer a couple of weeks ago but I do not know why this is happening. The plant gets sun for the first 6 hours of the day and is in shade for the rest. Could it be that they need more sun & heat? I am a bit concerned that if I move them to the other side of the yard that they will get too much sun especially when temps reach 100+ here over the next couple of months.

Any one have any ideas what may be causing this?

Thanks for the link, that was really helpful. From what I read and the pics looked like it was nitrogen that may have been the issue. I gave it a little boost and will just wait a couple of days and see how it does.
imaguitargod said:
Are you strangling that poor fish in your avatar?

Pretty much, just have my hands in it's gills. Have to bleed them asap to ensure sashimi quality. :P Thankfully it was one of the smaller ones.

Thanks for all the info everyone. I appreciate it. Hopefully I will know in a couple of days if it was the nitrogen.
Well I was a bit scared about giving my plants a nitrogen boost when they were producing fruit but it seems to have helped. To avoid too much nitrogen I mixed up a new batch of my potting mix which includes EB Stone potting soil, orchid bark, perlite, a couple of handfuls of horticultral sand plus a very tiny amount of dolomite lime and half the recommended amount of blood meal. Once I mixed my soil I topped the pot off with a couple of inches of the soil and watered until it flowed out the bottom of the pot. The plant is looking much happier today. I also did the same thing to a couple other plants that looked like they could use the boost and they have also perked up and look healthier.

Thanks for all the help.
teh purple penguins said:
chiles grow almost as much as they flower so nitrogen in their flowering cycle isn't bad it helps them be bigger and stronger to make better fruit
Is there a good supplement to add nitrogen?
I just did this with Blood Meal (12-0-0). I used the recommended dose, and everything is looking fantastic. It's been 4 days. Much greener, and I think every single plant has put on a new set of leaves!