yield High yielding hot chilli plant variety?

Hey Guys,

I would like to know what is a high yielding hot chilli plant variety? I want a plant which will have tons of chillies and fruit all year long.

Would it be the Tabasco?

wobble said:
Hey Guys,

I would like to know what is a high yielding hot chilli plant variety? I want a plant which will have tons of chillies and fruit all year long.

Would it be the Tabasco?


Tabasco fits that description perfectly. Also Birdseye types like pequins and tepins yield TONS of peppers all year, but each one is tiny so there's not much weight. AJ's orange habanero put out well over a 1000 peppers this year, but the plant is 2 years old. Lots of varieties have good yields though, so you have lots of choices.

When you say high yield do you mean overall weight or just a bunch of pods?

Definitely plant tabasco though, you can't go wrong with those, they make excellent powder, sauce, & are tasty fresh as well as pickled. Good fast heat that dissipates a bit slower than a pequin but quicker than a habanero.
Tobasco is a good choice or try super chili hybrid. You won't be able to pick all the peppers they are so productive.
I'll say it again. search this website, granted they dont have every chile but enough to get started in your quest.
punch in prolific (in search engine, all uses) then the rest of the choices is up to you.


also what grows great for one person might not grow great for another person in another location, or vs their knowledge in growing chiles.
Thanks guys. The Tabasco and Super Chili might be the good options.

(now I got to find some good steroids for the plants)
Thanks stillmanz

I can't wait to come over and check out your set of dynamites.
I'm based near Jindalee. Where are you located?
The best producing plant I can think of is the Peach Habanero. It produces better than the Eveready Bunny. It just keeps growin, and growin, and growin.... Well, you get the idea.

Cayennes do very well in Missouri. Even in the temperature and precipatation flucuations in the spring/summer/fall, they thrive fantastically and produce a lot of fruit.
I, also would vote for a cayenne or two along with the super chilis and tabasco....specifically the Super Cayenne II Hybrid...nice meaty pods about 5 inches long (12.5 cm). If you want a chinense, besides my Orange hab, my red savinas produced like mad this year...
Most of the thai peppers are quite productive too, although I've personally given up on most small sized peppers. I also agree with AJ, the orange habs and red savinas are always amazing producers
In my garden the last few years I will say the Cumari de Passsarhino did the best for me. Every time I went to the garden they just popped out another then another.
Here's a Japones plant that I grew in a 3 Gallon container. It has been well picked since September and still has a bunch left. It got attacked by a Hornworm caterpillar early so was late to take off. This pic was taken yesterday. Maybe 200 pods total? I'm trying to overwinter it so we'll see how it does next year. Similar taste to a Cayenne IMO, just a smaller size. I agree on the Cayennes comments though. I grew them in the late 90's in my garden and they spit out crazy #'s.

Scott Roberts said:
Cayennes do very well in Missouri. Even in the temperature and precipatation flucuations in the spring/summer/fall, they thrive fantastically and produce a lot of fruit.
I can agree with that 100%! My cayennes made loads and loads of pods this year. They arent my favorite pepper but they do produce!
AJ, the Super Cayenne II is very impressive with regards to yield!! Unfortunately, the pepper maggots really enjoyed that treat..DAMN. :(

wobble said:
nice bigt... I might have to add them to my arsenal.

I have plenty of Japones seeds to anyone that wants them. Just send a SASE. PM me for my addy. Also have some extra Hawaii Sweet Hot, White Bullet Hab, Gold Bullet Hab, Chocolate Hab and a few Manzano Red.