Hello from West Cornwall - UK.

Firstly, thanks everyone for sharing your chilli experiences, truly inspirational. I have been reading the forum for a few weeks and have learned much, and hope to learn much more over the coming months...

I have been growing chillies indoors since 2001, mostly just a couple of plants on the windowsill, this year I have gone way over the top and set up a 1m x 2m indoor growroom devoted to growing chillies. Yay.

All my seeds were planted in the last week of April, and now I have nearly 100 small plants! many of which will be given away to friends and neigbours as houseplants because I started way too late for an outdoor harvest, considering the lack of warmth and sunshine this close to the north pole. well at least I will (hopefully) have an indoor jungle full of hot peppers as xmas approaches. :lol:

I will post some pictures when my plants get a little bigger, they all look the same at the mo...

Welcome Antonio to the land of Tempest

Welcome from Southfield Michigan.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers (HOT)


Thanks for all the welcomes guys..

Look out for my grow log, I am so late in planting seeds this year that I am more in sync with all you chilliheads down under! It is going to kill me to see all your seedlings overtake mine...

And just to give you all a laugh, here is my attempt at growing seeds in teabags...

welcome from another uk member. This place is great and full of many helpful and kind people i wish i joined two years ago!
Antonio said:
Thanks for all the welcomes guys..

Look out for my grow log, I am so late in planting seeds this year that I am more in sync with all you chilliheads down under! It is going to kill me to see all your seedlings overtake mine...

And just to give you all a laugh, here is my attempt at growing seeds in teabags...

Nothing worng in them dude.
we, as boys, used to grow mango seedlings in cow droppings.