• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't made it to the super hot level yet, so not sure how interesting you guys will find this, but I like having one place to post all of my pictures throughout the season, so here goes.

2012 Preliminary Grow List:

Aji Yellow
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia
Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Big Jim (NuMex)
Black Hungarian
Chile de Arbol
Chile Hidalgo (don't actually have seeds for this one yet)
Chilhaucle Rojo
Cosa Arrugada
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Giant Szegedi
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Peach
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno 'Biker Billy' (The only hybrid on the list)
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
NuMex Espanola Improved
NuMex Pinata (don't have seeds for this one yet either)
Patio Red Marconi
Piment 'd Espelette
Rain Forest
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano Tampiqueno
Tollie's Sweet Italian

*Disclaimer - this list is subject to change ... hourly

I host an annual group pepper seed swap on another site, so I'm sure I'll probably add to this list once that gets going, but this is the bulk of what I plan to grow anyway. The problem with adding to this list isn't where to plant them, it's finding enough cat-free space indoors to start them all!

If you check out my post on early season Serrano substitutes you'll see I'm still looking for information on a few of the peppers I"m thinking of growing. It's so much better hearing from someone that has actually grown a variety, rather than going by a description on a seed vendor's website!

The habaneros may get started in the next couple of weeks, but I'll probably wait until February to start the rest. I'll be back with pictures once the seeds are in the dirt.
Loved the Jelly and food pics!!!! My Goliath Jalapeno/Purple Jalapeno/Biker jelly had good heat to it. I forget if the biker has more heat than the goliath though.

That relish looks divine!!!
I'll second that emotion! If I wasn't having Jerk Chicken tonight I'd be jealous! I love Sopa Azteca... with or without cheese! Did you taste any of the Piment d'Espelette before putting them in the soup Bonnie?
I've had real good heat with the Mucho Nachos this year. The first couple pulls were on the mild side, but after that they had a decent kick! I think there are some not-so-true Biker Billys floating around this season. Heard great thing about them from a ton of reputable folks.

Everything's looking great! You've done awesome for your short season!
Great job, Bonnie. My biker Billy's ( purchased direct from burpee) were disappointing heat-wise as well. I don't think I will grow them again once I run out of seeds. I will go back to the standard small, hot jalapeño and NM piñatas.
Loved the Jelly and food pics!!!! My Goliath Jalapeno/Purple Jalapeno/Biker jelly had good heat to it. I forget if the biker has more heat than the goliath though.

That relish looks divine!!!

Someone on another pepper forum suggested that the seeds I received may have been saved, rather than commercial. From their experience, since it's a hybrid, the next generation is not as hot. I got the seeds in a trade, and didn't ask if they were commercial seeds or saved.

Have you ever grown the Zapotec Jalapeno? Wondering what the heat level is on that one.

I'll second that emotion! If I wasn't having Jerk Chicken tonight I'd be jealous! I love Sopa Azteca... with or without cheese! Did you taste any of the Piment d'Espelette before putting them in the soup Bonnie?

Why, yes, yes I did.

Flesh was crisp and a medium thickness. At first I thought it was similar to the Patio Red Marconi in flavor, but after a few seconds, some heat showed up. Not a lot, but enough to realize this wasn't just a plain old sweet pepper. I liked it!

I've had real good heat with the Mucho Nachos this year. The first couple pulls were on the mild side, but after that they had a decent kick! I think there are some not-so-true Biker Billys floating around this season. Heard great thing about them from a ton of reputable folks.

Everything's looking great! You've done awesome for your short season!

Thanks, Shane!

As I mentioned above, I'm guessing my seed was harvested, not purchased.

Great job, Bonnie. My biker Billy's ( purchased direct from burpee) were disappointing heat-wise as well. I don't think I will grow them again once I run out of seeds. I will go back to the standard small, hot jalapeño and NM piñatas.

I really want to try NM Pinatas, but didn't get any germination on the seeds I have.

Also want to try NM Vaquero next year.
Awesome pics as always. That zucchini relish sounds good I have a couple more just sitting on the counter Could make it. Pls pm me the recipe if possible. As far as my purple jals grown from bakers creek. Great flavor with zero heat. Have a batch starting to pod. Hoping they will have some heat


Thanks again for this
Wow, that's strange that so many of you folks have been having mild Jalapenos instead of the hot ones you expected. The ones I got from a local farmstand last week were brutal! I'll have to ask them for the source of their seed. I grew Coyame Jalapenos from Burpee this year, and thought they were plenty hot. I got some Zapotec seeds in a swap with mygrassisblue so I'll see how they do next year.
All this talk about the Biker Billy's being mild and I was looking forward to growing some next year. They look to be a great size for poppers. Guess I'll have to do some looking around at some of the other Jalapenos.
Someone on another pepper forum suggested that the seeds I received may have been saved, rather than commercial. From their experience, since it's a hybrid, the next generation is not as hot. I got the seeds in a trade, and didn't ask if they were commercial seeds or saved.

Have you ever grown the Zapotec Jalapeno? Wondering what the heat level is on that one.

Why, yes, yes I did.

Flesh was crisp and a medium thickness. At first I thought it was similar to the Patio Red Marconi in flavor, but after a few seconds, some heat showed up. Not a lot, but enough to realize this wasn't just a plain old sweet pepper. I liked it!

I. saved seed from my zaptec jalapeno this year. It is sweet and tasty when it's red. I
can save you some if you want.

Thanks, Shane!

As I mentioned above, I'm guessing my seed was harvested, not purchased.

I really want to try NM Pinatas, but didn't get any germination on the seeds I have.

Also want to try NM Vaquero next year.
Looking good as always Bonnie. I have been craving your jelly ( hint hint).

And Bill ,you live in Florida why wait til next year :rofl:
All this talk about the Biker Billy's being mild and I was looking forward to growing some next year. They look to be a great size for poppers. Guess I'll have to do some looking around at some of the other Jalapenos.
I have 4 types growing now and the only ones with heat are Early Jalapenos. I think I am going to create a masterpiece. Stuff a black Jalapeno, then stuff it into a Purple, then the Purple into the Early and finally extra filling and all 3 into the Giant!

Awesome pics as always. That zucchini relish sounds good I have a couple more just sitting on the counter Could make it. Pls pm me the recipe if possible. As far as my purple jals grown from bakers creek. Great flavor with zero heat. Have a batch starting to pod. Hoping they will have some heat

Thanks again for this

I posted it in my glog last year, but here it is again for you, Denniz, or anyone else that missed it last time.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]The recipe I used came from Lindsey's Luscious blogspot. Here it is from her website:[/background]

Zucchini Relish
(an homage to Muriel and Linda Lou)

10 cups zucchini, peeled or not, cored, seeded and either ground (who has a grinder anymore?) or shredded (which I much prefer)
3 cups onions, peeled, ends removed and grated or finely chopped
2 cups carrots, ground or shredded
1 red pepper, seeded, cored and finely chopped
1 cup mixed hot peppers, seeded, cored and finely chopped (or one green pepper if you're a wuss)
4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
5 tablespoons canning/pickling salt
2 1/2 cups cider vinegar
3 cups sugar*
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons mustard seeds (I used yellow--brown would be spicier)
2 teaspoons celery seeds
3/4 teaspoon tumeric

Combine all of the shredded/chopped vegetables with the salt in a large, non-metallic bowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, drain very well. (Some people choose to rinse the mixture to remove more of the salt, but I like my pickled relishes a little on the salty side!)

Bring the vinegar, sugar, and spices to a boil in a large stock pot. Add the drained zucchini mixture, stir well, and bring back to a vigorous boil. Some recipes call for up to 30 minutes of simmering the relish, but I think it gets too mushy and colorless if you cook it that long. I would opt for 10-15 minutes until much of the liquid evaporates and the mixture just starts to thicken. Pack in hot, sterilized jars (using that plastic stick thing that came with your canning kit, or any non-metallic spatula, to remove air bubbles from the thick relish). Process in a boiling water bath, 10 minutes for half-pints, and 15 minutes for pints. As with all pickled products, let the flavors develop for at least a month before opening and consuming.

Yield: 5 pints

*This still makes a pretty sweet relish. In subsequent batches, I cut the sugar by half again (= 1 1/2 cups), and that was perfect for my tastes. So take that under advisement...
Posted by JoyBugaloo at 12:54 AM

Wow, that's strange that so many of you folks have been having mild Jalapenos instead of the hot ones you expected. The ones I got from a local farmstand last week were brutal! I'll have to ask them for the source of their seed. I grew Coyame Jalapenos from Burpee this year, and thought they were plenty hot. I got some Zapotec seeds in a swap with mygrassisblue so I'll see how they do next year.

Hey, I think I have a packet of those Burpee Coyame seeds in my box. Maybe I should try those next year too.

Watch your mailbox :-)

Gladly! :dance: (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy)

All this talk about the Biker Billy's being mild and I was looking forward to growing some next year. They look to be a great size for poppers. Guess I'll have to do some looking around at some of the other Jalapenos.

You'd probably be okay, if you purchased them from a reputable source.

Looking good as always Bonnie. I have been craving your jelly ( hint hint).

Well, the first batch of Cranberry Jalapeno Jelly turned out way too mild for you, Jamie, and the batch of Hot Lemon Jelly set too thick. Maybe the third time will be the charm. I'll let you know when I have some worthy to share.

Today's harvest shot


It was 42 degrees this morning, and according to NOAA it got down to 37 last night. The end is very near!!!!!!!
Bonnie, that relish sounds really good. Have you ever tried Pickleze? It a Hatian relish that they eat on everything and is really good and simple. I keep a jar going year around. Just pull some out and put new ingredients in. Look in the Recipe section, it was originally posted by Frydad4. I bet you'll love it.

I have 4 types growing now and the only ones with heat are Early Jalapenos. I think I am going to create a masterpiece. Stuff a black Jalapeno, then stuff it into a Purple, then the Purple into the Early and finally extra filling and all 3 into the Giant!


Ok, but you have to post pics of it. No pics, didn't happen! ;)
Actually sounds like it'll be pretty good

I will gladly send you some mild pepper powder ;) in exchange!!!

Thank you B :fireball:

He said mild Bwahahahahahah :party: :rofl: :party:
I have 4 types growing now and the only ones with heat are Early Jalapenos. I think I am going to create a masterpiece. Stuff a black Jalapeno, then stuff it into a Purple, then the Purple into the Early and finally extra filling and all 3 into the Giant!

Well, you can't call it Turducken... what would you call it?
Bonnie, I was trying to make a post on my phone, while I was at work. Didn't turn out to well...You
mention zapotec jalapeno, and how hot was it. I grew it this year and saved seeds. I waited until
they turned red to eat them. Sweet and good flavor, and it was hot to me. Very good to eat fresh.
I don't know if beth will be selling them next year, that's why I made sure to save some seed. I'll
send you some if you want.