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how my early starts are doing

all of these are now budding


and these ain't!!!!!!


and i'll throw in a devils tongue flower just for the hell of it!


the devils tongue is one of my overwintered plants
i'm gonna try keep some pods for pure seed rather than whole plants because i'm not sure if i started with true seed.
the devils tongue is true and because nothing else is flowering at the mo i'll get more true seed (unless the flowers drop)
Yours Pimenta De Neyde looks very "green"
What lights you use? Leds?
I though that Pimenta De Neyda should be much darker.
Plants looks very healty,nice job:clap:
chilicutter said:
Yours Pimwenta De Neyde looks very "green"
What lights you use? Leds?
I though that Pimenta De Neyda should be much darker.
Plants looks very healty,nice job:clap:

I have 3 Pimenta's, 1 is black 2 are green. Of course the black one recieved a lot of light, the other 2 germinated 2-3 weeks after and recieved less light because of the lamp height.
Hi Lee
I've seen pics that your pimenta de Neyde.
It's really beauty.
Almoust all my purple leafed species is now "green",but when i get them under sunlight then they get real colour.
great looking stqart for the year Dave...good luck this season
all of the above plants were from my led grow box the pimenta is getting purple in the leaves from the middle up as these are all new growth since it came out the box and into natural light
Dave the pimenta should have a deep purple stem not green,Grew three last year and those have been cross pollinated..Do you have a closer picture as my old eyes cant see :)
P.S grew 4 Neydes last year some have more purple in the leaves than others so some will look /Nearly green ;)
Davetaylor said:
here ya go talas


and the purple stem


does it look similar to yours were last year?

Are now you got me wishing i had groing it again..Super example and nice and healthy ;)
WOOOOOOOWWWW Can you say symmetry? It looks like there's a mirror down the center of that thing! Beautiful plants man...
The season has been very slow atm so staying pretty quiet. Should be harvesting, but only just getting some flowers and fruit happening now.
Hey just brought a 10ft x 8ft polycarbonate greenhouse, so should get some winter Peppers:cool:.
Finally got around to making a couple of photo albums up too. Here is a couple of links if interested http://photobucket.com/peppers http://photobucket.com/Chile-Jv
Have a great season Dave and might have some leftover seed at harvest time for ya;)
