Hey there

Hey everyone,

I'm new around these parts so I thought I'd drop in and say howdy. I'm familiar with horticulture (I'm coming from a cactus background) but am new to chiles, which I am fond of. To make a boring story short, a bell pepper plant recently gifted to me prompted me to scour the web for cultivation info, and half an hour later, here I am. I've been lurking the past few days and have learned more about chiles during this time than I have my whole life up to this point! My yard is already cramped as is due to my spiny little friends, but I get the feeling that I'll soon be having even less space now that I've found this forum. :think:

Anyway, I hope to get some seeds sown next season, but will be absorbing as much knowledge as I can here in the meantime. ;)
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Welcome from Fort Worth
Howdy from Texas, by way of Ohio! :welcome:

Check out the Throwdown thread - we'd love to see an entry from you this weekend or next month!

Hi & Welcome from Western Australia

That is how I started out. I went from Cacti to Chillies. Lucky Cacti don't need too much looking after because they have been pretty neglected since my chilli passion developed!
I guess they have something in common, they can both be a little bit evil :evil:
Enjoy your stay