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How do YOU grow?

What is your favored method of planting?

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So how do YOU grow? Just thought it would be interesting to hear everyone's favored methods and why. :) I myself choose containers for the portability. Everything I put in the ground dies, never tried indoors, and the rows I made one year washed away after a few days of rain,exposing the roots and killing my garden.
I voted Planting in rows: I plant in ground in rows with great results. Even though I like growing in containers, growing in ground has to be the easiest, and what I find I get most enjoyment out of.
So are the rows just something you have to keep up with or maybe I made mine wrong?

Your native soil may have needed something added to it to get the soil nice and fertile but yet have nice tilth. My soil is clay like but is ok and takes very little to make it perfect. I just till and amend with a few things like compost and plants takes off. Some soils are worse then others a reason why containers can be the easiest or only choice. You can build your soil up by adding compost to it.
Your native soil may have needed something added to it to get the soil nice and fertile but yet have nice tilth. My soil is clay like but is ok and takes very little to make it perfect. I just till and amend with a few things like compost and plants takes off. Some soils are worse then others a reason why containers can be the easiest or only choice. You can build your soil up by adding compost to it.
Yeah, now that I remember for some reason girlfriend mixed a lot of top soil into the mix. Thats probably why it all washed away.
Yeah, now that I remember for some reason girlfriend mixed a lot of top soil into the mix. Thats probably why it all washed away.

Yea my rows are slight hills so plants do not get over watered by rain. Every year they get washed away then I have to till again in the following spring. It is good to mix things into the native soil and work with that. Again, some soils are so poor it is not worth and your better of with container/hydroponics. I have a small container garden for fun but most of my production comes from my rows.
I voted "Just put them in the damn ground"

I don't like to caudal my plants TOO much... survival of the fittest.. toughen them up.. what not... produces a more hearty plant

Nice to keep them close to what mother nature intended... just put them in the ground and let them takes their course

I've not produced any championship plants yet, so their may be a better way.. it's just what works for me
I voted "Just put them in the damn ground"

I don't like to caudal my plants TOO much... survival of the fittest.. toughen them up.. what not... produces a more hearty plant

Nice to keep them close to what mother nature intended... just put them in the ground and let them takes their course

I've not produced any championship plants yet, so their may be a better way.. it's just what works for me

lol if i could get my plants to grow in the sand in my back yard, they would be bullet proof then :)

the sand in my back yard grows one thing well.. more sand.. so containers off the ground it is for me..
It seems its kind of hard to mess up peppers. Unless you're in too cold of climate or overwatering they seem to do pretty good.