help please

Well left for two days and came home to this.  Don't know what happened everything was fine plants were doing good.  I have 35 plants all types and these are the only two doing this.  Any sugestions on what happened would be greatly appreciated.  They are all growing indoors under t5ho started from seed this is the first sign of trouble I have had and this is my first time growing thanks.

2 sepoerate plants both are supposed to be a firecracker chile
Its possible. But when my ph goes to high or I dont fert enough my leaves do that but I grow mostly in coco which don't hold on to nutes too well.

Possible rootbound also? A few things have made my leaves curl like that before.

What soil and how often do you fert and what fert are you using?
I use fox farm ocean forest and fox farm trio of nutes I fertilize once a week when I water they are in 3 gal pots too had to water twice last week starting to wilt faster. 

I do the same for all plants as far as feeding and watering everything else is fine. Thought I could get away with the 3 gal pots awhile longer should I go up to 5gal now
keyown1 said:
I use fox farm ocean forest and fox farm trio of nutes I fertilize once a week when I water they are in 3 gal pots too had to water twice last week starting to wilt faster. 

((((((Indoors they dry out fast under T5HOs, plus there roots are probably really starting to fill the pots.

I'd lean towards an over fert/ fert burn. The fox farms soil has a good amount in it as is plus it holds nutes very well and you are supplimental ferting every week as well. Do you ever flush your pots? Could be salt/fert build up.

Curled leaves can be hard to diagnose, but you also got some leaf burning goin on. Try flush the pots well and hold off on the ferts for a week or two.

If no improvement then do the opposite and try ferting a little stronger.

Can you pop the plant out of the pot to see if its rootbound?))))))))))

I do the same for all plants as far as feeding and watering everything else is fine. Thought I could get away with the 3 gal pots awhile longer should I go up to 5gal now
Man I always f--k up quoting!!! Lolol
Nope. You're good for probably another month in there. I just potted up my indoor plants from 3gal to 7gal wide and low pots because I was sick of watering every 2 days lol.

Flush em good and lay off the ferts for a little while and see if they improve.
As long as you give plants what they need (sun, water and a bit of food)  you can grow in any size. You might not get the biggest plants but they'll grow. Cappy, the creator of the Brain Strain, grows in 4 gallon black nursery pots every year and he has pepper trees. Plants almost 5 feet tall.
You might be experiencing fertilizer burn. You're using the Fox Farm soil that has nutes, if I'm not mistaken, as well as three other ferts every week. Necrotic spots as well as crisping along the edges are common signs. Trust me I've done it before lol. You say you're using nutes every time you water? What rate are you using it at? Full? Half? Quarter strength? Peppers don't need much for nutes unless they are in a heavy podding stage.
Over watering can also cause issues like leaf curl. I let a plant dry out until the soil is dry and the plant is drooping. I stick my finger down in the soil as far as it will go to see if I feel any moisture. Lift the pot and feel the weight and use that as my guide on when to water. Peppers hate wet feet
Other than that things are looking good for your first grow. Hope you have a great grow
You say they're both firecracker chile? Do you have more of same variety not showing same signs?
Possible it's just a sensitive variety and you may have to back off the ferts just for that variety. Some plants are hungrier than others if that makes any sense.
thanks for all the advice. I was fertilizing at half strength but will stop and see if that helps and Those are the only two of that variety I have so it may be that too.  I wait until the plants start to droop and use one of those water meters from home depot before watering.  I am going to try using just water for a while and see how that goes.  
No, not rootbound.  Nice healthy roots and decent soil.
The curled and crispy edges and bubbled leaves are likely a Ca or Mg deficiency. Certain varieties are more susceptible than others.  Only 2 of my 15 varieties showed the problem this year (Butch T and Big Sun Hab).  This can be possibly from lack of feeding in those nutes, but also lilely due to too-high soil pH. 
As the soil gets more alkaline or basic (high pH), Ca/Mg uptake is severely restricted.  Peat-based soil is naturally acidic (low pH) but much tap water is basic. The solution is
1) check your water pH
2) if it is too high (above 7.5), treat your water before watering
3) add a Ca/Mg supplement.
If it is a deficiency, you won't see the existing leaves improve.  But new leaves won't show the same symptoms.
Good luck.