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Hospital visit

Hi all,

Wanted to let everyone know I just got out of Borgess Medical Center in Kalamazoo Michigan after a close call issue with my heart.
What happened was not an out and out heart attack( sure felt like it) but just as dangerous. My heart was racing way to fast which caused the problem. In the end the paramedics had to zap me with defibrillator. I was that far gone and they needed to get my heart to beat normally again. I tell ya that was something else again as I was barely awake and then I hear this is gonna hurt Kevin and ZAP I was WIDE AWAKE. Pain in my chest was gone that quick too! All this was done on the way halfway between Frontier and Hillsdale.From Hillsdale they transferred me to Borgess Medical Center in Kalamazoo. The staff at both Hospitals where great. And so where the Paramedics.

Lord I have never had so many people in the medical profession fussing over me. 3 Doctors in Hillsdale and I do believe 3 more in Kazoo not counting all the great nurses and aids.All this made things so much easier for me and I did not have to worry cuz if anything happened or I wanted something they would be there for me.

My regular Cardiologist who I have met will be in Hillsdale.You know they gave me some med to help me sleep since I will be needing that cuz of my discomfort from the operation. Also we are looking for a tiller now cuz one digger ( me ) is benched for a bit over a month.Wish me luck on that.

Btw you know they packed the area around the incision really good with lots of tape. OMG when they took that junk off I felt like I was having the skin ripped of me!!! I am still sore from it!!!! To add insult to injury the Doc who took it off said " it's not as if I am preforming surgery on you". I felt like telling him " that's easy for you to say your not the one having his skin ripped off his hide".Almost forgot that I now have a pacemaker which is what the operation was for.

What surgery did you have?
They gave me a pacemaker AJ. In about a week I go back to the cardiologist in Kalamazoo to make sure the pacemaker is working right. Any gardening that I wanted to do is tabled for at least four weeks ( so the doctors say). I can pot up the rest of my seedlings but that is it.But I do have help from family on that and we are looking in to a used tiller to help with the digging.

imaguitargod said:
WOW! ROugh ride there, mate. Glad you made it out ok. Now you have to stay away from EMP's and you'll be fine.

Not to mention scare the hell out of ya.Being zapped sure gets your attention.

That zapper they use rechargers your batteries pretty friggin quick1!!! LOL...glad to hear everything has turned out ok!!! Good luck with that benched for a month sh!t!!
Glad you're good. The upside is that at the airport they have to use the wand and only from the belt down. In case you want to put some nail clippers in your shirt pocket.
Novacastrian said:
Glad that you are still with us mate! That would be so scary and painfull.

Best wishes.

Scary indeed. And yes it is sure painful. Especially when they take that tape off ya and just about rip off half the skin on that area :onfire:

Yes folks I will be fine. Thanks for all the well wishes. Got lots of peppers to care for. This little set back may encourage me to get a few extra pots and bring a few peppers in for the winter. I want to make sure I get my peppers.

pacemakers are cool klorentz...one of the boys I work with was giving a presentation to a couple of generals about 10 years ago and fell out right in the office...the generals freaked but he survived and has had a pacemaker ever since....

I had my first heart attack at 37, then 3 more by age 50 when I had triple bypass, then two more since the bypass surgery (two of the bypasses closed up and caused a heart attach each time)...I had an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repaired 3 years ago and am still kicking and gardening...not bragging on all the heart/circulatory surgery I have had...my point is that nowdays you can live a long time if you pay attention to what your body is telling you and get it treated ASAP.....don't be in denial and think "it'll eventually go away"...

the pain the surgery causes is undescribable for the first week afterwards but they sure do give you some good drugs...
Glad to hear you're OK. I had a similar episode a few months ago and ended up at UF Gainesville for an ablation. If they had screwed that up I would have needed the pacemaker too. I feel better than ever now.
Get well!
Thing is guys I am setting here fuming (sort of) cuz I can't get to the rest of the garden. Its driving me nuts.:banghead::banghead:

Glad to hear you're alright! I was searching for a Dave Chappelle skit on that ZAP! program he did, but I had no luck....haha either way, glad you are still here. I'm sure I'm going to have some heart trouble when I'm older. My dad is the only one on his side of the family that didn't have any heart trouble and he was a Marine for about 35 years. I drink like a fish and will likely end up with some problems...knowing that I still drink and probably will until something pops up..which sucks but who knows, maybe I'll be fine.
ditto on glad yer ok, sux to happen tho.

get well soon eh?

IMO, chiles and garlic prolyl keep me alive..lol!

Either thqat, or my organs are too pickled to know they're ded. heheh.

Plus, Im a scottish-irish-canuck Leo...I'm too onrey to die. :D
QuadShotz said:
ditto on glad yer ok, sux to happen tho.

get well soon eh?

IMO, chiles and garlic prolyl keep me alive..lol!

Either thqat, or my organs are too pickled to know they're ded. heheh.

Plus, Im a scottish-irish-canuck Leo...I'm too onrey to die. :D

I am Scottish,Irish,German with a little bit of Native American for jazz.
