How many lb's per plant do you pick in a season?

Trying to get an idea on how many pounds of fruit does everyone pick in a single season.

I normally don't track my harvest by weight, but this year I wanted to see what my 2 overwintered TS (trinidad scorpion) in a sigle earth box would do. The plants started out slow with a bunch of grunts, but picked up speed once the weather improved and I just picked my 5th pound between to the 2 plants and the pods are getting bigger and bigger by the week. The biggest so far was picked last week and was 77 grams or 2.72 ounces.

If you track your harvest by weight please post what type of plant and what you got in the past and or currently. Just trying to get an idea on were my plant is since this is the first time I've weighed my harvest.
Trying to get an idea on how many pounds of fruit does everyone pick in a single season.

I normally don't track my harvest by weight, but this year I wanted to see what my 2 overwintered TS (trinidad scorpion) in a sigle earth box would do. The plants started out slow with a bunch of grunts, but picked up speed once the weather improved and I just picked my 5th pound between to the 2 plants and the pods are getting bigger and bigger by the week. The biggest so far was picked last week and was 77 grams or 2.72 ounces.

If you track your harvest by weight please post what type of plant and what you got in the past and or currently. Just trying to get an idea on were my plant is since this is the first time I've weighed my harvest.
A large, healthy plant should be giving you anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week. The monster Fatalii pumps out around the 3 mark, and the other mothers in the ground give me about 1-2 lbs a week. Pick like crazy, and you'll keep getting flowers.
A large, healthy plant should be giving you anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week. The monster Fatalii pumps out around the 3 mark, and the other mothers in the ground give me about 1-2 lbs a week. Pick like crazy, and you'll keep getting flowers.

I really suck at this.
Bad year for me, but I had a Carribean Red that would fill a grocery bag each pickin and a Fatalli that would do the same. This year I expect< 1/4 lb total. I'm bummed.
A large, healthy plant should be giving you anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week. The monster Fatalii pumps out around the 3 mark, and the other mothers in the ground give me about 1-2 lbs a week. Pick like crazy, and you'll keep getting flowers.

Thanks for the feedback. I think my plants are right on mark as they are producing about a lb a week or more now that the weather is picking up and are contained in a single earth box sitting on my patio wall.

Since I never weighed my harvest I wasn't sure if this was above or below the average as my previous years were not as bountiful by any means.
Tracking mine. Will post all at the end of season. Since 8/4 the 13 Red Fatalii(Fatalii-mother/Red Savina cross) plants have produced 6.352 kilos of good pods. About another kilo on there to harvest today.
Up till now harvested 6.5kg from my 8 red habanero(second year plants)and they are again full of pods, so I guess the 4 to 5 pounds for a season per plant is accurate
for me it depends greatly on the age and the variety of the plant.
Once my then 3 year old Manzano amarillo had 20 lbs of fruit in the summer( ad 5 lbs for the winte and spring harvest) and I had a a 2 year old naga with 6 lbs, But in general I think a good C. chinense with rather big fruit shoild crop me 2 lbs a year. Also depends hugely on weather, soil, potsize, fertilizing... Other species like C. frutescens has a lower yield weight wise, and like I said, c. pubescens can make heavy yields, and C. baccatum too.
Best Regards
If you guys could post your setups that would be helpful as well. For example are you growing in the ground or in a container, do you get 6 hours of sun or 12 etc etc.

The 2 plants i'm tracking now are 2 TS plants and they share a single earthbox. I would guess that it's a 10 gallon container?? It gets about 6 hours a sun a day from 11:30am to sun set.
WOW! Thats a serious amount of peppers! Id be well happy to get 1lb between all my plants!
Next year I plan to plant in larger pots, as i think this has held them back alot.
Justaguy said:
Tracking mine. Will post all at the end of season. Since 8/4 the 13 Red Fatalii(Fatalii-mother/Red Savina cross) plants have produced 6.352 kilos of good pods. About another kilo on there to harvest today.
I have been trying but not as successful... So are you using any type of special fertilizer or just an organic compost. What's the weather comdition by the way?
Going on the topic of yields, I figure to ask, for single seasons grows is there a noticeable difference between a 5 gallon vs. 10 gallon? I would think the first year is sort of a variable, no? A lot of these big yielding plants seem to be more than a year old.
AfreeKhot said:
I have been trying but not as successful... So are you using any type of special fertilizer or just an organic compost. What's the weather comdition by the way?
you just quoted someone from 4 years ago lol..
yochannontzvi said:
Going on the topic of yields, I figure to ask, for single seasons grows is there a noticeable difference between a 5 gallon vs. 10 gallon? I would think the first year is sort of a variable, no? A lot of these big yielding plants seem to be more than a year old.
more roots = higher nutrient uptake = bigger plant = more bud sites = more fruit. Yes there is a noticeable difference. Every year is variable. many do peppers as annuals and get consistent harvests.
Last season I picked 80 pounds off 8 plants.
3 of those plants were Reapers which were far below what the others produced(Choc bhuts,Dorset Nagas and yellow scorpion?)
So an average of 10 pounds per plant
Ignore the 20L plant.It was left to fend for itself most of the season.  :)
Swampy_NZ said:
Last season I picked 80 pounds off 8 plants.
3 of those plants were Reapers which were far below what the others produced(Choc bhuts,Dorset Nagas and yellow scorpion?)
So an average of 10 pounds per plant
Ignore the 20L plant.It was left to fend for itself most of the season.   :)
interesting doesn't seem to be much change between 50/65L and 110L
juanitos said:
interesting doesn't seem to be much change between 50/65L and 110L
Yep.Seems like a state of diminishing returns.I have dumped the 110 and 160L tubs this year and are using the 65 and 50 and hydro.