• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2013 Grow - End of Season Wrap Up

I know some of you guys have already started seeds for next year's grow, and I should have started the Manzano's a month ago, but I am still working on finalizing the grow list.

Each year since I started growing peppers, the list has gotten bigger, and they have taken up a larger % of my vegetable growing space. I started working part-time 3 months ago, and I am a mother of three, so I am struggling with being realistic about how much time I can devote to pepper growing this coming season. Right now, I've got between 65 and 70 varieties on the list, and some of them I'd really like to have more than one plant. Last year, I ended up with about 50 varieties and a total of 75 plants. So you can see that I have some work to do before I start putting the seeds in the dirt!

I thought I would go ahead and put up my tentative list, and use the feedback I get from you guys to help me narrow things down a bit. Those of you that know me will notice that I still haven't gotten brave enough to add any supers yet ... maybe next year. :snooty:

So here's what I got so far:

Alice's Favorite
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia, and/or Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Black Hungarian
Cayenne Thick (Can't remember who it was that was raving about this one this past season, but I don't have seeds for this one yet.)
Chilhuacle Amarillo
Chocolate Cherry
Cosa Arrugada and/or Pepperoncini
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Goat's Weed
Golden Cayenne
Hungarian Hot Wax
Jamaican Hot Yellow (Anyone have a source for these? It's confusing to me that the Jamaican Hot Choc. is a Chinense, but this one is listed as an Anuum!)
Jimmy Nardello
Leutschauer Paprika
Mulato Isleno
NuMex Pinata
NuMex Vaquero
Patio Red Marconi
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano (Not sure which one. May try the purple one this year.)
Tangerine Pimento and/or Yummy
Tobasco (Need seeds for this one.)
Zapotec Jalapeno

Aji Chinchi Amarillo
Aji Yellow
Birgit's Locoto
Bishop's Crown (Don't actually have seeds for this one yet. If anyone has some, I'd be willing to trade for them.)
El Oro de Equador
Inca Red Drop
Lemon Drop (Maybe. Last time they were bitter. May try a difference source.)
Pimenta Barro do Robiero
Purple de Arbol and/or Negro de Arbol (Which one is better?)

Aji Dulce (type 1 or 2 ?) Is this the same as Rocotillo?
Aji Limo Rojo
Bonda ma Jacques (Don't have seeds for this one yet either. May just grow Gold Bullet or regular yellow habanero as a substitute?)
Cheiro Roxa
Habanero, Peach (and maybe the Pink as well)
Habanero, White (I have the regular white, and White Bullet. Is the Peruvian White better, or are they all about the same?)
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Purple Bhut (Okay, I don't have seeds for this one either. Maybe I'll substitute Condor's Beak if I can't find any.)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow (Have some labeled True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. Should those be yellow? Or red?)

Pubescens (Yeah, I know I'm really too late on these, and probably won't get any ripe fruit this coming season)
Orange Manzano
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano

Well, I think that's about it. I'm sure the list will change a few more times before it's a done deal, but at least it's a start!

So tell me what you think about the ones I have questions on, or let me know where to find seeds for the ones I'm missing, or tell me what I should have on the list and don't. Just kidding on that last one!!!
Got another package in the mail today!  This one was from Rick (Stickman).  

Can't wait to dip into those!  Thank you, Rick!!!
A few shots of yesterday's harvest:

At the bottom of the picture is a mystery (NOT Aji Limo Rojo), and the top is Condor's Beak.  The two plants had the exact same growth habit, and the pods on both started out dark purple, so I thought maybe I had just mislabeled the Condor's Beak as an Aji Limo Rojo.  Well, the Condor's Beak ripens to a dark red, but the other one is almost a peach color (looks more red than it really is in this photo), and the pods are quite a bit larger and smoother.
Another NOT

Left is supposed to be a Chilhuacle Negro, and the right is a Chilhuacle Amarillo.  
First ripe Purple Bhuts from Melissa's seed.

A side-by-side comparison of Barker's Hot, and Lumbre.

I mentioned the other day the the Barker's Hot was not hot, and that is true, but it is still a very nice NuMex type pepper.  None of the blossom end rot problems that I've had with Big Jim, very productive, huge pods, and it has a fairly thick flesh and sweet flavor.  Definitely worth growing again, even if it doesn't have any heat.
Bishop's Crown, The ones on the right that have a truer shape were ones that set later.

White Habaneros.  For a tiny little pod, those things pack a MEAN punch!

Group shot of yesterday's harvest from the community garden.

These were picked here at the house in my attempt to make a milder batch of salsa this time.  Biker Billy, Patio Red Marconi, Fresno, Zapotec Jalapeno, Yummy, and Santa Fe.

My 10 year old helped me blanch and peel the tomatoes, and he declared the salsa somewhere between mild and medium, but it is as mild as I can make it with the peppers I grew this year.  He said,  "Why don't you just use bell peppers, Mom?"  I said, "Son, you might as well just eat spaghetti sauce with your tortilla chips if you are going to do that!"

Canner only holds 8 pints, so two of those went in the fridge.  Pretty sure they won't last long!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my glog.  I know how busy everyone is this time of year!
Great pull and nice salsa.  My maters have been done for quite some time.  I do have some big daddys up front with the sun sugars that I can munch on though.
Hope you continue to have enough time to get your garden put up!!!
Thanks, Jeff!
While I had the food processor out shredding the veggies for the zucchini relish I am canning tomorrow, I decided to go ahead and shred the last of the zucchinis.
After using 12 cups in the relish, I still ended up with over 2 gallons of shredded zucchini, and there are STILL half a dozen left.  I just ran out of time.
Here's my daughter holding the largest one, which was close to 20" long and made 3 quarts shredded.

Sorry the picture is blurry.  Tried several settings, but couldn't find one that worked.  She was telling me to hurry up and take the picture, because it was so heavy she couldn't hold it much longer!
Well, I didn't get as much done today as I had hoped, but I did finish canning the Zucchini Relish.  

I finally achieved a respectable heat level on it this year.  The past couple of years, I added what I thought was enough hot peppers, but the end product had no discernible heat.  It's not burn your face off hot, but it's a good solid medium.  I started with half a dozen Cayenne Thick, and they are crisp, sweet and juicy, but mine are very mild, less heat than a jalapeno.  Not sure what anyone else's experience has been with that one.  The seeds came from Fernando via Rick.  So to bring the heat level up, I added a few Goat's Weed, which were at least as hot as a true cayenne.  Then I added a couple of Chilhuacle Amarillos, and Aji Chinchi and/or Costeno Amarillos for color.  BTW, I quit trying to keep those too separated.  As far as I can tell, those two are identical.  Also threw in a couple of El Oro de Ecuadors, and a couple Beni Highlands.  Still wasn't sure the heat level would be there, so I added one of my mystery pods, the one that looks similar to the Condor's Beak at first, but than turns an orangish red, and is larger, with a smoother texture.  The heat on that one was definitely habanero level.  Than, just to be sure I had enough heat in that pot, I added a Purple Bhut.  Yeah, I know, it's not really a super, but plenty hot in my book!
Wanted to get some pepper jelly done, or at least throw another batch of pods in the dehydrator, but ran out of time (soccer, and football season, 'nuf said).  At least I got a batch of salsa, and the relish done this weekend.  Those are probably the most time consuming things that I can, and there's just not enough time on a week night.  
Stick a fork in me, 'cause I am done!!!  My pillow is calling ...
highalt said:
Got another package in the mail today!  This one was from Rick (Stickman).  

My 10 year old helped me blanch and peel the tomatoes, and he declared the salsa somewhere between mild and medium, but it is as mild as I can make it with the peppers I grew this year.  He said,  "Why don't you just use bell peppers, Mom?"  I said, "Son, you might as well just eat spaghetti sauce with your tortilla chips if you are going to do that!"
Glad you got the package OK Bonnie,  I hope you enjoy the contents!
I had to laugh at your reply to your son's comment... Classic! :)
More soccer, and celebrated my oldest's 15th birthday this weekend, so didn't get much done, other than put a couple more trays in the dehydrator.  Had to do the non-fun garden chores yesterday, such as cut the grass, edge, and weed the flower and veggie beds.  Today it rained all afternoon.  We got over half an inch of precipitation, which is a HUGE amount for us in a day.  I am not complaining!  Just happy that the yard work got done yesterday.  The moisture is supposed to clear out later tonight, so hopefully I can go down to the community garden and harvest some stuff tomorrow, before heading out to the football game.  We probably only have a couple weeks left before the first frost, so the big push is coming.  Let's just hope I can find the time to process everything that I've spent the whole season trying to grow!
Just thought I'd pop in and post this picture for Jeff.  He was nice enough to share some of his Cherry Bombs with me, and was hoping he could ID some of the extra goodies he included.

Thanks again, Bodeen, for your generosity!!!
Well, the low tonight is predicted to be 38 degrees, so I guess it could be any day now.  Maybe I should have said I'm hoping for two more weeks!  Actually, I just checked the forecast, and it's saying a killing frost is possible on Friday night.  Guess I better get out there and start picking!!!
Started with this variety of jalapenos, ended up throwing in a couple of Goat Weed's and a Biker Billy too, to make sure the heat was where I wanted it.

Cranberry Jalapeno Jelly

Hopefully, I'll be back with some harvest pictures later today ...
It looks like we're not far behind you Bonnie... High temp. today was 61, with an overnight low of 36... The rest of the week should be a bit warmer, but I think we'll see hard frost by Columbus Day weekend. Hope you get everything inside in good time!
Okay, I did get to spend around an hour and a half at the garden, and think I got most of what was ripe.  Before I show the harvest shots, here are some pics taken down at the community garden today.  
Goat's Weed


Beni Highlands

Mystery Plant - Can anyone help ID?

Here it is with some ripening pods.  They eventually go fully red, though it's a bright orangish red.


One of the only pods on the Chiero Roxa

This Pimenta Barro do Robiero is making up for it though

... and so is the Birgit's Locoto (even though it's only around 3' tall)

This Purple Bhut is a a compact plant, not like Melissa's ginormous one last season, but it is a good producer.

Looks like I'll need a bump before I can show the harvest pics.
Thanks, Millworkman!
One more pic before I post the harvest shots.  It's my first Manzano pod!!!  Yeah, I know, it's a little too little, a little too late.  Next year, the Manzanos are going in pots on the patio, where they will have afternoon shade. 

Goat's Weed.  This plant is very productive, and the pods have a heat that I would say is around cayenne level.

Chilhuacle Amarillo

Mystery plant pods.  Can anyone tell me what these might be???  They start out dark purple.

Mulato Isleno.  Good producer for a poblano type.

Lemon Drops on the left, combo of Aji Chinchi Amarillo and Costeno Amarillo on the right

Shane/Andy's NOT Yellow Fatalii

El Oro de Ecuador

Condor's Beak

And finally, a group shot.  My largest harvest this season, and possibly the last one before the final, pre-frost harvest.

Put quite a few in the freezer, and the rest are in bags in the fridge until I can find time to process.
Nice looking garden and pod shots, but the pics from the Mulatos onward won't display for me for some reason. Glad to see you got a decent harvest at the end of the season.
highalt said:
More soccer, and celebrated my oldest's 15th birthday this weekend, so didn't get much done, other than put a couple more trays in the dehydrator.  Had to do the non-fun garden chores yesterday, such as cut the grass, edge, and weed the flower and veggie beds.  Today it rained all afternoon.  We got over half an inch of precipitation, which is a HUGE amount for us in a day.  I am not complaining!  Just happy that the yard work got done yesterday.  The moisture is supposed to clear out later tonight, so hopefully I can go down to the community garden and harvest some stuff tomorrow, before heading out to the football game.  We probably only have a couple weeks left before the first frost, so the big push is coming.  Let's just hope I can find the time to process everything that I've spent the whole season trying to grow!
Just thought I'd pop in and post this picture for Jeff.  He was nice enough to share some of his Cherry Bombs with me, and was hoping he could ID some of the extra goodies he included.

Thanks again, Bodeen, for your generosity!!!
Cajun bell, yellow habanero, peach habanero, yellow jalapeno...Wanted to put more in the box but those bombs were almost too big for the box lol
stickman said:
Nice looking garden and pod shots, but the pics from the Mulatos onward won't display for me for some reason. Glad to see you got a decent harvest at the end of the season.
Clear your cookies and they should show up.
Bodeen said:
Cajun bell, yellow habanero, peach habanero, yellow jalapeno...Wanted to put more in the box but those bombs were almost too big for the box lol
Thanks for the info, Jeff!!!  Had a Cherry Bomb with dinner this evening, but only got a couple of bites.  Once my two little ones realized it had no heat, they ate the rest of it!  Should have picked one of the habaneros, than I would have gotten to eat it all by myself.   :lol:
Nice harvest shot! Sorry those fatalii's were red, I'm not sure what Shane did to ruin them. The shape looks nice though. And that goat's weed produced nice for you. I have a bunch of black peppers on mine, still waiting for them to turn red. Have you had cherry bombs before? They are amazing.
Bonnie your relishes and jellies are always beautiful and sound so good! Cheers on the nice harvest. My grandmother used to shred her Zucchini and freeze it in Ziplock bags. man 3 quarts from 1, that's awesome! 
Picked everything I could on Wednesday evening at the community garden, and just came inside from picking what I could here at the house.  Didn't get to the grapes, but am hoping I'll get lucky, since they are in a fairly protected spot in between the house and fence.  Brought the Earthboxes in the garage for the night.  Then, I ran out of time.  Not only was it starting to get dark, but a storm moved in FAST!  My hands are red and kind of numb.  The temperature is 43 degrees, and it is lightning and there is pea sized hail mixed with rain coming down hard.  The forecasted low has been dropped from 36 degrees to 27 degrees, so I am pretty sure this is the end of the season for me.  
Have to go scrape up some dinner for the kids, but maybe I can get a picture or two of the final harvest after that. 