• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
annie57 said:
Great review on the MoA, Jeff! No, it's not that hot but dang is it flavorful! Am sorry about the increasing work load. And thanks to you and Jason on cream fatalii. Scratching off possible list.  Have a good one, hon!
Thanks hun,  If you want, and if I have them, I can throw some in when I send you a goodie box so you can give them a go.  Perhaps the early pods aren't hot.  Although these aren't early pods by any means.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Reading the reviews on Lowes about the 4 mil 12 x 100 isn't looking good.  Any issues on your end?
I'm sure it's a UV issue, I had no problems and folded up the plastic for next year. So I'm going to use it again.
Edit: The MoA is almost a seasoning pepper, some heat there, but as Annie said, the flavor. I'll be growing more of them next season!
Never had okra get this big before.
Almost forgot about this little feller.  Antilles Fire


JA Red




TS Y coloring

West Indie

Harvest Shot...Finally, peppers to process.

Chomped on the bottom pepper, the Fat Cream.  Didn't care for the taste and the heat was maybe 250.  If that.  They are officially off next years list.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Never had okra get this big before.
OH, it has a-ways to go yet, Jeff! I could send you some seed next spring of some that get to be 10' +. And, while a shovel, Texas Toothpick, work, in wet ground w/small sledge, to get stalks up, a backhoe would be welcome! Those burgs are nice! (You got a thang for burgundy, huh? ;) )
Sure, send me MoA! I plucked some this afternoon, between rains. As Scott said, yep, nearly a seasoning pepper but what a seasoning!
And really nice pod pickins! :party:
Good luck with the sauce and sausage. Thanks for the MOA review. On my grow list for next year. Pods are forming along. Glad to see you have some pods to work with. The Antilles Fire looks great.

Don't work to hard. Save your strength for harvest and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

   Looking good Jeff.I do a lot of sausage making and smoking.Love my Lem stuffer.Been trying different seasoning blends(old plantation has some good stuff)then adding my dried hot pepper and sage or other stuff depending on what type of sausage I am making.Your price for the casings is great.I would rather work with the natural casings then collagen,it is more forgiving and grills better I think.
randyp said:
   Looking good Jeff.I do a lot of sausage making and smoking.Love my Lem stuffer.Been trying different seasoning blends(old plantation has some good stuff)then adding my dried hot pepper and sage or other stuff depending on what type of sausage I am making.Your price for the casings is great.I would rather work with the natural casings then collagen,it is more forgiving and grills better I think.
I believe the natural casings absorb the smoke better as well.
Spicegeist said:
Um, looks like there's some dude standing in your garden...
I know.. Time to get out the salt loads!!!
TrentL said:
Quite a scarecrow there Jeff. :)
Everything is looking great! 
You talked about not doing the brown moruga again next year? Why?
I just now got a tiny pod going.  These plants were monsters in the house and they hardened off well.  Just aren't doing well for some reason.
Devv said:
Ever make dried sausage?
   I am going to try pepperoni this fall..Need to get a bag sealer that will keep all moisture out.If it works I will send some out.Fresh sausage would be a pain to ship. ;)
Pickles look great. Made some last night for the first time.We will see if I went overboard with the supers. 2 per quart. I want to make a jar of spicy pickled garlic next. Have you ever made pickled eggs?
I bet those pickles are going to be tasty.
We're finally getting some rain here..... it's headed your way.
I agree with the lack of overall  heat with the Jamaican Bonnets. They can be hot under the right conditions, but still fall into the "Habanero" range. The knife photo appears to be condensation from the inside of the pod. Usually most noticeable from 1st pick morning pods. I have yet to see an oily pod......  :drooling: 