• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't made it to the super hot level yet, so not sure how interesting you guys will find this, but I like having one place to post all of my pictures throughout the season, so here goes.

2012 Preliminary Grow List:

Aji Yellow
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia
Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Big Jim (NuMex)
Black Hungarian
Chile de Arbol
Chile Hidalgo (don't actually have seeds for this one yet)
Chilhaucle Rojo
Cosa Arrugada
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Giant Szegedi
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Peach
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno 'Biker Billy' (The only hybrid on the list)
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
NuMex Espanola Improved
NuMex Pinata (don't have seeds for this one yet either)
Patio Red Marconi
Piment 'd Espelette
Rain Forest
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano Tampiqueno
Tollie's Sweet Italian

*Disclaimer - this list is subject to change ... hourly

I host an annual group pepper seed swap on another site, so I'm sure I'll probably add to this list once that gets going, but this is the bulk of what I plan to grow anyway. The problem with adding to this list isn't where to plant them, it's finding enough cat-free space indoors to start them all!

If you check out my post on early season Serrano substitutes you'll see I'm still looking for information on a few of the peppers I"m thinking of growing. It's so much better hearing from someone that has actually grown a variety, rather than going by a description on a seed vendor's website!

The habaneros may get started in the next couple of weeks, but I'll probably wait until February to start the rest. I'll be back with pictures once the seeds are in the dirt.
Hi Bonnie
Your pulls just keep getting better and better! Good on ya! You folks have inspired me to try smoking some peppers for drying, so I'm gathering my red-ripe jalapenos to smoke for moritas. If I can find a retailer with enough of them, I may even try a batch of Katrina's Chipotle-apple sauce. Cheers!
I am hooked on smoking now as well, great job Bonnie and the powder color is awesome! I am going to retake all pictures of my powders because I feel I have truly mastered the drying technique and my white habanero powder is now white and not orange or brown from burn drying the pods.

I did learn one lesson when smoking, do not use a water pan since it is counter productive. :)
Thanks guys!!!

I've been busy this week getting the house ready for my MIL's visit, and haven't spent much time in the garden. There was a coolness in the air this evening, so I made a batch of chili. Used a Jimmy Nardello, a Fresno, and some smoked pepper powder. I thought it was flavorful, but not hot at all. My oldest son said it would be even better if I left the tomatoes and peppers out. Huh ???? :crazy:

Here are some pics from today's harvest.


Jaloro starting to show some color.


Black Hungarians


A couple of Tobago Seasoning peppers, and I think the little one on the right is a Rocotillo. Honestly, once I pick them, the Rocotillo, Trinidad Perfume, Belize Sweet, and Tobago Seasoning all look pretty much alike, so I'm having trouble keeping them straight.


... and finally my favorite pic of the day, Bowl O' Peppers. The color looks more orange than it really should. Maybe it was the reflection of the aluminum bowl that distorted the color?


The peppers are really starting to pile up on me now. I've got a batch in the dehydrator, and hope to make some zucchini relish and another batch of jelly in the next couple of days.

Happy Harvesting!!!
Great harvest Bonnie! Excited for you...I get really bummed thinking you all's seasons are so close to the end :mope: A ton of work for such a short season. You've done very well for yourself this season. Your layout was spot on to get the most out of the space available too.
Glad to see your pod piling up. It is overwhelming at times, but such a good feeling. Your harvest looks awesome.

Thanks, Jeff! Not near as big as the harvests as you've been getting though. I'm amazed at how much stuff you've canned this season!

Great harvest Bonnie! Excited for you...I get really bummed thinking you all's seasons are so close to the end :mope: A ton of work for such a short season. You've done very well for yourself this season. Your layout was spot on to get the most out of the space available too.

Yeah, it's hard to believe it's almost over, but I looked at the 3 day weather history for our area, and the lows are already dropping into the 40's, so the end is near.

I'm very pleased with the Florida weave pepper rows I did down at the community garden. The peppers were about the only thing that did well down there this year, so I'll take that lesson, and hopefully do better with the rest of the stuff next year.

Great pics of the harvest Bonnie. Love the bowl of peppers. Have a great weekend, can't wait to see the relish.

We had a soccer game yesterday, and I had to get the yard work done, since my mother-in-law was coming in the afternoon, so no canning done yesterday. It may be Monday before I can get to that relish, but I'll post pictures when I do.

Finally got more bacon, and had to threaten my spouse with his life if he cooked it all yesterday morning, LOL! Anyway, I made poppers out of those Alma Paprikas, but then forgot to get a picture of them before we started eating them. Trust me though, they were pretty ... and delicious! :dance:
Oh Shoot! I was hoping to get a glam at the pics of the Alma Paprika poppers. Glad they tasted good. Things are definitely winding down here, but we're still not quite done. Smoking 5# of Jalapenos today, and roasting garlic for sauce... and makiing a double batch of the Orange Habanero sauce.
Alright Rick, I'm going to redeem myself tonight. I've got pictures AND a video! :dance:

I'll start with the pictures first. These are from the community garden.

The seeds for this plant were labeled Long Podded Chocolate Habanero. Anyone seen a chocolate hab like these?

Pod #1


Pod #2


Pod # 3 (check out the tail!!!)


Chocolate Habanero (this is what they should look like)


Harvest shot from today


Aji Chinchi Amarillos all in a row


Trinidad Perfume (the green one got knocked off by accident)


Aji de la Tierra


Rain Forest


The lows are already dropping into the 40's so I figured this was my last opportunity to make another video at the garden. I'm sorry it is so long. I tried to go as quickly as I could, but it still ended up over 10 minutes long.

I was doing really good with holding the camera upright until the long shots at the very end. Sorry about that. :banghead:
:woohoo: Nice looking pics Bonnie! I'll admit, that's the first time I've seen "Habaneros" with a sting in the tail... Nights are dropping down into the 40s here too. Hopefully the drop will prod buttock on the plants and hasten ripening before frost. I got about a cup of powder from the first round of chiles on the 3 Chimayo plants and they have another round of pods on that I hope will ripen before frost. I made a quart of chili powder with dried Anchos, Pasillas, Anaheims, 3 tbsp of Chimayo molido, Garlic powder and ground, toasted Cumin. Wish you could get a whiff... Nothing like powder blends made with home-grown chiles!
Well, here we go again with the rain it looks like. I feel for you and Rick Bonnie with your overnight lows in the 40's. Here we're supposed to get down to a chilly 74 degrees overnight. Not sure what Jamie and I are going to do but I'm sure we'll survive. ;)
Considering all the wind and cold you grow in Bonnie you have once again shown that if you put in the effort you can grow peppers almost anywhere. You should have enough pods to get you through the winter. I demand a video review when you eat that not habanero carolina brainstarin with a tail . ;)

I now know why I don't grow all the many starins that you do. Because my redneck self could not come even close to prononcing them. Now give thos e babies some water. I agree they are thirsty ;)
looks good. just moved to OK from colorado and its amazing the change in temperatures from one state to the next.

Hi, Collegekid! So is it a lot hotter there?

:woohoo: Nice looking pics Bonnie! I'll admit, that's the first time I've seen "Habaneros" with a sting in the tail... Nights are dropping down into the 40s here too. Hopefully the drop will prod buttock on the plants and hasten ripening before frost. I got about a cup of powder from the first round of chiles on the 3 Chimayo plants and they have another round of pods on that I hope will ripen before frost. I made a quart of chili powder with dried Anchos, Pasillas, Anaheims, 3 tbsp of Chimayo molido, Garlic powder and ground, toasted Cumin. Wish you could get a whiff... Nothing like powder blends made with home-grown chiles!

That blend with the garlic powder and cumin sounds delicious.

Considering all the wind and cold you grow in Bonnie you have once again shown that if you put in the effort you can grow peppers almost anywhere. You should have enough pods to get you through the winter. I demand a video review when you eat that not habanero carolina brainstarin with a tail . ;)

I now know why I don't grow all the many starins that you do. Because my redneck self could not come even close to prononcing them. Now give thos e babies some water. I agree they are thirsty ;)

You guys aren't making me want to eat those crazy looking pods! :rofl:

Been in the kitchen all day today. Here is what I accomplished.

5 pints of Zucchini Relish (plus a half pint in the fridge for sampling)


Hoping this year's batch has enough heat in it. Last year's was tasty, but too mild for me.


I also got my first batch (7 1/2 half pints) of Cranberry Jalapeno Jelly made.


The Biker Billy Hybrid Jalapenos let me down!!! Hardly any heat to them. I had to throw in a couple of Jaloros and a few Inca Red Drops to get any heat at all in the jelly, and it's still too mild for my liking! So far the Jaloro has more heat than any other Jalapeno variety I've grown.
In case that wasn't enough food pictures, here is what I just finished putting together for dinner tonight.

Chicken Tortilla Soup


Top with some Monterey Jack cheese and crushed tortilla chips. Yum!!! I don't care if it's 85 degrees outside, it's my favorite soup. Used a couple of Piment d' Espelettes (saved you some seeds, Rick), a Patio Red Marconi, and some of my pepper powder. The white and orange carrots, and onion were from the garden, and the peppers of course. Taste even better with home grown tomatoes, but I had to use canned this time.