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Got a question about Hiccups.. I had a Fatalii a few weeks ago. About 5 seconds into it I got a crazy session of hiccups.. I was totally enjoying the flavor and the heat but thisd kind of spoiled the experience for me. Is this just the way I am or is there something I can do to avoid this? I mean, I've got a forrest of superhots growing this year and I would like to enjoy the fruit os my labor. But I really don't want this to happen ALL the time. Anyone??
Sometimes I will get them, sometimes I won't...I wish I knew how to get rid of them though when I do have them!
I hate to tell you this, but I don't think there is a cure for hiccups. There are plenty of people that have tons of supposed cures. But, there is no way to avoid them, that I know of. I get them every single time for anything hotter than a habanero. And heck, even sometimes with a habanero, I STILL get them.
Well, what seems to work for me is to take a big breath (and then additional little breaths if you still have any room - the goal is to completely fill your lungs), hold it for a bit, then swallow. Sometimes I have to do this twice, but that's usually it.
maybe if you cut the pepper up and test it a little at a time like mike(beaglestorm) does on his test videos. nonetheless i think that a lot of people will hiccup when dealing with that kind of heat.
I was hoping there would be some Secret that you guys would now of.. It's cool, I'll just deal. hahah Maybe I'll build up a tolerance and they'll subside.. Thanks guys!
I have always eaten very hot food and never had a problem with hiccups until about a year ago. Now anything remotely spicy gives me the hiccups. I usually just chug some water or hold my breath and they go away.
I know there are a lot of "home remedies" for hiccups, but I swear by eating a spoonful of peanut butter in desperate situations. It works every time.
For the record, I dont care about them once I have them. I just dont want to get them all together when eating peppers.. Hahaha
A mouthful of malt vinegar crushes hiccups, don't know how to avoid them though. Peppers don't give me hiccups but booze does on occasion. :P
I get em too from time to time. For me, I've learned that if I don't swallow the pepper I'm eating when hicups feel like there about the start, they usually go away and I can finish consuming the pepper. I think it's a shock thing when it comes to hicups.
i have hiccups for no apparent reason very frequently.

my remedy is to take 20 small sips of water with your head tilted upwards. This simulates "drowning" and will loosen the esophagus and stopping hiccups.
remember not to breath when you take those sips though.
I used to go to an Indian restaurant in the village back home and they'd make me up a special hot chicken tandoori....the thing was cooked and served on a cast iron skillet so would be smoking and sizzling as they brought it to my table. I'd start hiccuping before they even put the plate down, just from the fumes coming off that thing....then I'd hiccup all the way through the damn meal. A week later I'd be back for more. :woohoo:

Other than that cute little story I have nothing to offer :crazy:
I used to go to an Indian restaurant in the village back home and they'd make me up a special hot chicken tandoori....the thing was cooked and served on a cast iron skillet so would be smoking and sizzling as they brought it to my table. I'd start hiccuping before they even put the plate down, just from the fumes coming off that thing....then I'd hiccup all the way through the damn meal. A week later I'd be back for more. :woohoo:

Other than that cute little story I have nothing to offer :crazy:

Rooze gotta love the curry, my Indian does an extra hot Phaal for me which always makes me hiccup like buggery, totally worth it though, I've found a few pints usually does the trick (usually by making me too p****d to remember I've got the hiccups :beer: )
i use the drink from the wrong side of the glass technique. Instead of drinking form the side of the glass closest to you, drink from the opposite side, holding your head upside down. Hold the position for a minute and swallow. works ever time