Hi from Michigan

Hey! My name is Ryan. I'm 25 years old and thinking about starting a garden for the first time this year. Since I have been eating a lot of hot food lately, I thought about growing some hot peppers as well. I really like Habaneros and was thinking that I should try to grow those, but a person at another forum I go to answered a question about the Ghost Pepper and said this site had A LOT of pepper info. I clicked the linked, liked what I saw, and after a few days I figured I should sign up. Needless to say, now I don't know what type of peppers to grow. Go figure!!

As for some other things about me, I have been brewing beer and making mead for two years (I have a Vanilla Blueberry Mead in tetriary that I have VERY high hopes for). I built a UDS a year ago and have really been enjoying the foods that have been produced on it. I just started a new job and I have been with my girlfriend for a little of 4 years.

So that is me in a nutshell. I don't know if I will do to much posting right off the bat, since I am new to hot peppers and gardening in general. I will probably be using the search feature and trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can, but once I get my bearings I will let my wings spread a bit and ask some questions.

All I really know is that I like it HOT!


Welcome from Southfield Michigan.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I poked around the site a bit yesterday and feel like I have learned quite a bit already. Who knew there were so many different types of hot peppers. I think I am almost ready to take the plunge. I just have to decide if I am going to plant in the ground or pots first (or maybe a combination of the two (which I think I might do)).