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he prefers to the natural one :rolleyes::lol::cool:

Great pic! Can't blame him, he's just doing what all of us like to do!! :)

...and: if we wanna see butterflys we have to accept caterpillars! Like it or not! :)
Chiliac said:
Great pic! Can't blame him, he's just doing what all of us like to do!! :)

...and: if we wanna see butterflys we have to accept caterpillars! Like it or not! :)

The butterfly that will be born, will be of certain
a butterfly with reaction motor :onfire: :lol:
that is a very cool picture!
not everyday you'd be able to take a picture of that. were the 2 pods hanging close together & it did all that. is it in coccoon stage right now ?
915river said:
Wow great shoot can't belive it that they can eat hottttttttttt stuff wow.

The only critters on the planet, that we know of anyway, that can feel the heat are mammals. Everything else lacks the ability. Poor bastages.

I've used a spray from soaking a couple of habs in some slightly soapy water as a squirrel deterrent on other plants and bird feeders. Works quite well but you have to respray after a rain.

The first time I seen a squirrel get a taste was quite funny.
I bet he was gettin ready to get out of and in a hurry!!! I have an english walnut in my back yard and i have been watching a squirrel all day long, come running across the yard, find a nut, and some he buries....and some he stores in an old stump across the yard. Funny to watch. Maybe I should introduce him to the BHUT JOLOKIA?? Maybe then he'd leave my nuts alone??:shocked:
The Green Pistolero (Praying Mantis) could open a serious can of kung fu whoop azz on that guy. Mantis' are the Idi Amin's of the plant world. When he chews out a soldier...they stay chewed!

Cheers, TB.
patrick said:
................... I've used a spray from soaking a couple of habs in some slightly soapy water as a squirrel deterrent on other plants and bird feeders.....................

You can also put powdered peppers in the bird feed. The birds don't care, but watch the squirrel's reaction.:lol: my .02