Hot Sauce Give-away Contest

Awesome Ann. 


JoynersHotPeppers said:
I try almost any beer once! 
I did that once, and I was taught the following weekend why you never do that ...
Tastes like a fucking ashtray ... like, like ...
Like you undercooked bacon, double-dredged it though some egg and ashtray ashes, and then hung it to cold smoke over cruella deville's hoity cigarette holder for a bender's worth of drinking and smoking ...
Very cool offer SL!!
There's nothing funnier to me than a showoff who hits his wall of heat in front of everybody. Here's one from a few years back when I first started growing habanero's. I have a couple nephews who liked to brag about eating hot peppers and loving them. They would sit around a jar of pickled jalapenos or fresnos or anything else store-bought and egg each other on about who could eat more in one sitting.
One day I called them on it and told them they couldn't handle a single habanero between them. They were a little hesitant so I grabbed the pepper and bit the bottom half off (the part without seeds) and it was on. The quicker one grabbed the rest of it and popped it in his mouth. A few seconds later his eyes glazed over a little and he started spitting it out and running for his beer. As funny as that was, he was able to shame his cousin into eating a whole one and now I had a pair of 20 year olds running around my back yard spitting and drooling. We were all crying by then. Them from the pain and me from laughing so hard. Ahhh, sometimes I miss being young but I sure as hell don't miss the ignorance of youth one bit.
moruga welder- CLASSIC story, can never get enough of those!
Siccy~  you know how to rock it!
ronaldo- "you know you're on THP too much when you start calling your real life friends by their THP login names..."
Back at'cha, hogleg...
HolY Ghost Plant Rymerpt!  :eek:
I'll do a love for THP post
Until I discovered this site last summer I grew hot peppers for myself. No one in my family likes spicy things nor do any friends. I however have loved spicy food since around the age of 12 when I discovered a crusty bottle of Tabasco sauce at the back of the fridge. That was the start of my addiction. Luckily at around the age of 16 I learned that there was a huge hot sauce store ( 20 minutes away. Walking into that place the very first time and seeing wall to wall to wall hot sauces blew my mind. That was my candy store and every penny from allowance and the small amount I got paid to clean at my father's office on Sundays went to that store. No one understood how I could enjoy eating spicy food.
At 17 I started growing peppers. A few habaneo, jalapeno and Thai that they carried at my local greenhouse. It was a ton of fun growing and I got hooked. I found the Cross Country Nurseries website and all the different varieties they had that my local greenhouse didn't and started ordering from them each year for years. Well last summer while looking up a problem I was having I noticed this site in the search results. Clicked the link and spent the rest of the day and that evening just browsing and reading through THP. This place was amazing! How had I not found this site before? I lurked for a month or two just reading all the posts. All these awesome people in one place discussing the peppers and spicy food that I love so damn much. Entire sections on growing and growing problems. People asking about problems with their plants and others diagnosing the problem. Sections on spicy food and hot sauce companies I'd never heard of. So many glogs with so many awesome pod porn pics. So I finally joined (actually the first forum site I've ever joined) and made a few posts here and there and bam I was hooked. I have talked with so many amazing people here. I have learned so many things about growing and staring plants. I've found so many great vendors with outstanding and delicious products Pex, Joyner's (sorry to say I haven't had the chance to try Texas Creek). I've been able to try some freaking great sauces from home sauce makers like Cappy and Rick (bhut camp). Generous people here are always having giveaways and contests just like this one. The great people here have given me seeds and traded seeds with me. I went from growing maybe 7 varieties to however many I'm growing this year. I've lost count of the varieties. I never dreamed this many different types existed. I could go on and on about growing and with a place like THP I have a place where I can do just that. Most if not all of these things would never have happened if THP didn't exist. Huge thanks to the Boss for making this place available to all of us. Thanks to all of you THPers for making this place the awesome place that it is. A special thanks to those of you who I've had personal dealings with in trades, giveaways and buying sauces. You people are why I love THP. Thank you Anne for this cool contest/giveaway. Just more proof that pepper people are the best!
hawaiianero- love seeing chopsies get a little humble pie.
parker49- thanks! and now you're in the hat for more!
Scorched-another great story, thanks for sharing~
TrueNorth- :lol:  yea...when the BlackHawks are circling your pepper garden...;)
SmokenFire- YUM!  another of our favorites!
salsalady said:
moruga welder- CLASSIC story, can never get enough of those!
Siccy~  you know how to rock it!
ronaldo- "you know you're on THP too much when you start calling your real life friends by their THP login names..."
Back at'cha, hogleg...
HolY Ghost Plant Rymerpt!  :eek:
why t.y. ! very true , happened today , never laughed so hard seen a lot of fear also ! and was hoping nobody had to go to the hospital ! that wouldn't of went well at work !   :onfire:
streamer- thanks for posting, what kind of pods are those?  Aji? or???
FLBorn-thanks and "doing the chile pepper dance"
KBK-Nice Pod!  :)
Scuba_Steve-  I need about 5 of those!!
I'm feeling like "contest" is not the right word for this.  Is Raffle or Door Prize or Raffle more appropriate?  Symmantics, whatever, y'all are getting in on the action. 