I tried to find a link bro to no avail.
I think some people around here are a bit, how can i put it...."nancy'?
To make extract doesn't HAVE to be a dangerous procedure at all. Sure there are ways one can go about it that dangerous by nature (butane, ketone, cryo extraction)BUT there is a safe way to do it providing you are not a complete retard when going about the business.
I remember when i was extracting cap from Jersey Death using liquid butane and a syringe (dont even ask) and too much pressure built up inside and spewed cap all over my left arm/body, there were not huge amounts of it though and i was lucky that i didn't get a faceful of it.
That was my decision though and any repercussions would have been met with "told ya so ya goose".
I put it to the naysayers that making cap doesn't HAVE to be in any way hazourdous to ones health if gone about the right way. Hell one can even make TNT safely.
Having said this i would not recommend making extract, i mean what can you really use it for apart from lacing the door handles of people that you don't like of keeping your dog outta ya garden.