What is this, i dont even...This Is something amazing and the grow log is pure gold to watch.
The very popular chili growing fertilizer here in my country have these values and it is not even intended for any special use, but it works good with different amount given in the various growing stages of the chili:
(N) 13,0 %
(P) 7,0 %
(K) 20,0 %
(Mg) 1,2 %
(S) 4,6 %
(B) 0,02 %
(Cu) 0,01 %
(Fe) 0,1 %
(Mn) 0,1 %
(Mo) 0,002%
(Zn) 0,01 %
Believe or not despite our cold climate, Finnish chili growers are among the most enthusiastic chili growers you could find in the whole world, so plenty of testing have been done with many different fertilizers to give the best harvest with the minimum cost.
I would improve the soil with washed salt free very coarse coco coir, plenty of that wheat etc. dry stems you till back in the soil after harvesting the wheat or something like that. Make the soil fluffy somehow to make the water drain away quickly in case of floods you get very often. I bet if you could make the soil better for the chilis, your harvest could even double from your current values, simple changes in the composition of the soil could be worth investing in the long run.
Edit: after reading the topic some more, you already had some very good advise about the fertilizer rations in each growing stages of the chili. Now improving the soil would be next good course of action to get better harvest.
If you want to get advise or check the page of our most successful commercial chili grower, go here:
I have many times checked the greenhouse pictures in pure amazement, he has almost perfected that chili growing with many years of testing various things with over 3500 different varieties grown.
I think i am pretty ok chili grower by now with about 5-6 years of chili growing, but if you go and check those pictures, you may realise that you really dont know much of anything compared to this man, so i am trying to gain some knowledge from people like him.
Together as a whole community, lets make your chili growing a success, as there is always room to improve.