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How many peppers does it take?

I'm making salsa and I'm just amazed at the number of peppers necessary to add to the pot to get the heat going. I figured a Bhut Jolokia or a couple of red habs would do the trick for getting things hot. Man was I wrong and I'm only making about half a gallon of it. 2 B. Jolokias, 2 red savinas, 4 red habs and 8 or so Hot Paper Lanterns. Maybe a 5 on a scale of 1 - 10.
Yup. Peppers aren't magic, even the ultra hots. I recently made about 1/4 gallon of salsa and used 5 habs and 2 nagas, and I'd rate it around 4 or 5 out of 10. It had a bite, but it wasn't bad and it didn't build. I'd call it a medium, but still hotter than most of the "hot" salsas at the market.

If you want that salsa rocking hot, I'd use at LEAST 12 habs and 4-5 naga's (bhuts, bihs). Maybe 3-4 fataliis for good measure, if you got them.
Thanks klyth.

I should have known, looking at some of the other recipes around here and just reading posts you guys talk about peppers by the pound.

I'm going to have to expand my garden area next year.
My last batch of salsa, I ended up using around two pounds of orange habs and around a half pound of cayenne peppers for 20 quarts of salsa, around three pounds total weight of peppers.
It's pretty hot, but not so hot that it overwhelms the kickass flavor I got out of my garden.
I made 8 pints of salsa and used almost 2 pounds of serranos and a tablespoon of naga morich paste...'tis a bit warm but is delicious...
I try not to use the peppers to dictate the heat so much unless I am making a naga salsa.. I usually create all my salsas with my flavor choice of peppers and add the heat in later using a paste or blairs 3am. The blairs is high but if I am entertaining I can really tailor my salsas to be flavor specific and not to raw pepper flavor.