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Please help me identify this issue and solutions





Now I am using a digital camera.......hopefully these pics are better and more clear

Sorry about the link........lets try it this way.........not sure if this is white fly eggs sack or some ant actiivity. I did spray with Bondie citrus and nut spray twice in the last week and no change.

Please help


3 more pics....I hope its clear.......phone camera
I think I have the same thing. When you rub/scratch them off are there little black dots underneath the white covering? No clue and it's bugging the begezus out of me. It's all over all my pepper plants.
could this be ants? .........I just went out to check the plants 11 pm and all I see are ants .......under the leaves.......all over the plants......so they are either eating it or depositing it........ for some reason , I don't think this is spyder eggs as there are so many leaves with these sacs or what ever they are.........I will take a sample to Home depot.........they guy may know what it is as it may a local issue.
I have not heard any comments from some of the big guns. Is this just a Florida thing?

could this be ants, spyders or white flies. Could you eliminate possibilities for me.

I think the bondie citrus and net spray may be working but still have to be vigillant.
the only activity I can see on the plants are ants...........so not sure if they making these little pod like sacs or they eating it......

Bondie spray is not keeping this problem from coming back.........it is non stop........please help
Wow! That looks really odd!
I have no idea whether it's ants or spiders or whatever....but if you can see ants around the plants, then it's a good guess it's them.

Recently i was advised to use ant sand around my pots, and i've not seen any near them since. Maybe worth a try?
Initail problem could have been caused by mealy bugs which secrete a sticky residue.........which is tracked around by ants and white flies. A worse scenero would be
a form of scale which is difficult to rid. Organic insecticides work on contact. They need to be reaplied often and aren't benificial when theres soil larve present. What will slow down the ants and mealy's if thats the case is a quart spray bottle filled with half reconstituted lemon juice half water and 1 tbl of cayenne powder. A non organic product
that will knock that issue out of the box is "Sevin".......Its safe on veg plants............just don't spray it indoors.
I took some leaves to my local extension office and one of them told me it was mealybugs. I haven't seen any adult ones but same with mine, you wipe off the white stuff and there is a black spot underneath. If you leave the black spot it recovers itself with the white stuff again. They told me to use insecticidal soap. Sprayed once so far and seems to be less. Still need to spray again tho.
Adult mealybugs can be dealt with a Q-Tip and rubbing alcohol. Unfortunately the eggs are
microscopic and can be blown by the wind or indoors by the grow room fan from plant to plant very easily. Outdoors either ants, whiteflies, even the common fly will nourish on
the tacky egg secretions between the nodes or under the leaves, tracking the substance to other parts of the plant(s). The only solution is a wet one.
Keep spraying...