No, you and sic will never be twinsies. In spite of his scruffy exterior and bouts of anger, inside he's got a heart of gold. I am sure he'd give the proverbial shirt off his back to anyone. When others post food pics, even not-so-good-looking pics, he's there giving kudos to the effort. I've never seen him photo-bomb someone else's post and completely disregard that post - if he does post immediately after, he always has something nice or humorous to say about the other's dish. On the other hand, you routinely photo-bomb right after someone else's dish and completely ignore their post. So yes, I started re-posting that other person's dish to ensure their post got some attention without saying anything about your dish, trying to give a subtle hint your way - to give you a dose of your own medicine and hope you'd pick up on the idea that it's nice to at least mention the dish above. Would it really hurt your ego to spread some love or at least wait until a few people weigh in on the other dish before posting your own? It's discouraging for young and inexperienced cooks to post something that gets entirely ignored. You're not going to like every dish posted, and that's not expected, but could you at least give praise to the effort - especially when someone is new to cooking or the site or has created a dish that's new for them?
And yes, nice chili dogs there - that's exactly how I like them, too.