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Hey Cappy

Heard the same thing. I will say this. While I do not know the captain personally, I do know many people that know him and some even see him on a daily to semi daily basis. I don't THINK, from what I am told from one of the more reliable resources that knows him, that captain would fudge it. Only the people on the boat know the truth though. I want to believe it to be clean, especially since he's a "home port" guy, but when $900,000 is on the end of the line, you just don't know what you will do in that situation.

15 min to go til lines out, wonder how the day will end?
Hot bite yesterday. Lots of hook-ups. Wonder how today will pan out. Although something bigger than 883 is certainly not out of the realm of possibility, and second place deffinately not, those are two good fish to beat. Lot's of boats in contention to win the release division. One boat has 2 blues, several have 1, and a lot are racking up points with whites, sails, hatchets and spearfish. The hot bite from the whites with a blue thrown in could change the hole game in the release division.
My home boys finally got on the board today with two Blue Marlin releases, boat name Sweet Deal. Jungle rules apply at Big Rock, that means you can land a fish by any means other than harpoon or bullet holes. Even though the fish on Monday was tail wrapped and died then hand lined up from the deep it still pays a million. :shocked: Will be watching the live feed again this afternoon.
word has it, it has a 60" girth and 15" at the tail.....fish Monday was 59" girth....not an expert, but Mondays fish looked skinny and it could just be that this fish is a fat healthy fish full of mahi and tuna
good to hear about your ppls.....my home team had a white release yesterday and a white release today...think he's done his 4 days now, so it was a good run, won last year and probably will have dolphin take all this year....OK pay day I suppose.
Wet-N-Wild 62.8 lb. Yellowfin Tuna new 1st place tuna. Getting ready to hang the man in the blue suit. 460 lbs. even third place fish! :woohoo: Captain Tony Ross said they went a long way 100 miles off the coast to catch this fish. Got piled on with tuna then the blue on a long rigger fight about an hour long.
Hey JustinNC!

I just got a text...............apparently Citation is being DQ'd because the mate didnt have a NC Fishing License!!! About a $900,000 oversight. Official Press Release tommorow.


Hey JustinNC!

I just got a text...............apparently Citation is being DQ'd because the mate didnt have a NC Fishing License!!! About a $900,000 oversight. Official Press Release tommorow.



I see that...apparently the boat has been sold as well and is only available for private use. Not sure if the blanket license covers everybody on board if theyre a for hire charter, but apparently this is a private boat now......wow what a bummer.

Hate to hear all that!

Shit happens, would hate to be captain and mate. Rumors also say he was out of bounds? Nothing about the handlining but fishing license got them! Guess we'll know for sure by 5:00
June 22, 2010


After interviewing members of the crew of the fishing vessel “Citation”, review of the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament rules, consulting the division of Marine Fisheries as well as the North Carolina Attorney General’s office, it is apparent that there has been a substantial violation of Tournament rules. The Board of Directors has unanimously determined that they have no choice but to disqualify the 883 pound blue marlin caught on June 14, 2010. The rule violation did not involve “dishonesty” or “cheating” on the part of the owners or angler of the “Citation”.

The rule violation involves the “mate” not having a Coastal Recreational Fishing License. This license is required by North Carolina law. It is required by the Tournament as written in our rules. Participants and crew were reminded of the license requirement at the Captains meeting prior to the Tournament. The mate engaged in fishing activities without a valid license and later obtained a license at 5:51 pm while heading to the weigh station. The fish was boated at 3:16 pm.

This is an unfortunate situation for the crew of “Citation” as well as the Tournament itself. For the integrity of the Tournament, Big Rock has no choice but to enforce the rules and disqualify the fish.

Because of this disqualification, The Big Rock Board of Directors declare Carnivore in 1st Place with their 528.3 pound blue marlin and in 2nd Place Wet-N-Wild with their 460 pound blue marlin.

Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament Board of Directors-
He got a license on the way to the weigh station? Sounds like he knew he f'd up. Wow.

Man, fishing tournaments remind me of my in laws. They just suck the fun outta life.
Stupid decesion. Big Rock lost my respect. I hope next time they get a speeding ticket, they have to spend 20 years in jail for it. This is what that equates to. Crime does not fit the punishment. In no way, shape, or form did the lack of license give the Citation an edge of the competition. Fine them a hundred or few hundred grand and go on about buisness. I could see a DQ if they were out of bounds, fishing J's with natural bait, lines in before or out after time, SOMETHING to give them an edge, but not this. Captain should have verified all crew was legal, but that doesn't take away from them landing an 883lb fish. It took 8 days for this to be verified? No more Big Rock watching for me. It made Yahoo headlines and it's getting bad press there as well. I hope it snowballs. Would be funny to see it backfire on them, costing them sponsors and $$$.
It is a no win situation, either way half will get mad. It is a big ol' black eye for Big Rock. They really are making an example out of this mate, I really feel for this kid. Almost as bad as the Chicago cubs fan who interfered with the baseball in game 6 of the 2003 NLCS. He'll never get over it and will be remember for this the rest of his life. :(