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Hot Sauce Punishment for Children...

I prefer using the line; "Just how long do you think you can live without MSN?"

I've only ever raised a hand to my daughter once. To this day, she still has a hard time spitting in public; the dentist had a hard time convincing her that it was ok to do so in his sink.

Actually, it was a shock reaction... One of those things that you look back on and wonder... did I over react? We were at a barbecue and the hostess had given the girl her plate, I think she was five. She took a bite of something and didn't like it, so right in front of everyone she spat on the ground. I simply slapped her. It's not like it was hard! But it was effective.
Tina Brooks said:
Actually, it was a shock reaction... One of those things that you look back on and wonder... did I over react? We were at a barbecue and the hostess had given the girl her plate, I think she was five. She took a bite of something and didn't like it, so right in front of everyone she spat on the ground. I simply slapped her. It's not like it was hard! But it was effective.

Shock value and embarrassment in font of other does go a long way.
And the combination of the two...

I have to wonder about the study though... What sort of hot sauce are they suggesting putting on the tongues of children is tantamount to abuse? I mean really, hot as it may seem to some, it's not like it's dangerous; not like Defcon or Muso's extracts are.

I like the idea of soaking their heads in ZERO, depending on the severity of the cretins crime. Talkback or curse at your parent, full head submersion.
ya know this may develop in the childs mind as a forbidden pleasure. You may be creating a teenager who has a secret stash of hot sauce in a cigar box under the bed. warning signs will be ranch and blue cheese residue on clothing and unexplained glass clinking in his back pack. A whole national campain follows. This is your brain, this is your brain on hot sauce with a side of hotcakes and back bacon.
Forbidden pleasure, H.E. double hockey sticks, those are the kids I'm looking to populate our customer base long after Peppermaster has gone public and I'm laying on a beach in Eleuthera.

Pepper those tongues, I say!

This is like some pitbull discussion i see in some forums.
Are pitbulls mean, or is it the owner? I personally don't have an opinion on that.
As for kids, i do believe the behave according to the way they were raised.
Imagine the high divorce rate we have now. A lot of kids are going through that plus mind games with parents. Some spoil the kid to rid of guilt and some beat them feeling they were the cause. Most of those divorced parents are only concerned with where they can get the next booty call or ride the next pogo. The kids don't get the love support and attention they need. Then they act accordingly.

As for me, I can count on one hand how many times both of my daughters had a sharp crack on the ass. Now all i have to do is use a serious tone of voice and all is settled. That comes in very handy when we're in public.

As for hot sauce on the tounge, god help the person i witness doing that.

So i guess the question is, is the screeming kid in the grocery store or the crying kid in the restaurant really a brat? Or were they raised that way?
Tina Brooks said:
If I use really nasty swear words, will you spank my tongue with Hurricane Mash??? :lol:

dbhdsfh dsfiudhfjbdhd dfiuhfe dhdwo sjacdu cxc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dare you to put that Mash in my mouth. fbu dfewf Just ry it lady!!! bd dqwe dfhdh!!!!!!!:lol:
I understand your line of thinking, but all in all today, there is NO respect from kids growing up. This whole politically correct nonsense has turned the parent into nothing more than an underpaid babysitter. God forbid you smack your kid, whether they deserved it or not, the kid will now tell his teacher, and DYFS gets involved. Kids have no sense of reality anymore, most being given everything they need to shut them up. No sense of competition, and an overall sense of entitlement. My wife has been working at Seton Hall University for over 15 years, the kids have done nothing but bitch and moan more and more, wondering why they have to look for a job, Hell they have a degree, they are 'entitiled' to be CEO of IBM automatically. And with all the lovely psychotropic drugs they are filling the kids with these days, it's no wonder they're screwed up. I chose not to have kids, as I wouldn't want to bring them up in a completely messed up society, where it's more important to worry about hurting someone elses feelings than it is to raise your kids in a strict environment. Hell, growing up, if I even thought about leaving the dinner table at a restaurant, I had better have a good reason. The amount of restaurants I go to now, where you have screaming kids running up and down the aisles, God forbid you say something to the valium-induced parent, you end up with a law suit against you. Yeah, perhaps the divorce rate is high, I don't think that is an overwhelming reason why many kids are spoiled little brats these days. I think it has more to do with "having" a kid is a status symbol, but oh my God, then you have to raise it? As I stated, I was brought up in a devout military family, and the strict upbringing did nothing but help me later in life. Many kids need a crack in the back of the head, I mean c'mon, cursing at your parents at the age of 5??? That thought has never crossed my mind in the 40+ years I've been on this planet, and it never will.
I got the cop threat too!

I spanked my kids twice each over the years. Maybe 2 wacks on the ass each time. It worked.
An older step-sibling decided I was abusing them and I ended up in court. The Judge said "I couldn't spank them, tell them to clean their rooms, make them do ANYTHING!!!!" I pulled the wife up and said" Fine, we're out of here without them." We started to leave. A new discussion followed in which I made it clear that if the Judge was gonna set My house rules, He was gonna keep them. The Judge ascertained from the children that they were 'spanked' and said they could get that from me whenever I wanted to do it again. They weren't abused, and spanking 'Was Allowed'.
Anyway, my kids behave and were only spanked twice, and know the difference between that and abuse. I'm like Defcon on 'todays' kids.
Side note: I've been spanked, abused and had the hoit sauce treatment. :lol:
I still abuse myself with the hot sauce!:lol: :lol:
This stems from the generation like mine that had to work for everything we got. This also co-incided with the stop the war and end the death penalty movement. Some got an idea that ANY punishment was bad, for any reason. Most also got the idea, " I think kids should get whatever they want, no questions asked. My kids aren't gonna work for their bike, Nintendo, or anything else" yada,yada,yada,!!!!!!!
Thank you Frank. I see we're on the same page. If the kid is raised knowing they won't be punished for anything, well, do the math. Kids will be kids, and every kid gets into trouble, one way or another (I was definitely no angel, but accepted the punishment when I was stupid, not run to the justice system and sue someone for my stupidity). But there is also a thing called respect, that has to be learned. The whole 'entitlement" mentality has been ingrained in many of todays children, so they will do whatever THEY want whenever THEY want to whoever THEY want to do it to, and can't understand the concept of punishment. It's scary. How is a child to learn societal manners when none are taught? You can blame the parents, I blame the entire family as it is the parents fault for insisting their kids are never wrong, but its the kids fault for not accepting they've done anything wrong, and relying on mommy and daddy's safety net to bail them out every time.
DEFCON Creator said:
but its the kids fault for not accepting they've done anything wrong, and relying on mommy and daddy's safety net to bail them out every time.

Now this is where i must say, kids have to be taught right and wrong and to feel guilt for doing thing that they were taught to be wrong.
What you were saying is almost like getting a new puppy and expecting it to just know that it has to pee and poop outside. The kids need to be taught the social standards and not on a part time basis either.

BTW, Bubba my heart was pounding as i read about your son and the deep fryer. My kids have had some close calls too.
I somewhat agree. Things have to be taught, like many social mores and manners, however, a kid should know that punching another kid is wrong, and having mommy and daddy sue the family because the other kid fought back is wrong, and is the way things have been heading for since the early 90's. It's up to the parents to a degree yes, but to put a coat of Teflon on a kid is wrong as well. I screwed up, and I paid for it, and I learned. These days nobodys kid is accountable for anything, and the kids know it. Kids aren't brainless pieces of meat that can can only react to what they have been told or taught by their parents, kids are cunning little creatures that will always try to "get around" the rules. By setting no boundaries, the kids realize they can get away with anything, and will continue do so. It's like saying the kid who is 17 years 11 months old is a child, but one month later they've been given the "adult" injection. It's a joke. I knew at a very young age what right and wrong was, as did virtually every kid I knew. I can't believe in 1 generation, everything a child does is ok, "Because it's just a child". It's nonsense. Like the previous example of kids running around a restaurant yelling and screaming. It's the parents fault for not smacking them in the head for doing it, it's the parents fault for yelling at anyone who dares tell them to 'curb their kids', but it's the kids fault for cursing and swearing at the parents for daring to tell them, the "Almighty Do-No-Wrong" to sit down.
I agree with most of what you said, but it's really a big can of worms.
For example, kids having kids.
But anyway, I think if my parents used hot sauce on my tongue, I wouldn't like it today.
A swat to the mouth or arse is quicker and more effective in my opinion.
There's nothing wrong with making your kids scared to get out of line.
It's the parents that beat thier kids relentlessly that give disiplin a bad light.
Agreed, we're not talking child abuse, we're talking a swat to the backside or a ring knock on the back of the head for getting out of line, not smashing a radiator over a kids head. The only can of worms I see here is the fact no one wants to admit they can't control their kids, and kids having kids, that's another matter entirely, and I would probably get censored anyway for posting about it. Anyway, I ate hot peppers at a very young age, and ended up liking them. Personally, I think if you use hot peppers for dicipline, you'll create a chilihead. If you use extract, the kids will not step out of line. :lol: