• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HeatMiser's 2021 Glog

Happy New Year!
With the new year comes a new Glog, hoping that 2021 is much better than 2020 (low bar, I know). I'm already pumped to get things going.
Here's what I'll be growing this year
5 Gal Kratkys
Fatalii - Always wanted to grow these. I've had germination issues in the past. Hopefully I'll get to finally grow one this year.
Antep Aci Dolma - I've read amazing things about this pepper. Looking forward to using it in the kitchen.
Carolina Reaper - The one and only. The king of sting. I just had to grow one of these.
Paquime Hybrid - These Jalapenos are gigantic. I see some Poppers in the future.
Yum-Yum Hybrid - Growing these for my wife. She wanted to try a different sweet pepper.
Habanero - A classic. I'm growing this one to fully use the space I have available for my 5 gal buckets. This might get axed if a more interesting variety shows up.
1 Gal Kratkys
Chiltepin - I didn't get to see this one set pods last year due to a broad mite attack. I'm trying again this year.
Numex Twilight - Carrying this one over from my current 2020 grow.
Mystery Pepper - Carrying this one over from my current 2020 grow.
3 Gal Fabric Pots
Piri-Piri - I follow Chillichump on YouTube and he's all over this one. Figured I should try it and see what I think.
Bahamian Goat - I also follow Khang Starr and he mentions this one all the time. 
Sugar Rush Striped - These look soo cool, like bacon in pepper form. 
Death Spiral - Cool name, don't know what to expect.
Khang Starr Lemon Starrburst - This must be one of the most hyped-up peppers recently. Let's see what the fuzz is about.
BJh-1 Purple Thunder - Got my hands on some seeds from the A-Train. Thanks for adding these PaulG! The pods are really gorgeous. Hopefully I can get them to grow successfully.
This grow is going to be a challenge for me in a good way. This is the most plants I'll have ever taken care of, and also I'll be branching out a little and try to grow the 3 Gal Fabric Pots outdoors. I hope I can keep those plants to a manageable size until they move outside.
Seeds were already put in their rockwool cubes earlier today:

Just waiting for germination. Let's see how this year (and grow) turns out!
Hope you guys are having a good start to 2021...
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Yep, this is exactly what happened to my garbage can Haskorea (and others before it) and why I don't grow hydro outdoors anymore.  I've never had it happen indoors.  No idea what causes it - I didn't do anything different to affected plants than I did to others right next door to them that did fine all season.
FWIW, I just had a cannabis plant recently do something that reminded me very much of this. I'd accidentally let it go just a bit too long without a water change and it had actually drunk all the fluid; I found it just starting to wilt, with only the lower tier of leaves really droopy.  I immediately added a gallon of clean water, then replaced that with the appropriate nute solution.  It had not recovered by morning, which I thought was very strange.  I'd meant to let it go another week or so, but just harvested it early when I found it still wilty.
Oh, and I think some varieties (or maybe just some plants) just don't perform well under the HLG.  I've grown plants that produced loads of pods right away like that 7PY winter plant, and others I never got a single ripe pod from like Siv's plant, which was a total beast otherwise.
Thanks Unc!
Yes, the dreaded droopies did a number on the AAD. It must have been due to lack of oxygen. So from now on, I'm adding airstones to my buckets. So far so good with the other plants.
I wonder what the deal is with the flower drop. I have had very poor luck with Chinenses in general indoors, and it's not just the HLG - since it's been a while since I put my Fatalii under T5s, and still not a single pod has set. The reaper has produced 7 pods so far, which is a lot better, but it's awful for a plant that size. I really want to crack this puzzle. I thought you've had really good luck with that light, so it's good to know that your experience has been similar. 
Quick update with some good news after all the doom and gloom from the last post...
The Reaper set a few more pods (3!) with the right pheno. Here's a pic of one of them. I'm still puzzled as to why the flowers are dropping like that, but a pod here and there still feels good.

Then, guess who's back?

This is one of the cuttings I took from the AAD before it wilted completely, and it has rooted already. This one will get its own 5 gal bucket with an airstone now. The only problem will be finding a spot with good enough light, as the other plants are already huge. 
The Chiltepin seems to have stopped dropping leaves, so maybe it just needs time to bounce back from the stress. It lost all of its flowers, so it's going to take a while to recover, but at least it's not dead.
And finally, here's the Fatalii - it's quite possibly the best looking plant I've grown

But still, no pods. Since it's so huge and it doesn't fit under the light anymore, I'm thinking about pruning it back quite a bit , so that the new growth has a chance to set more flowers. I don't know if this will make a difference with flower drop. Thoughts?
I also noticed that plants grown only with blue light set a lot of pods in the 12/12 cycle. The disadvantage is that they had a very intense vegetative growth.
Maybe a mixture of blue light with 3500 k light could make a difference. I will try something like this next year.
HeatMiser said:
It must have been due to lack of oxygen. So from now on, I'm adding airstones to my buckets. So far so good with the other plants.
This is why I mentioned the cannabis plant, though reading it back I see I didn't actually say so.  Again, I accidentally ran this plant dry, so it's not a direct comparison, but it was DWC all the way and I push them hard.  There's more air in the reservoir than fluid, lol.  Maybe not the same Droopies, but this particular heifer did not want for oxygen.
HeatMiser said:
And finally, here's the Fatalii - it's quite possibly the best looking plant I've grown
But still, no pods. Since it's so huge and it doesn't fit under the light anymore, I'm thinking about pruning it back quite a bit , so that the new growth has a chance to set more flowers. I don't know if this will make a difference with flower drop. Thoughts?
My thought is that Fatalii plant definitely looks awesome :)   Hard to say if cutting it back would make a difference, but it might.  It seems like a reasonable plan to get effective light to more of the plant and often that type of pruning will typically stimulate good, if somewhat deferred, flowering.
CaneDog said:
My thought is that Fatalii plant definitely looks awesome :)   Hard to say if cutting it back would make a difference, but it might.  It seems like a reasonable plan to get effective light to more of the plant and often that type of pruning will typically stimulate good, if somewhat deferred, flowering.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
+1  That thing is gorgeous, all green and glossy.
Thanks guys, it's really been a love/hate thing with this plant. It looks great but it'd look even better if there were a few pods here and there, haha. Anyway, I guess I'll trim it next week if there's no activity by then. Then I think eventually (mid fall-ish) I'll move it to a smaller kratky container and finally move it outside if I can keep it alive until next year. It's really been a stubborn plant.
You’ve had some ups and downs, my friend,
but on-pheno Reapers can’t be bad!
It is reading stories like yours that make me
stay away from indoor hydro growing. When
it works, it’s money, for sure, but sometimes
it seems to cause hair-pulling  :banghead: or I guess,
Good luck with the AAD cuttings. Roots already
is awesome.
PaulG said:
You’ve had some ups and downs, my friend,
but on-pheno Reapers can’t be bad!
It is reading stories like yours that make me
stay away from indoor hydro growing. When
it works, it’s money, for sure, but sometimes
it seems to cause hair-pulling  :banghead: or I guess,
Good luck with the AAD cuttings. Roots already
is awesome.
Thanks Paul,
There's definitely been some ups and downs in this grow - that heat wave was certainly a curve ball, and I don't know what on earth happened to that AAD that just decided to quit at the worst possible time. However, indoor hydro has given me the ability to start a grow in late July and harvest in the middle of winter. I guess like everything, there's trade-offs, and I'm of the opinion that most issues can be dealt with and learned from, and over time the grows will be more successful. 
What I like, especially in my current grow, is that I've been able to compare how different varieties do indoors vs outdoors, for example - I haven't dialed in Chinenses indoors, but they have done great outdoors - the opposite is true with Baccatums. 
Anyway, I don't think you should be discouraged by some of my misshaps - you should certainly try it at least once, you already have most of the stuff you need ;) 
I'll keep it short this time...
I haven't posted about the Jalafuego Bonchi in a while - so here it is, still alive and well and full of pods. It needs a little bit of pruning, but it's good to know that one can grow peppers under a kitchen counter:

Here's today's harvest. Top to bottom - Not Bahamian Goat, Not KSLSB, and Zapotec Jalapeno. The Zapotec Jalapeno plant has certainly been busy putting out pods. There are still a few left on the plant that I'll let ripen in order to save some seeds. Another thing to note is that I now feel the Zaps are spicier than the Jalafuegos I've grown before. Overall, they're an awesome pepper to grow.
PaulG said:
You motivated me to go make some pickled jalapeño rings, HM!
You can never go wrong with pickled jalapeno rings, Paul!
Actually, I think you can - don't pickle store-bought jalapenos! :rofl: We learned our lesson and are never doing that again....
HeatMiser said:
That's where it's at Paul, they're simple to make.
Agree. I do it simple, too, and they're gooood that way. It's got to where I pretty much owe BIL a jar of yellow bonnets every summer. 