Greetings from Illinois. I am brand new to growing peppers, and plants of any kind for that matter. I am currently growing my plants all in containers of some sort. I am growing some other herbs along with my peppers, but for this forum that would be a bit off-topic. As far as peppers, I am growing Jalapenos, Chichen Itza, Caribbean Read, Cayenne, Pimento, Big Bertha, Hot Bannna, Anaheim, and Green Bell. I know they aren't all hot, but I like the gradations of heat, and my family won't touch the hot stuff.
I have so many questions, but I guess newbies typically do. I keep searching the forum for answers, but I am sure I will begin to ask some on my own shortly. I just found the forum last week as I was googling for some answers, so I haven't made my way through much of it yet.
I have so many questions, but I guess newbies typically do. I keep searching the forum for answers, but I am sure I will begin to ask some on my own shortly. I just found the forum last week as I was googling for some answers, so I haven't made my way through much of it yet.