Hi from Glastonbury, SW England.

Thanks again for the further welcomes! I'm loving this forum, if I'm not eating chilli it's great to be reading about them!

Moyboy: Your signature puts me in mind of the great John Eales!
huntsman said:
Anyone who appreciates John Eales and likes tarantulas is set for greatness, chum! :D

Must be a Brachy, right?

Cheers mate :)

That could be a brachy, I pinched it off the internet! I do have a b.boehmei sling of my own - she's still tiny though. I also have a G.rosea and my new favourite a P.irminia - she's a feisty one and quick too!
Welcome from Miami, Florida,

Take a close up of your b.boehmei and put that up, I don't know what the hell it is, but it sounds like a good avatar.