• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't made it to the super hot level yet, so not sure how interesting you guys will find this, but I like having one place to post all of my pictures throughout the season, so here goes.

2012 Preliminary Grow List:

Aji Yellow
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia
Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Big Jim (NuMex)
Black Hungarian
Chile de Arbol
Chile Hidalgo (don't actually have seeds for this one yet)
Chilhaucle Rojo
Cosa Arrugada
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Giant Szegedi
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Peach
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno 'Biker Billy' (The only hybrid on the list)
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
NuMex Espanola Improved
NuMex Pinata (don't have seeds for this one yet either)
Patio Red Marconi
Piment 'd Espelette
Rain Forest
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano Tampiqueno
Tollie's Sweet Italian

*Disclaimer - this list is subject to change ... hourly

I host an annual group pepper seed swap on another site, so I'm sure I'll probably add to this list once that gets going, but this is the bulk of what I plan to grow anyway. The problem with adding to this list isn't where to plant them, it's finding enough cat-free space indoors to start them all!

If you check out my post on early season Serrano substitutes you'll see I'm still looking for information on a few of the peppers I"m thinking of growing. It's so much better hearing from someone that has actually grown a variety, rather than going by a description on a seed vendor's website!

The habaneros may get started in the next couple of weeks, but I'll probably wait until February to start the rest. I'll be back with pictures once the seeds are in the dirt.
Hi Bonnie, I've been needing rain here too. I really like those Red Currants! I bet those are quite usefull. Looks like pods are starting to show for you.

Great shots ...that peach will be fine, just tougher!Those blacks look good....luckily I just had lunch(yes at breakfast time!) so at least I remain immune :liar: to today's meal referencing by yourself AND Stickman!
So I went to the comm. garden to check on things, and brought some diatomaceous earth with me to sprinkle on the beans, since something has been eating on them...

Same thing here. Normally beans are plug and play without problems. But this year, some kind of tiny bugs attacking-- overnight they become bean stumps. Then they go over to the squash and chew there. The DE has been delaying their action, but they find anything that might have been rinsed off. Oh, well, third planting may be a charm.

Sure enjoying your close-ups and varieties. Looks like everything is kicking into high gear now.... :cool:
Hi Bonnie
If I could, I'd send you some of our rain. I'm not complaining... just we seem to have gotten it in abundance while others didn't. I'm sure Paul would say the same. Boy, I'm amazed at how well the plants are doing that I got from your seed swap this spring. I didn't start them 'til the middle of March and they're doing as well as the ones I started the beginning of February. Your own are looking happy too now that they're in the ground. Cheers

Yeah, most are pretty happy. There's a few showing signs of bug damage, but nothing too serious yet.

The peppers are starting to pod up...greening up nicely and smoothing out all their cold weather wrinkles, plus your nons are starting to show you some color! Great time of year isn't it?

It always seems like a long wait from the time they go in the ground, to when the harvesting starts, but there's plenty of weeds to pull in the meantime, and my flowers are blooming like crazy now!

Very nice pics Bonnie. Beautiful flower shots :dance: to boot:)

Thank you, Jamie!!!

Hi Bonnie, I've been needing rain here too. I really like those Red Currants! I bet those are quite usefull. Looks like pods are starting to show for you.


My plan is to use the currants to make jam. They are pretty tart, kind of like a very sour cherry, so maybe the kids won't sneak them like they do the strawberries.

Great shots ...that peach will be fine, just tougher!Those blacks look good....luckily I just had lunch(yes at breakfast time!) so at least I remain immune :liar: to today's meal referencing by yourself AND Stickman!

It felt good to eat something out of the garden! Tonight's menu - Baby back ribs and corn on the cob. :dance: Hubby's manning the smoker today.
Same thing here. Normally beans are plug and play without problems. But this year, some kind of tiny bugs attacking-- overnight they become bean stumps. Then they go over to the squash and chew there. The DE has been delaying their action, but they find anything that might have been rinsed off. Oh, well, third planting may be a charm.

Sure enjoying your close-ups and varieties. Looks like everything is kicking into high gear now.... :cool:

Thanks, Siliman! I think I like taking close ups because you can show the good without the bad and the ugly!

Yeah, the bugs that got my beans hit my zucchini sprouts too. I'm pretty sure it's earwigs, had trouble with them last year too. Beans are never plug and play for me. I've almost quit trying to grow them because the grasshoppers usually mow them down. I'm trying pole beans instead of bush this time to see if it makes any difference. If I don't get a harvest this year, I'll use that space for something else next time.
Yeah, I'm such a gardening nerd!

Got the hubby a new grill cover and some other grill accessories for Father's Day, so we started talking (well, okay, I started talking) about smoking peppers. He said he doesn't think the wood would smoke at the temperatures that I need for the peppers, that it would need two chambers? Anyway, here's a shot of it with his Father's Day dinner in it.


He said he has a smoke box for the regular gas grill though, so I'm thinking maybe we do the peppers in there instead?

Not much to update as far as the garden goes. We were gone all day yesterday, celebrating my daughter's birthday at the Hot Springs in Glenwood Springs, and the grass and weeds look at least a couple inches taller today. What is up with that?

More red flag warnings, temps in the 90's, single digit humidity levels, and wind gusts in the 30 mph range. No chance of rain in the foreseeable future. I found out that the town is shutting down the irrigation ditch next week for demossing. I think it only affects the community garden, but they'll do the same for the one at my house too in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Usually it's during the hottest week of the summer. I'm saving gallon milk and water jugs, so that I can haul water down to the garden that week. I'll also increase the soaker hose timer a day or two before they shut it off, and give everything a good soaking. At least here at the house, my sprinkler system can easily be switched from the irrigation water to house water for that week.
You could get by smoking with it...would just be a pain. You might try running it at around 200 and only leave the peppers in for maybe a half hour. Use the middle rack upper and lower will be hotter. I'll bet they come out just fine,,,just a little drier and a little toasty. I'm sure the flavor would still be really good! I have one of the little tin smoke boxes for my gas grill too, don't think its gonna do it for you...but maybe! Good luck on the weather/water issues. I know you'll be prepared.
Yeah, I'm such a gardening nerd!

Got the hubby a new grill cover and some other grill accessories for Father's Day, so we started talking (well, okay, I started talking) about smoking peppers. He said he doesn't think the wood would smoke at the temperatures that I need for the peppers, that it would need two chambers? Anyway, here's a shot of it with his Father's Day dinner in it.


He said he has a smoke box for the regular gas grill though, so I'm thinking maybe we do the peppers in there instead?

Not much to update as far as the garden goes. We were gone all day yesterday, celebrating my daughter's birthday at the Hot Springs in Glenwood Springs, and the grass and weeds look at least a couple inches taller today. What is up with that?

More red flag warnings, temps in the 90's, single digit humidity levels, and wind gusts in the 30 mph range. No chance of rain in the foreseeable future. I found out that the town is shutting down the irrigation ditch next week for demossing. I think it only affects the community garden, but they'll do the same for the one at my house too in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Usually it's during the hottest week of the summer. I'm saving gallon milk and water jugs, so that I can haul water down to the garden that week. I'll also increase the soaker hose timer a day or two before they shut it off, and give everything a good soaking. At least here at the house, my sprinkler system can easily be switched from the irrigation water to house water for that week.

You are merciless,....I am STARVING!!!...and a Foodvert... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The only good thing about dry, is DE can kick some real serious bug ass. Nail the stems bases :hell:
You could get by smoking with it...would just be a pain. You might try running it at around 200 and only leave the peppers in for maybe a half hour. Use the middle rack upper and lower will be hotter. I'll bet they come out just fine,,,just a little drier and a little toasty. I'm sure the flavor would still be really good! I have one of the little tin smoke boxes for my gas grill too, don't think its gonna do it for you...but maybe! Good luck on the weather/water issues. I know you'll be prepared.
Saw this link posted elsewhere on THP... maybe this might help.

http://www.macsbbq.c.../Order USA.html

or for something made in the USA...

Saw this link posted elsewhere on THP... maybe this might help.

http://www.macsbbq.c.../Order USA.html

or for something made in the USA...


Thanks for those links, Rick. I sent them to my hubby.

You are merciless,....I am STARVING!!!...and a Foodvert... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The only good thing about dry, is DE can kick some real serious bug ass. Nail the stems bases :hell:

Not to rub it in, but those ribs were AWESOME!!! :P

You could get by smoking with it...would just be a pain. You might try running it at around 200 and only leave the peppers in for maybe a half hour. Use the middle rack upper and lower will be hotter. I'll bet they come out just fine,,,just a little drier and a little toasty. I'm sure the flavor would still be really good! I have one of the little tin smoke boxes for my gas grill too, don't think its gonna do it for you...but maybe! Good luck on the weather/water issues. I know you'll be prepared.

So Shane, do you have a picture of your smoker set up? I'm having trouble envisioning what kind of smoker is required for peppers. I thought between hubby's smoker and his big a$$ grill, we'd be all set.
Bonnie, here is what I use...it isn't really a smoker. Its an OLD cast iron grill. I just build a small fire on one end and place a tin of water on the grill above it and put whatever I am smoking on the opposite end. I do it all by look and feel. I open/close the vents and damper to get the smoke and temp about right. I don't even use a thermometer...so what you have is leaps and bounds ahead of what I use. All I can really say is try it out and see how it works. I would start with something meaty/cheap like Jalapenos because they're harder to overcook and its not gonna hurt too much if you mess them up. Smoked Jals are great for powder, eating as is with dinner or my favorite blended into some mayo for a sandwich spread. Before your post I had been shopping for a new smoker similar to yours for daddy's day, this one is on its last legs. I bought it at Sams Club around 1991???



I'm still in the market for a new one, but its gotta be big enough for a Brisket and I really want something that has a digital thermostat/timer...

Know it doesn't help you out much since your setup is completely different, but there it is anyway!
Bonnie, your plants are really holding their own in your high desert grow!
How can you hang on to your tools with 10 green thumbs?
Your hubby's father's day ribs looked scrumptious. I'm assuming there
was something heat-y to go with it?!
Hope you are having a good week, Bonnie! Good luck with the water situation!
Really it doesn't matter too much WHAT you smoke it in -I've even used a big card board box with piped in smoke, with peppers on 1/4"mesh...smoked 30 min and into the dehydrator, low temps are the key.I like roasting them over coals that aren't smoking as well-
but you have to watch em like a hawk if you use too hot coals for obvious reasons. Hardware cloth on washed off meat rack in that smoker you had those AWESOME(HMMPF!!!) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ribs in would do fine.
Bonnie, here is what I use...it isn't really a smoker. Its an OLD cast iron grill. I just build a small fire on one end and place a tin of water on the grill above it and put whatever I am smoking on the opposite end. I do it all by look and feel. I open/close the vents and damper to get the smoke and temp about right. I don't even use a thermometer...so what you have is leaps and bounds ahead of what I use. All I can really say is try it out and see how it works. I would start with something meaty/cheap like Jalapenos because they're harder to overcook and its not gonna hurt too much if you mess them up. Smoked Jals are great for powder, eating as is with dinner or my favorite blended into some mayo for a sandwich spread. Before your post I had been shopping for a new smoker similar to yours for daddy's day, this one is on its last legs. I bought it at Sams Club around 1991???

I'm still in the market for a new one, but its gotta be big enough for a Brisket and I really want something that has a digital thermostat/timer...

Know it doesn't help you out much since your setup is completely different, but there it is anyway!

Thanks for the pictures, Shane!

Bonnie just drooling over all that meat. Now i know I won't be showing my rinky dink smoker :rofl:

What?! You've got that awesome new grill. Nothing to be ashamed of there!!!

Bonnie, your plants are really holding their own in your high desert grow!
How can you hang on to your tools with 10 green thumbs?
Your hubby's father's day ribs looked scrumptious. I'm assuming there
was something heat-y to go with it?!
Hope you are having a good week, Bonnie! Good luck with the water situation!

Thanks for the encouragement, Paul! Actually, nothing spicy in that meal, although the hubby thought the rub he used had a little heat to it. Um ... no. Anyway, he has no heat tolerance whatsoever, and also suffers from a chronic illness that can be aggravated by chile peppers, so I have to be careful what I serve him. Since it was Father's Day, I decided not to sneak any heat past him.

Really it doesn't matter too much WHAT you smoke it in -I've even used a big card board box with piped in smoke, with peppers on 1/4"mesh...smoked 30 min and into the dehydrator, low temps are the key.I like roasting them over coals that aren't smoking as well-
but you have to watch em like a hawk if you use too hot coals for obvious reasons. Hardware cloth on washed off meat rack in that smoker you had those AWESOME(HMMPF!!!) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ribs in would do fine.

I bought him a new stainless steel tray, for cooking things like fish, and peppers on the grill, so as soon as I have enough ripe pods, we'll give it a try.

Today's Update:

The temps in the 90's, single digit humidity levels, and 30 mph winds are taking their toll. Lost quite a few buds/pods in the last few days, but I'm hoping once the weather evens out a little that they'll start setting pods again. Tried to take some pictures down at the community garden today, but it was too sunny, and they were all blurry and over exposed. I'll try again on a day with a few clouds whenever that is.
Finally got a couple of not too blurry pics on the patio this evening.

Biker Billy with really big blooms!


Last year, I went cheap on the potting mix and the container plants did horrible. This year, I'm using a mix of Ocean Forest and Happy Frog, and they are the looking better than all of the in ground plants. No pods yet, but very bushy and plenty of blooms. This one is Fresno.


This guy lives in the pot with my Sucette de Provence. The plant looks great, one of the few without evidence of bug damage, so he must be doing a good job!


The patio is on the east side of the house, protected from the winds, and in the shade after 3 pm, plus the pergola and grapevines provide a little shade throughout the day. This is looking like the sweet spot this season!
Thanks, Linda! Glad you stopped by!

I've never tried the Peach Habs before, but I hope I like them. When the first batch was slow to germinate, I started more seeds, so instead of ending up with two plants, I've got 5! I made Habanero Gold jelly last year using regular orange habs, and the flavor was fine to me, but I was too conservative, and it wasn't hot enough. Won't make that mistake this year. I think the peach habs are a little larger than the orange, but I don't know that there is a difference in flavor. I'm also growing Chocolate habs, so if I don't like the Peach, I can use the Chocolate ones for jelly. I've read that the Chocolate ones are hotter, not sure how attractive the color would be in a jelly though.

You'll have to let me know how the Red Savina and Scotch Bonnet jellies turn out. I'm kind of wishing I had grown a red hab too!

I'm going to expand my jelly horizons this year too. Pulpiteer posted a Lemon Drop Jelly that I'm going to try. My Lemon Drops didn't germinate though, so I'll be using Aji Yellows, Aji Chinchi Amarillos, etc. There's also a Spicy Raspberry Jelly recipe over on the Red Hot Recipes (Other) forum that I'd like to try, minus the smoked Trinidad Scorpion powder, since I don't have any of that.

Sadly, my supply of Cranberry Jalapeno Jelly is starting to run low, so I am looking forward to harvesting some pods and bringing out the canner!

Working my way through your glog... and I stumbled into the jelly discussion. You put up the peach hab jelly recipe, right? I'm excited to try that, as well as a modified aji lemon jelly with aji pineapples and pineapple juice. Nothing like pepper jelly. I've amazed some folks at church with it and it's not too hard to do.
Finally got a couple of not too blurry pics on the patio this evening.
Last year, I went cheap on the potting mix and the container plants did horrible. This year, I'm using a mix of Ocean Forest and Happy Frog, and they are the looking better than all of the in ground plants. No pods yet, but very bushy and plenty of blooms.
This guy lives in the pot with my Sucette de Provence. The plant looks great, one of the few without evidence of bug damage, so he must be doing a good job!
The patio is on the east side of the house, protected from the winds, and in the shade after 3 pm, plus the pergola and grapevines provide a little shade throughout the day. This is looking like the sweet spot this season!
All looking good Bonnie! It's kind of amazing the strategies people come up with when they grow in marginal environments. I've got many ladybugs patrolling my pepper hedge and spotted a few larvae too... and boy, can they move fast.

Working my way through your glog... and I stumbled into the jelly discussion. You put up the peach hab jelly recipe, right? I'm excited to try that, as well as a modified aji lemon jelly with aji pineapples and pineapple juice. Nothing like pepper jelly. I've amazed some folks at church with it and it's not too hard to do.
+1 me for jelly recipes!
Ok - caught up! Well done growing through that wind and lack of water. In a community garden nonetheless! Although, it's nice you can have the same plot year after year with all the work you are doing on the soil. You've got a ton of interesting peppers - I hope we can look forward to reports on how each variety tastes? Or possibly what jelly is best for each? :)

Well done! Btw,is there a peppery currant jelly?