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recipe-help Hot sauce and interesting ingredients

I've noticed that many of the hot sauce recipes I've seen on this site and on the web look extremely similar. Many of them are like carbon copies of each other. I was wondering if anyone has any recipes with "unusual" ingredients instead of the same old things.

One interesting ingredient that I've heard of was bananas, but don't know if anyone's done that before.

Most of the sauces appear exactly the same with simply the kind of pepper used as the only wild card.

Will look forward to responses.
I like the vinilla extract idea. How much do you use in a volume of hot sauce?

Mebbe a tsp per quart? I really dunno I usually eyeball it! :)
I have thought of using different extracts like mebbe a cinnamon 7 pod, or a butterscotch Bonda sauce. but I use vanilla extract in all my sauces it goes great in a garlic based sauce! :)
Pears and honey, my two favorite things to add to hot sauce. One of these days I'm going to try agave nectar, but for now those two are pretty constant for me.
Cross Eyed Rosie also had a few drops of sassafras extract in it.
I've got a mash brewing away that has banana in it, unless the sauce is really acidic from day one I'm guessing it will look rather brown but I love the taste of banana in cooking, especially in curries yuuum
teaspoon of brandy, thyme habs, 7's t scorpions , green onions, cabbage. yes cabbage boiled cabbage from soup i blend it until creamy and then add the rest of the ingredients. best dang sauce ever.
Hum, apple pepper hot sauce...and I have a pear honey balsalmic vinegar that was great poured over some apples and baked, peppermanbaha you may have just given me an idea. And the balsalmic flaver in that was not too over powering either. Now if I just......
I made a green sauce earlier this year with apples, mint, peas, green jalapenos, sugar, vinegar, salt, black pepper. Personally I loved it (except it could have been hotter). Can't wait to make a bigger batch early next year when my peppers are ready, cuz it ran out pretty quickly.

I made a white sauce with sauerkraut navy beans white habs and a few other bits I can't remember ..... that one was interesting.

Thinking of doing some sort of chocolate sauce this year with kidney beans, red grapes and chocolate bhuts, 7 pods or habs or a combo thereof.

I find legumes in a sauce takes the sting out of the heat of some of the peppers making for a mellower, rounder, lingering heat. Makes a great thickening agent too.
Great thread, way to go arringdd.

I've been on the more conservative side when it comes to experimenting with hot sauce ingredients but I've decided to "broaden my horizons" recently. The first step has been the starting of a pepper mash. That will allow me to do all kinds of things with sauces. Instead of starting with a pepper sauce and adding different ingredients now I can start with any type of sauce, BBQ, sweet and sour, hollandaise, and add pepper flavor and heat with the mash. Going to be a very interesting winter. :twisted: bwahahahahahahahaha
peanut butter is a good ingredient. but it would be better as a spicy type peanut butter or something.... oil is a great medium for capsaicin. the oil in peanuts would be awesome, or any other "nut" for that matter. even if peanuts are legumes. lol.
peanut butter is a good ingredient. but it would be better as a spicy type peanut butter or something.... oil is a great medium for capsaicin. the oil in peanuts would be awesome, or any other "nut" for that matter. even if peanuts are legumes. lol.

The problem is that botulism grows in oil. That makes it tricky to make sure that the food or hot sauce in this case is safe to eat.

If I was cooking some food I might add both separately to the cooking pot. No need to have them combined in the one hot sauce bottle.

Most peanut butter has lots of sugar added.