Hey from San Diego

Hey all… Wanted to say hello and thank everyone for all the great info and pictures.

I have grown peppers in the past but have just gotten back into it this season. I only planted a handful of plants this year to get back into it and learn about growing in my location (San Diego).
I am attempting to grow, Jalapeno, Golden nugget, Bhut Jolokia, and a Serrano. I also have a few tomatoes thrown in to make some salsa come harvest time. If things go well I will post some pics later in the season.

Happy growing to all,
dang californians are starting to come out of the woodwork...

welcome from Fort Worth...
rainbowberry said:
Welcome to THP from the UK Satch, I'm very sorry for reading your username as Snatch at first and having a little giggle.

I, too, had a double take at this name. :shocked: Welcome to THP from South FLA.
Thanks for the welcome everybody. Glad my user name provided some amusement :-)
Born and raised in New York but I can’t complain about San Diego…. Great gardening weather and some pretty decent surf.

Our fearless leader, thehotpepper, is fron NY. But we won't hold that against ya. ;)
