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condiment Hot Barbeque Sauce

Alright well I want to take a stab at making a super hot BBQ sauce. What I am wondering is what angle should I take? Should I just search the web and modify it with some of the chile's I have growing ?? Or could some of you indulge a few ideas towards this. Here's a list of chile's I have that I would want to utilize: Dorset Naga, Naga Morich, Chocolate Hab, Yellow 7, Red 7, Caribbean Hab, and Orange Hab. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at the triple H BBQ sauce which I posted, I think was Nov 09. The sauce is awesome, and you add whatever peppers you want. And, important for you, it can be very hot. I have made it with only dried cayenne / white pepper, with combination of cayenne, scotch bonnets and white, or at the end of season, simply a mixture of all chillies I have laying around.
Get Salsalady's BBQ sauce and add your favorite superhot. I have had alot of great BBQ sauces in my day, and I can honestly say, hers may be the best. I need to get her to make me a gallon jug of it now.
I see a bunch of opinions about what is ketchup but what about a nice starter recipe that begins with fresh ingredients? I'm a newbie to this all and I'd really love a good kick start beginning with what has worked for you. Help us out.
Tomatoes, hot peppers, roasted garlic, sauteed onions, brown sugar, molasses, vinegar, salt, spices.
I'm beginning to get the feeling that a good BBQ sauce is like a hot woman. If she's yours you'll show her off to all your friends but you're sure as hell not gonna give out her phone number.
True you may not get exact recipes for members' favorites but certainly you can take the basics and make them your own with the flavors you like.
I just pulled off a mad scientist session in the kitchen. I made three batches. Two from tomato paste and sauce and one from fresh tomatoes. The last was the paste/sauce with jolokias, carribean habs, pumpkin habs and a t. scorp.

I love the evil ideas this site inspires. I tested all three sauces but the super-hot is just my style. The fresh tomato is over-rated. I like the sauce/ paste combo personally. But then again that could just be my kitchen abilities.

Thanks again to THP for inspiring madness. I mean genius. I mean, probably a combination of both.

It's probably better everyone keeps their secrets close to the hip. It made me work harder, and now this one is mine!!!
Lots of ideas getting tossed about but I think you need to take a step back first and think about what you like in a good BBQ sauce. Hot, that's a given but what else. Do you like a very sweet or a slightly sweet sauce, savory or maybe tangy? What kind of sweet, Honey, Brown Sugar? Fruity like with some Mango or Pineapple? What about Smoky? Get into mind what kind of a flavor profile you want for your sauce and you have a good starting point. From there you can add you peppers till you have the flavor / heat that you are looking for.

JMHO, hope it helps,
Lots of ideas getting tossed about but I think you need to take a step back first and think about what you like in a good BBQ sauce. Hot, that's a given but what else. Do you like a very sweet or a slightly sweet sauce, savory or maybe tangy? What kind of sweet, Honey, Brown Sugar? Fruity like with some Mango or Pineapple? What about Smoky? Get into mind what kind of a flavor profile you want for your sauce and you have a good starting point. From there you can add you peppers till you have the flavor / heat that you are looking for.

JMHO, hope it helps,
I do like sweet and definitely smoky. I ended up going with the triple H BBQ sauce that was posted up on another post but I added liquid smoke and bhuts. I am really pleased with what came from all the ideas that were thrown out. I was piss drunk as I made three different sauces the other night and found one that I really liked. The best thing is although I was piss drunk and made a huge mess, I am pretty sure I remember just what went into it.
Write everything down as you go!!!!!! even write down how it tasted a few days after it was made, if you didn't like it write it down, and keep your comments, you learn much faster from your mistakes.