for-sale Hot pepper fudge for sale

I'm also out of cherry vanilla. Plan to make more later this week or early next week. Still have plenty of vanilla orange and maple.

For those not wanting to commit to a full pound, I can ship a half pound (two 4 oz bars) in a #000 poly bubble mailer for ten bucks, First Class postage paid. The bars might get a little squished in transit, but that doesn't affect the flavor.

Will include a pack or two of seeds as a bonus/incentive. See my profile or PM me for availability and details.
Sawyer said:
I'm also out of cherry vanilla.
Just FUDGE IT. Sorry could  not help it. ;)
I love making fudge also...not too much I cut out most sugary items from my diet.
Fudge making is an art...or you end up with toffee. Con't success. :P

wiriwiri said:
Just FUDGE IT. Sorry could  not help it. ;)
I love making fudge also...not too much I cut out most sugary items from my diet.
Fudge making is an art...or you end up with toffee. Con't success. :P
Ha, yeah, it's not really "fudge" so much as fudge-like. It's softer and creamier than regular fudge. I started with an old family buttermilk fudge recipe and spent the better part of a year modifying and tweaking it. If I could edit the title, I'd probably call it "candy" or "confection".

I have started development of a low calorie, allergen-free version. That might take another year to perfect.
Hi John...saw the photos you posted & reviews ...all great ...tweaking and new additions you're planning sounds like

a win win proposition.

I use condense milk & add butter in the final minutes of cooking.

Hope as you progress you will market your products to larger audiences.

All the best. ;)
Thanks, Sandy, I appreciate your comments.
I use buttermilk instead of regular milk and haven't found an economical source of condensed buttermilk.  (It would certainly reduce the hours-long cooking process I have now.)  The kitchen I use has a... well, I'm not sure what it's called, but it's a very large steam kettle of sorts that pulls a vacuum on the contents using a liquid ring vacuum pump, and thus reduces a liquid much faster and at a lower temperature than stove-top boiling or simmering.
I could use that to pre-condense the buttermilk, but I'd likely have to process 50 gallons or so at a time. I'm not ready to scale up that much.
I tried adding butter at various points and found the best results by adding portions of the total at different stages in the process.
If you haven't seen it, this thread discusses the commercial kitchen where I make Lava Bar.   There's a link in there to pictures of the facilities, though I don't yet have a picture of the "kettle" I just described.
Hi Sawyer, all of those candies look and sound awesome. I bet they taste awesome too. I qant to get them ASAP but I am on a no sugar diet till june.

What is the shelf life for those candies? Or will they be available in June?

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saiias said:
Hi Sawyer, all of those candies look and sound awesome. I bet they taste awesome too. I qant to get them ASAP but I am on a no sugar diet till june.

What is the shelf life for those candies? Or will they be available in June?

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Hey, Sai, thanks for stopping by. Lava Bar is pretty tasty, if I do say so myself. I'm still conducting tests on shelf life. So far I haven't had any go bad. It will "dry out" and get crumbly after awhile if not well wrapped. That's why I've started packaging it in resealable plastic bags. Still, out of an abundance of caution, I'm going with a "Best if used by" date of no more than three or four months after date of manufacture.

Not that it matters. I'm almost out of everything. I've got time scheduled for next week to make another 30 pounds (two flavors) and will try to get time for another 30# batch shortly thereafter.
I'm out of everything except vanilla orange. Still have a few pounds of that. Have kitchen time scheduled for this coming Friday and next Tuesday for stock replenishment.

I was in the post office today mailing one lonely SFRB. Just as I was leaving a young woman came in pulling a garden cart full of MFRBs all ready to ship. Don't know what was in them, but that's where I want to be.
I made two new flavors yesterday, Strawberry Banana (heavier on the banana than the strawberry to my taste buds) and Lemon. Flavorwise, I'm pretty happy with the results.

In an attempt to reduce the processing time (8 hours start to finish) I reversed the order of two steps (out of ~100). Not only did it not save any time, it precipitated two unanticipated reactions.

"Precipitated" is the right word, because the product is now "textured" with little bits of cheese curd (from the buttermilk) and egg yolk. This gives it a speckled appearance and the mouthfeel is less smooth and creamy than I wanted. Otherwise, the matrix is about the same and the heat level is still medium. (Though for many here, it will definitely come across as mild.)

Initially I thought I'd have to dump the whole batch, but after sampling it a few times, I've come to realize it's just different, not necessarily bad. Others who have tried it, including a master chef, feel the same way.

I won't repeat this process until I'm ready to start blending in granola to make "Gravel Bar" (and maybe not then.) In the meantime, my learning experience is your best opportunity to get an idea of what I'm up to here.

For $7.90 for a SFRB, I'll ship from three to eight 4 oz bars of Strawberry Banana and/or Lemon flavors for $1 per bar. For one or two bars, there are less expensive shipping options. I'm just trying to recover the costs of ingredients and kitchen time.

Next Tuesday, I have kitchen time scheduled to make new batches of Cherry Vanilla and Hazelnut Coffee. I won't be getting creative with my proven process this time.
Even these guys deserve their own labels:

Let me rephrase that.

"Serendipity surprises with superior sweets."

Further taste testing confirms people like it. Nevertheless, I'll honor the previous offer:

"For $7.90 for a SFRB, I'll ship from three to eight 4 oz bars of Strawberry Banana and/or Lemon flavors for $1 per bar. For one or two bars, there are less expensive shipping options."

That approximately covers my COGS and is ~80% off MSRP.

Yesterday's kitchen session was a resounding success. I achieved the time savings I wanted (3 hour cook time, flame on to flame off, 8 hour total facility time.) And the texture is back to "melt in your mouth." Two flavors, maple and hazelnut coffee. (Couldn't find any cherry flavoring locally, in four groceries checked.)

For this latest batch, for THPers, I'll make a similar offer to that above:

For $7.90 for a SFRB, I'll ship from three to eight 4 oz bars of freshly made Maple and/or Hazelnut Coffee flavors for $2 per bar. For one or two bars, there are less expensive shipping options.

That's double, but still significantly less than MSRP.
INM Sauces said:
Any idea when this might be available to those of us across the pond?
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If you're willing to pay the postage, we can give it a try now.

I recently inquired at the Post Office about shipping some to New Zealand. I was mailing a Small Flat Rate Box containing a bit more than a pound and a half to elsewhere here in the States. For that very same box, postage to NZ would have been thirty dollars and change, with guaranteed delivery in two weeks.

If I use my own box and ship First Class, postage would be less than twenty-five dollars with a delivery window of "it'll get there eventually." I imagine both options would be less for the significantly shorter trip across the pond.

I didn't ask about customs considerations, but the very knowledgeable postal clerk knew what was in the box and she didn't say anything about it. I assume there's a form to fill out.

Send me a PM if you want to give it a try and we can discuss the details.
stc3248 said:
Sawer...Just found this...I'm on a diet...and my mouth is watering on my keyboard.  :drooling:
Sounds freaking fantastic! I will certainly order once I hit my goals.
Thank you for giving me company. I am doing the same. Waiting for june. Lol.

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