How do you eat your Super Hots?

It seems the people here like their Super Hot peppers. But how do you eat them? I've seen the videos on You Tube. You can't just eat them right off the bush like Thai Hots can you? Do you cut them real thin for pizza, dice them in Chilli, or make powder out of them?
It seems WE the people here LOVE OUR Super Hot peppers. But how do WE eat them? I've seen the videos on You Tube, MEH. You can't just eat them right off the bush like Thai Hots can you? Do you cut them real thin for pizza, dice them in Chilli, or make powder out of them?
FIFY (Fixed It ForYou)
and, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Fresh/frozen cut into pieces on a toothpic. chopped up on my Chorizo con Juevos. etc etc etc
Powders? OMG, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....."
Make Sauces, Puree's, Powders,
If you love chili's, you'll create ways to enhance your food with them. For me, there's no macho-ism about it, just love of the flavors AND HEAT!
FIFY (Fixed It ForYou)
and, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Fresh/frozen cut into pieces on a toothpic. chopped up on my Chorizo con Juevos. etc etc etc
Powders? OMG, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....."
Make Sauces, Puree's, Powders,
If you love chili's, you'll create ways to enhance your food with them. For me, there's no macho-ism about it, just love of the flavors AND HEAT!

FIFY (Fixed It ForYou)
and, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Fresh/frozen cut into pieces on a toothpic. chopped up on my Chorizo con Juevos. etc etc etc
Powders? OMG, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....."
Make Sauces, Puree's, Powders,
If you love chili's, you'll create ways to enhance your food with them. For me, there's no macho-ism about it, just love of the flavors AND HEAT!

Spoken like a true chili head!
Scovie pretty much summed it up for you. Most of us on here actually enjoy the heat. We don't eat them for dares or to seem macho.

I use them how Scovie mentioned but I also have another use for them. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll pop a whole bhut in my mouth. The endorphin rush you get out of a whole fresh superhot is unreal and once that kicks in, I feel GREAT.
Through a long drawn out process I turn them into pulp and then a thick toilet paper........oh sorry I was dreaming again

The addiction of the hot peppers will bring on many odd uses and ways to eat them. I like thin slices in the freezer to pull out and pop in my mouth when I am in the mood(daily).
I snacked on a few of mine out in the garden as I worked. I have started to smoke and dry to make rubs. My 8 year old niece and 80 year old uncle now love my Bhut Jolokias ! I grow a diverse crop as I find pairing peppers to the food is the way to go.
my grandfather was big on growing hungarian and cherrys. he used to use corn oil fresh garlic and everything else in the spice rack. i use the same peppers and every other chilli i can get my hands on. you can put it on any thing, the initail oil lasts for ever, the longer you have it the better. similair to Dshlogg, only difference was we sliced them.
i have eaten ghost peppers straight and its not that big of a deal but im weird. if i like the taste then i eat it and put it in everything. typically boil them into my taco meat is the most common but on top of pizza im cool with. grab me a beer and it will soak in the beer just dont change my glass, wouldnt want to lose any of the goodness next pint.
sliced in sautees, chopped up in jerk season, chopped into spaghetti sauce, steamed whole with rice or boiled whole in stew.....I could keep going but Im getting sort of hungry here.

Yellow 7's rock by the way.
You have to build up a tolerance to the heat if you want to eat them fresh...or just say F'it and eat them fresh anyway. Powders are amazing, superhot sauces are great and a bunch of people here make their own. You can also find them to buy on here too. Kneppers Peppers, Heartbreaking Dawn, Red Hawk, Defcon, Texas Creek...(more than this but I am drawing a blank at the moment) all made by members of this site. Check out the classifieds section at the bottom of the main page. :hell: you will find sauces/spices/dried pods/merkins....whatever your little heart desires. :whistle:
i don't eat them.................................... yet...

i had an ulcer like 10 years ago... but i haven't had any symptoms other than heart burn from pizza sauces... after my next visit, i'm gonna start building tolerance...

then it's on...
My tolerance isn't very high yet but like everyone else here you can use them for anything your heart desires, although if you haven't built a good tolerance you'll be using them in smaller quantities. I like to break them out in place of other pods in October when my harvest is booming and my tolerance is high. They're great fresh and ill take little bites before setting the other half of the pod aside for drying. My personal favorite use is in powders. A little on the edge of a knife and throw it in anything in place of a hot sauce to dodge the vinegar. Awesome.
I eat them raw sometimes, but mostly put them in salsas, chili. Mix them up with onions/green peppers/mushrooms/keilbasa sautee. I have alot of powders also, too put into salads, soups, etc...... Like others said, you can make hot sauces, purees, powders, flakes.
Anyone among the chili heads in here ever overdo it?

I have a buddy who, like you, loves eating the superhots. We were at Prince of Wales pub in San Mateo, CA where they do a hab burger - and this was the week they were doing the Red Savina Hab burger. If you can eat it without suffering "a reversal" you get a plaque, a t-shirt, bumper sticker, etc.

My friend managed to get 90% through it and surrendered before the last 2 bites. The pain he was suffering was apparent. I went to his house about 4-5 hours later to pick him up as we were supposed to go out and he was laying on the floor in the middle of his living room, curled up into the fetal position and sweating profusely. He later said he'd never felt anything like it, he spent the whole night like that, and he refused to even discuss the bathroom incident - ever.

Any of you ever have a "bad" experience eating superhots? Just curious...
I think the closest I've gotten to "over doing it" would be when I was on a popper kick. All was well until I tried the Bih Jolokia...Man was that a fight. Took half a day to finish 3 stuffed pods, but finish I did and without much repercussion. Never made poppers with those again though, lol.