OK, I've been into hot peppers for years, but only last year was I "settled" enough to attempt to grow them. I bought several seedlings from the nursery around Memorial Day 2010, let them stay indoors for a week or so, until any chance of a frost had passed, then planted them out with some decent compost/soil and a reasonable amount of care and attention.
Unfortunately I live in WI, so the outdoor season is only from late May through mid October. Also, my house is surrounded by trees so any planting area is limited to around 2-3 hours of sun each day, after which they're in broken shade. Temps are typically 70's to 80's and as low as 60 at nights.
So last year I couldn't get anything to bear fruit. I had a tabasco that grew a nice pod but it never really ripened, I just ran out of season and I rather foolishly left it in the ground.
So this year I started from seed, around May, kept them in pots then moved them outside in the same fairly large pots around the end of May. Leaving them in pots I can move them around a little bit to try and follow the sun....at least that was the theory.
They really don't look any more advanced than last seasons attempt, and I'm doubtful that they'll bear any fruit, again. (I have a variety, orange habs, thai, tabasco, etc - no super hots)
After looking through Justaguy's entire thread ad seeing how he nurtured his babies through gestation, seedlings, planting out etc, then dealt admirably with all the little ailments along the way, I've decided that I just don't have the "personality" to do that
I just have too many other things competing for time.
So my question - can I grow as I have done from seed, then bring them indoors mid October and somehow continue to nurture them to the point of growing fruit? - or will they only grow/ripen outside in the sun and at July/August temps?
Also, could I plant seed indoor now, and take it outdoors for just a few weeks in late August / September, then complete the growing cycle indoors in the fall/winter? - (reason - I don't have any superhots planted, and I'd like to get something going asap).
I'm guessing that the answer is not going to be what I want to hear, but if there's an outside chance, and one that involves minimal 'fuss' I'd love to give it a shot.
Cheers for any ideas/suggestions.
Unfortunately I live in WI, so the outdoor season is only from late May through mid October. Also, my house is surrounded by trees so any planting area is limited to around 2-3 hours of sun each day, after which they're in broken shade. Temps are typically 70's to 80's and as low as 60 at nights.
So last year I couldn't get anything to bear fruit. I had a tabasco that grew a nice pod but it never really ripened, I just ran out of season and I rather foolishly left it in the ground.
So this year I started from seed, around May, kept them in pots then moved them outside in the same fairly large pots around the end of May. Leaving them in pots I can move them around a little bit to try and follow the sun....at least that was the theory.
They really don't look any more advanced than last seasons attempt, and I'm doubtful that they'll bear any fruit, again. (I have a variety, orange habs, thai, tabasco, etc - no super hots)
After looking through Justaguy's entire thread ad seeing how he nurtured his babies through gestation, seedlings, planting out etc, then dealt admirably with all the little ailments along the way, I've decided that I just don't have the "personality" to do that

So my question - can I grow as I have done from seed, then bring them indoors mid October and somehow continue to nurture them to the point of growing fruit? - or will they only grow/ripen outside in the sun and at July/August temps?
Also, could I plant seed indoor now, and take it outdoors for just a few weeks in late August / September, then complete the growing cycle indoors in the fall/winter? - (reason - I don't have any superhots planted, and I'd like to get something going asap).
I'm guessing that the answer is not going to be what I want to hear, but if there's an outside chance, and one that involves minimal 'fuss' I'd love to give it a shot.
Cheers for any ideas/suggestions.