Hello from MN

Hello. This is my first time posting here. I stumbled upon this site while looking up info on growing the Trinidad Scorpion and Bhut Jolokia. I have never grown anything before and am making my first attempt at growing these 2 peppers.

I currently have about 25 Bhuts and 15 Scorps started in my closet. It has only been 2 weeks and I have about 6 sprouted, 5 of them being the Scorps.

If anyone could answer a question for me, I know you don't want these too wet or to let them get too dry. It seems as though I mist them daily but when I leave for work and come home the soil is very dry. I don't want to over water these but I don't want to kill them off by having them get too dry. I took the top off the container because it was getting too hot in there once I added light to the sprouts and this seems to let all the moisture evaporate quick.

Below are a couple links to pics of my setup and the few sprouts I have already. It's pretty exciting to see them pop up. I hope I can get a few of them to turn out.

Also, how long can I leave them in this shallow container before I should repot them in something larger?


Hey :welcome: from Central CA
It is exciting to see the little ones pop up.

I'm not one of the Pros here but IMO at least get a couple of sets of true leaves and then pot them up to dixie cups with drainage holes in the bottom and then bottom water them. If you search you can find all kinds of info here on potting up and bottom watering, this is a great site especially for us FNGs with lots of great and helpful folks.
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Hello fellow Minnesotans! Im close to Fargo, ND.

It looks like I had the same link posted 2x. I edited it so there are pics of my little guys on there now.
Hello from Idaho! I'm also a noobie here but have a couple of ideas for you. (Hey, I actually get to contribute something!)

First off, use the 'search' feature to see if your question has been asked before. Its in the upper right corner beneath the sign out area. Its a little awkward at first, but once you figure it out, it will give you a library of info. Easy to spend days in there on any question. Play around with key words to search effectively.

Next, if you have a specific growing question, get out of this "Welcome" forum, go the menue showing all the other forums, then go the 'Pepper Growing' forum. There you can post specific questions like yours. Also read some of those 'grow logs' -- awesome. You'll likely see plants like yours and can pose your question in someone else's thread if you see something similar or they have a similar question.

Wish I could answer your original question. But I think you are right to pull off the dome, though some may think you need to leave it on while the others germinate?? Not sure, especially if the light if really heating it up.

Here is a link I found using the search feature. Sounds like occasional soaking via 'bottom watering' is a good way to go. If you are growing in a closet, I'd also get a little fan in there. Breeze makes the stems stronger and moves the heat around. Also, lower the light to an inch or 2 (or 3?)above those babies.

Watering seedlings

Like you, I use Picasa as a photo web host also. Its cool to be able to post the link like you did or you can also embed the photo data so the actual pic shows up in your post.

Anyway, good luck and best wishes. I gotta grow some of them super hots like you to stay in the game with these Hot Heads! See you over in the growing forums.
Hello from Idaho! I'm also a noobie here but have a couple of ideas for you. (Hey, I actually get to contribute something!)

First off, use the 'search' feature to see if your question has been asked before. Its in the upper right corner beneath the sign out area. Its a little awkward at first, but once you figure it out, it will give you a library of info. Easy to spend days in there on any question. Play around with key words to search effectively.

Next, if you have a specific growing question, get out of this "Welcome" forum, go the menue showing all the other forums, then go the 'Pepper Growing' forum. There you can post specific questions like yours. Also read some of those 'grow logs' -- awesome. You'll likely see plants like yours and can pose your question in someone else's thread if you see something similar or they have a similar question.

Wish I could answer your original question. But I think you are right to pull off the dome, though some may think you need to leave it on while the others germinate?? Not sure, especially if the light if really heating it up.

Here is a link I found using the search feature. Sounds like occasional soaking via 'bottom watering' is a good way to go. If you are growing in a closet, I'd also get a little fan in there. Breeze makes the stems stronger and moves the heat around. Also, lower the light to an inch or 2 (or 3?)above those babies.

Watering seedlings

Like you, I use Picasa as a photo web host also. Its cool to be able to post the link like you did or you can also embed the photo data so the actual pic shows up in your post.

Anyway, good luck and best wishes. I gotta grow some of them super hots like you to stay in the game with these Hot Heads! See you over in the growing forums.
Way to help out Super-Noob :lol: :welcome: from Missouri!