I understand your line of thinking, but all in all today, there is NO respect from kids growing up. This whole politically correct nonsense has turned the parent into nothing more than an underpaid babysitter. God forbid you smack your kid, whether they deserved it or not, the kid will now tell his teacher, and DYFS gets involved. Kids have no sense of reality anymore, most being given everything they need to shut them up. No sense of competition, and an overall sense of entitlement. My wife has been working at Seton Hall University for over 15 years, the kids have done nothing but bitch and moan more and more, wondering why they have to look for a job, Hell they have a degree, they are 'entitiled' to be CEO of IBM automatically. And with all the lovely psychotropic drugs they are filling the kids with these days, it's no wonder they're screwed up. I chose not to have kids, as I wouldn't want to bring them up in a completely messed up society, where it's more important to worry about hurting someone elses feelings than it is to raise your kids in a strict environment. Hell, growing up, if I even thought about leaving the dinner table at a restaurant, I had better have a good reason. The amount of restaurants I go to now, where you have screaming kids running up and down the aisles, God forbid you say something to the valium-induced parent, you end up with a law suit against you. Yeah, perhaps the divorce rate is high, I don't think that is an overwhelming reason why many kids are spoiled little brats these days. I think it has more to do with "having" a kid is a status symbol, but oh my God, then you have to raise it? As I stated, I was brought up in a devout military family, and the strict upbringing did nothing but help me later in life. Many kids need a crack in the back of the head, I mean c'mon, cursing at your parents at the age of 5??? That thought has never crossed my mind in the 40+ years I've been on this planet, and it never will.