Just getting started growing peppers. Bought a Serrano and a Cayenne pepper plant and have made powder, pepper jelly and pickled peppers. Next year plan to grow many different peppers from seeds.
from the islands! You've come to the right place. Lots of cool people willing to help! Where in Alabama?
I lost ALL of my bhuts, all but one of my yellow trididad scorpions, all but three cayennes, all but two yellow devils tongues, and all but two caribbean reds... total I lost about 45 or 50 plants... no power for two weeks...Thanks for the welcome. Did you have any damage from the tornado back in April?
Greetings from Defcon HQ...
That's terrible. What do you do with all those peppers when we don't have tornado's? I am hoping to have a lot next year but not sure what I will do with them all. I am finding many new ways to enjoy them though.