Hello from Asheville

Looks like a great forum and thanks for having me!

Did some research about overwintering peppers and ended up here. Somehow my garden was spared the freeze earlier in the week and I am still have basil, tomatoes and various peppers etc etc. growing.

Looking forward to sharing recipes and growing tips with all of you. Cheers!

:welcome: from florida, :)

ahhh hornworms suck!!! I seek them out and kill them with extreme prejudice... they have laid several of my plants to waste, but I have slaughted them by the multitudes lol :evil:
Hey :welcome: from Central CA. There was a great post a few weeks ago on the beheading of horn worms and was pretty funny.
Howdy! If you're in Asheville, you might be familiar with Franklin, NC. "The Mountains." lol Not too far at all from ya!
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

My garden is on borrowed time. Going to take what remains and try to do some overwintering.

This Bird Pepper plant has been wintered for three years. This year was its best and I did not know the peppers turned orange until this year.



Still have a few hot cherry, hot banana, poblano and habbys to take down too.