food Holy Mole!

Well this Mole topic got derailed with quickness!
MMMMMole to burning trashcans.
You guys a nuckin futs.
There will be NO burning of any kind whatsoever during July, August and September.
Remember this?






Amazing pic of that plane.

And I was going to say, Jay can burn stuff, but may end up in jail... again.
The mole-fu runs strong in you Scovie.  Of this there is no doubt.
The youngin aint had enough time round here yet to figure it out.
But he did drop a fucking pickle cake on our plates.
So I gots mad spect for his game of tempting fates...
The hell? Mr. Ato signed up a month before me? Who knew?

That shiz if funny!

You are right tho, SF, he made a cake with pickles.

Is this thing on? I SAID A CAKE, WITH PICKLES!!! :Rofl:

You're Mole is very similar to mine SF so I know it's s awesome. lol

THP, I admit it, I have had that shit. 'Cept here it comes in a jelly jar lookin thingamajig.

It's like sweet peanut butter chocolate sauce. I guess it would work to put out fires tho. :rofl:
LOL, I had it in the jar too I really didn't think you did....
I don't know what happened with t0mato, he was all quiet and busted out a pickle cake and then we corrupted him. Welcome to the looney bin!
It's hard to believe I've been here that long already.  I got off to a good start then got lazy.  I actually lurked around the forum for a year or two prior to joining.  
Alright so scovie is the mole king and smokenfire is a close second.  In any case that mole rocks and I want some on some chicken.

The Hot Pepper said:
LOL, I had it in the jar too I really didn't think you did....
I don't know what happened with t0mato, he was all quiet and busted out a pickle cake and then we corrupted him. Welcome to the looney bin!
WE corrupted HIM? :Rofl:

He's the one that made a cake with PICKLES! :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I have tried every Mole I've ever seen. If I've seen it, on a menu, store shelves or on a plate, I've had it.

One of the mexican stores here actually has a mole in jar that is not bad. Meaning, it's tolerable straight out of the jar but actually decent if you "amend" it. I've only seen it once and never again. I don't remember the brand tho. If I recall, the same brand had green mole but I didn't try that one.