Hello from Delaware! Tax free gardening!

Hello THP! I'm out on the east coast in Delaware, oh what a climate we had last year! Sike! Actually having only had generic habs and jalapeños for hot varieties each year in my garden( other than a Caribbean red habs) you guys have really sparked my interest in hot varieties. I am usually a big tomato guy but the past three years I have been growing more and more peppers. This year will be the year for me! I've got my skills down pretty good in the last five years ( haven't long to practice only 25 years old) but I'm learning as I experience each season. I would like to do a glog of my grow this year. Started peppers feb 15 and just put tomatoes in March 21. I have so many pictures I would love to share! Can I post directly off my apple touchscreen devices? Or do I need a computer. Also pm doesn't work idk if I had to subscribe for this or not. Let's get growing 2016!!!!
Thanks! I tried to read as much as possible before joining to avoid already answered questions! Hopes are I won't have to ask any "how to fix____" questions this year
thanks for showing some east coast love good luck to you as well!

I am trying to find area to subscribe because I need that process to be easy as I have a lot of photos I would like to share
Xx Ace xX said:
thanks for showing some east coast love good luck to you as well!
I am trying to find area to subscribe because I need that process to be easy as I have a lot of photos I would like to share
Scroll up...right under the Hot Pepper logo click on the store tab.
Ahhhh clicked it but didn't go to url I was like wait is it broken! Haha thanks! Also when multi quoting do I click each post? I see people responding to like 5 posts in one post. Just wondering how that is done quickly
Xx Ace xX said:
Thanks! I tried to read as much as possible before joining to avoid already answered questions! Hopes are I won't have to ask any "how to fix____" questions this year
Xx Ace xX said:
thanks for showing some east coast love good luck to you as well!

I am trying to find area to subscribe because I need that process to be easy as I have a lot of photos I would like to share
Xx Ace xX said:
Ahhhh clicked it but didn't go to url I was like wait is it broken! Haha thanks! Also when multi quoting do I click each post? I see people responding to like 5 posts in one post. Just wondering how that is done quickly
hahaha Yes, you click "multiquote" in each post you want to quote to. Don't worry about all your concerns, you'll get the hang of it, we all did eventually. Some took longer than others coughHoglegcough LOL. It's been said before and I'll say it again, THP has been called a drinking forum with a pepper problem. It's a great community and you'll find a lot of knowledgable people here and make some good friends. Just jump in and have fun! http://thehotpepper.com/topic/59734-reason-628-why-thp-is-better-than-facebook/ 
First thing you need is an avatar my friend! :lol:
Scoville DeVille said:
hahaha Yes, you click "multiquote" in each post you want to quote to. Don't worry about all your concerns, you'll get the hang of it, we all did eventually. Some took longer than others coughHoglegcough LOL. It's been said before and I'll say it again, THP has been called a drinking forum with a pepper problem. It's a great community and you'll find a lot of knowledgable people here and make some good friends. Just jump in and have fun! http://thehotpepper.com/topic/59734-reason-628-why-thp-is-better-than-facebook/ 
First thing you need is an avatar my friend! :lol:
Sweet thanks for all your help! I'm pretty excited to show you guys what I've got and to continue learning each day. Oh a drinking forum is right in the marks, don't mind seeing some peppers here and there as I go. I would love to grow some crazy plants that would produce hundreds of pods. I am used to my sweet peppers where the yield is much smaller in numbers. I love eating hot peppers and I have a friend that I goes crazy for them. The hotter the better and he just bites them and chews, I'd love to give him a pepper that would knock him out. It might not be too late for a store bought pepper, we have a few nurseries around here that grow healthy plants. I'll have to get some hot ones, I doubt they grow any of these hybrids I see on here! I am growing biker bills jalapeño and I got some seeds from a friend of a Hungarian black pepper that I am also growing. They are both mild although I've grown some of the biker Billy's and had some seriously hot peppers!
Xx Ace xX said:
I'm up north of Dover

Thanks mpicante, how's weather in Cali for you? My sister lives in San Diego
See? you got the Multiquote figured out!
Now about that avatar...
ace frehley.jpg