media Hesi coco 1-component fertilizer for coco growing

karoo said:
.........but the taste!!
Cant wait for the taste that long with those early pods, i need to pick them up soon as they turn to yellow to signal the plant to make some more pods as i do not have the luxury of long season like some of you do. After they have turned to yellow, they can ripen indoors for a few more days before i take a bite.
We might have somekind of problem with Hesi coco+rainwater in our hands:

Yesterday i noticed few of the pods have developed this kind of thing in the Aji cristal plant, looks kind of like BER/brownish stain, but the spot doesn't feel soft to me.
All the other test subjects doesn't seems to have this problem in the pods as of yet, so who knows what caused these stains on the few pods, but i hope it is not actually BER as that would be kind of rare thing for me in coco coir growing. However if this Hesi coco doesn't work all that well with rainwater after all, i got one or two interesting a+b products to test next year to find me a replacement for the costly floramicro/floramato combo.
Picked out the first harvest out of the Hot paper lantern:

They might not be fully ripe as of yet, but nothing a few days indoor ripening wont fix. Did taste the smallest one and the taste was fine, kind of slighly fruity bell pepper sort of taste with some heat.
And what is with the Hesi coco having next to nothing algae in the container, but the Ghe one have line of algae growing in the container that i have used all summer to mix the nutrients:

Hesi must be using some kind of anti-algae stuff in the coco fertilizer and i have also ran out of usable rainwater, so it is time to use the tapwater for a while that i correct around 6 ph range using the Canna organic ph down fluid.
Hesi coco Naga morich is making plenty of pods:

But judging how my Aji cristal behaves right now, i suspect the Hesi coco doenst quite have the calcium/magnesium content to support healthy pod production with some chili varieties when it is combined with rainwater. This stuff is pretty much designed to be used with tapwater, that already have some of that calmag included. I think mixing 50% tapwater/50% rainwater could perhaps take care of the calmag thing and i also would not need to adjust the ph either.
I just found out how much this Hesi coco stuff has calcium in it and it has only 0,1% of it, not nearly enough for pepper growing needs..So sorry but i am not going to buy any extra calmag products just to use this product for growing chili plants, the testing will be terminated this instant and the test plants will get dosage of B'cuzz coco a+b from now on...So that you know by now i am pretty disappointed, that i did not ask the calcium content of the product in the beginning... :mope:
I am not saying Hesi coco is a bad chili growing fertilizer, it just lacks the much needed levels of cal/mag for pod development...But this product is no longer for me to use in a long term, as i now lack the confidence to use it for chili growing and i really dislike using multible products just to grow bunch of chili plants, but in the same time i love growing chili plants and i dont want to use products that may or may not work in long term use.
So far I'm having kick a$$ results with this megacrop only nute regime after trying all the previous witches brews and 3 part potions etc.. I don't know if you can score it where you live on the cheap but if you can I guarantee you will not be disappointed! So nice to have a 1-part that does everything all the additives and extras could do!
I wish I had the time to do an in depth thread like you did with the hesi but I will see if I can't get some pics and an update to my GLOG posted tonight just to illustrate.
In the midst of processing and harvesting right now on top of thee duties so quite overwhelmed!
Chilidude said:
I just found out how much this Hesi coco stuff has calcium in it and it has only 0,1% of it, not nearly enough for pepper growing needs..So sorry but i am not going to buy any extra calmag products just to use this product for growing chili plants, the testing will be terminated this instant and the test plants will get dosage of B'cuzz coco a+b from now on...So that you know by now i am pretty disappointed, that i did not ask the calcium content of the product in the beginning... :mope:
I am not saying Hesi coco is a bad chili growing fertilizer, it just lacks the much needed levels of cal/mag for pod development...But this product is no longer for me to use in a long term, as i now lack the confidence to use it for chili growing and i really dislike using multible products just to grow bunch of chili plants, but in the same time i love growing chili plants and i dont want to use products that may or may not work in long term use.
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YAMracer754 said:
So far I'm having kick a$$ results with this megacrop only nute regime after trying all the previous witches brews and 3 part potions etc.. I don't know if you can score it where you live on the cheap but if you can I guarantee you will not be disappointed! So nice to have a 1-part that does everything all the additives and extras could do!
I wish I had the time to do an in depth thread like you did with the hesi but I will see if I can't get some pics and an update to my GLOG posted tonight just to illustrate.
In the midst of processing and harvesting right now on top of thee duties so quite overwhelmed! Sent from my XT1565 using Tapatalk
Hesi even stated in the mail, that they are aware of this problem with peppers and tomatoes and they are working to get some kind of calcium+ product out to the market, but it could take several months to do so. Oh well whatever, i am good to go with this B'cuzz coco a+b, it got everything i need except that one part thing and was thinking of using this to replace my ghe combo once my supply runs out.. I guess it is quite hard to find working one part nutrients for coco coir chili growing in Europe without giving something up in the process.
Chilidude said:
We might have somekind of problem with Hesi coco+rainwater in our hands:

Yesterday i noticed few of the pods have developed this kind of thing in the Aji cristal plant, looks kind of like BER/brownish stain, but the spot doesn't feel soft to me.
All the other test subjects doesn't seems to have this problem in the pods as of yet, so who knows what caused these stains on the few pods, but i hope it is not actually BER as that would be kind of rare thing for me in coco coir growing. However if this Hesi coco doesn't work all that well with rainwater after all, i got one or two interesting a+b products to test next year to find me a replacement for the costly floramicro/floramato combo.
Picked out the first harvest out of the Hot paper lantern:

They might not be fully ripe as of yet, but nothing a few days indoor ripening wont fix. Did taste the smallest one and the taste was fine, kind of slighly fruity bell pepper sort of taste with some heat.
And what is with the Hesi coco having next to nothing algae in the container, but the Ghe one have line of algae growing in the container that i have used all summer to mix the nutrients:

Hesi must be using some kind of anti-algae stuff in the coco fertilizer and i have also ran out of usable rainwater, so it is time to use the tapwater for a while that i correct around 6 ph range using the Canna organic ph down fluid.
sodium benzoate is typically added to fertilizers to keep them free of bacterial growth. 
lek said:
you can make your own water soluble calcium phosphate from eggshell.   
Ok, but i am not into testing products that state they have calcium in it, but is so low that it is not even worth mentioning in the label. From now on i will stick to products that are known to work with pepper growing, more growing less hassle that way.
But it was still worth testing out the Hesi coco product, you just need to be aware of the product limitation for pepper growing.
A quick Google finding lead me to this page, how to make water soluble calcium out of eggshells:
Seems easy enough, Add some epsom salt in the mix and you pretty much have home made calmag stuff.