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heat-level how do i make extract.

how exactly do you make a extract... i know it has something to do with alcohol or something but i dont know the specifics.
Why hurt yourself making extract when you can get your cap-juice the old way:

My reference to things changing is true. Not that long ago when someone mentioned making extract all responses were saying don't do it.

Now we have a couple of folks who have made it and are providing instructions.

That is change.

Looks like the "doom chorus" is speaking again. :lol:

By the way I'm not slamming or judging folks who have done it or are giving advice. I'm one of those "to each his own" kind of people.
patrick said:
By the way I'm not slamming or judging folks who have done it or are giving advice. I'm one of those "to each his own" kind of people.

I understand this, I just don't want anyone to get hurt. It doesn't take much of an accident to cause a great deal of pain, considering any wound immediately gets cauterized by capsaicin. I am not part of a "Doom Chorus" (although it does have a nice ring to it), which is why I haven't commented on a few of the more recent threads regarding making extract.

I have made quite a bit of the nasty stuff over the years from scratch, and have personally spoken to quite a few people who have made it as well, so I think personal experience and overall knowledge has a little to do with what I am saying.

I'm not stopping anyone for tinkering with Nature's little evil bomblet, I just want to make sure people understand what they are dealing with, as well as taking the consequences into consideration. Even with the safety protocols I have put in place when I make the stuff, Nature has a nasty little habit of finding loopholes in those protocols.
im most likely not going to do it i'd just wanted to know how to do it. that and basicaly anything i do pepper wise is done outside

but basicaly the easyest way to do it is ground pepper in booze let it sit for a while strain it put it in a container and put a cloth over the container so not to get bugs or other nasty things in it and let it sit outside till its evaporated away.

so basiacly keep away from heat and the house.
N_FF said:
im most likely not going to do it i'd just wanted to know how to do it.

not laughing at you directly but this makes me chuckle. i think if you were to go back and read all the posts that are about extract the person who asks "how do i make this??" usually ends up saying "well i'm probably not going to do this but...."

then why ask? just google it. there are formulas to make your own bio-fuel, not to mention many ways to do illegal things (steal cable, steal internet, steal phone lines). i'm certain some smuck has how to make extract. shouldn't bother here cause the main opinion will be don't do it. it's easier to buy say "The Source" its about $100 w/ s&h - you'll get something much better than you could ever produce, plus you won't risk hurting yourself / others.

just my 2cents.

I tried to find a link bro to no avail.

I think some people around here are a bit, how can i put it...."nancy'?
To make extract doesn't HAVE to be a dangerous procedure at all. Sure there are ways one can go about it that dangerous by nature (butane, ketone, cryo extraction)BUT there is a safe way to do it providing you are not a complete retard when going about the business.

I remember when i was extracting cap from Jersey Death using liquid butane and a syringe (dont even ask) and too much pressure built up inside and spewed cap all over my left arm/body, there were not huge amounts of it though and i was lucky that i didn't get a faceful of it.
That was my decision though and any repercussions would have been met with "told ya so ya goose".

I put it to the naysayers that making cap doesn't HAVE to be in any way hazourdous to ones health if gone about the right way. Hell one can even make TNT safely.

Having said this i would not recommend making extract, i mean what can you really use it for apart from lacing the door handles of people that you don't like of keeping your dog outta ya garden.
JayT said:
Wouldn't the capsaicin you get from habaneros be the same as what you get from nagas? I thought capsaicin is the same from all peppers, it's just the amount you get that changes. Would it taste different?

Capsaicin is the same whichever pepper it comes from but the proportion of capsaicin with the other capsaicinoids is different in different peppers. I think this is why some peppers burn feels different.

* capsaicin (~70% of the capsaicinoids present and usually the only one mentioned) produces burning everywhere from the mid-tongue and palate down into the throat
* dihydrocapsaicin (~20%) ditto
* nordihydrocapsaicin (~10%) relatively mild - fruity, sweet, and spicy
* homocapsaicin (~1%) about one half as potent as capsaicin
* homodihydrocapsaicin (~1%) produces a "numbing burn" in the throat that was the hardest to ameliorate
DEFCON Creator said:
Using a food injector, and adding a bit to someones toothpaste tube.

Oh wow....................I never thought of that........................hhhmmmmmmmmmm....................

firing up the extractor................boy oh boy this is gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as for making the extract....I too have noticed that more people are telling the ways to extract....
but I have also noticed that they are not telling all the info and leaving out portions.....

just look at it this way....Professionally made extract is done using a process called High Pressure Super Critical Fluid Extraction. The process is done useing pressures in excess of 10,000 psi using a variety of "solvents" to extract the cap.

Most people cannot afford to have this type contraption and out of all seriousness probably the best you can do with out this "specific" equipment is a fairly potent super concentrate.

this is a commercial extractor:
Cripes, looks somewhat like the area under my reverse pressure hood. However, mine has nicer looking glass (LOL!), and we don't use 'a variety of solvents'.

Can't make out the type of cylinders on the right.
QuadShotz said:
dat pic's ben posted b4..can't recall when...proly the lst extracyt thread.

ya it has been posted before....by me......It is a CO2 High Pressure Super Critical Fluid Extractor....Used by a company in Columbus Ohio to extract Oleoresin Capsacian........
I just finished my first extract using primal means. A simple recipe of 200 Grams of Nagas and some everclear. the process was extremely simple except the yield is not very much. I made it as a test run and my daughter is using it for her science fair project. THIS STUFF IS DEADLY HOT. The end of a toothpick sent me realing in pain. I will post some pics shortly. The whole process took 8 days.