Hello there Chili Heads

Hi everyone,

As this is my fist post here, thought I'd tell you all a little about myself. I guess my interests in chillies started with a random purchase I made at Bunnings about 6 months ago of some strange looking Habaneros (I now suspect there mongrels). They are still one of my favorites. My interest progressed a little further after seeing some maniacs on youtube eating some of the famed Naga Jolokia's. I soon became on of those maniacs after eating soma Naga Jolokia mince from a jar (Devils Delirium) at an astronomy camp event called Queensland Astrofest
Since then I've hardened up a bit as I now eat Habs, enjoy sauces like Yikes, Colon Cleaner, Blairs Death and Mad Dogs 357. Have a bit of a colection of plants and seeds etc and still learning the ropes growing - some success and alot of failures.

Welcome mate,

about time you posted :D

That hab mongrel you gave me burned for ages, especially in my guts. I need to harden up more I think.
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Welcome to The Hot Pepper Dazastar,

You've certainly come to the right place to exchange ideas with a bunch of like-minded Chile Heads.;)
