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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Andy the holes are probably because of little caterpillars eating the leaves. They are from those little white butterfly/moths that you might have seen flying around. Look under the leaves closest to holes and you might find them. If you don't squish them, and nothing else eats them, they'll get fat eating your plants.

What sort of food is in the soil, or what have you been fertilising them with? It looks like its burnt by too much fertiliser. I always think overwatering / non-draining soil is the cause of every problem first up but since you have the other one right next to it looking fine maybe not.
Hi I'm pretty new to the chilli growing game but I'm doing ok so far, I have a jalapeño, Jamaican yellow and Thai chilli plant that are all doing well in amongst my herb garden, they have been flowering well and I'm getting a good number of chillies from them! However I also bought a Ricoto Red chilli plant at the same time it was more mature than the others (at least it was bigger,not sure about age) and it hasn't flowered or produced any chillies?? I have had the 4 plants for around 10-12 weeks now and I'm coming up to picking my 2nd lot of chillies probably in around a bit over 2 weeks by the looks of things
Does anyone have a Ricoto Red chilli plant or know why mine is not flowering?

Tried to upload a photo but it won't let me on my iPhone for some reason?? Leaves look almost a little burnt around the edges, but like I said its right next to the other 3 chilli plants and they're all thriving??
I've got a hydroponic red rocotto and it has been dropping its flowers for months. Until now where its hung onto a few but the chili is taking ages to swell up...I think they may also eventually drop off.
If they hang in there I'll take some photos
So the plants on my pre-shadecloth balcony got pretty scorched and beaten about by the wind. I have a lot of leaves that are black around the edges. Should I cut these off and encourage regrowth or is any leaf that's partially OK better than no leaf? My purple Capsicum is the worst affected.
If it is just physical damage and the plant is still young I'd leave it because its probably doing some sort of job, and the plant can suck nutrients from it for the rest of the plant.

If the plant is old enough I always remove any leaves that are yellow or damaged, that way I know that anything bad I see the next time is a new problem. You really notice if you are stripping leaves from the same plant every day.
So the plants on my pre-shadecloth balcony got pretty scorched and beaten about by the wind. I have a lot of leaves that are black around the edges. Should I cut these off and encourage regrowth or is any leaf that's partially OK better than no leaf? My purple Capsicum is the worst affected.
I'd remove any damaged ones especially if they r black
Id cut that long bit off the top for starters, thats not planted in to Perth sand by chance? not much nutrition in that stuff, i grew in pots the entire 5yrs i lived there.

I'll try a bit of what everyone has said, and it's not planted straight into sand but there is a bit of sand in there, I dug out a section of the flower bed and replaced the lot with about 8 bags of potting mix, there is a mixture of herbs and chillis planted in there most is doing great it's just the rocoto that's struggling, ill give him a month to see if he starts improving if not I might dig him out and pot him so I can cater specifically to the needs of the plant?
Thanks for the advice guys ill update if he improves!
Thanks for the help here are photos


That's how my pubes look after they've copped a beating from the sun/heat. The old pubes are a bit sensitive......

So the plants on my pre-shadecloth balcony got pretty scorched and beaten about by the wind. I have a lot of leaves that are black around the edges. Should I cut these off and encourage regrowth or is any leaf that's partially OK better than no leaf? My purple Capsicum is the worst affected.

Off with it's bits! Leaving them on won't harm the plant but yeah, personally I'm a big fan of encouraging regrowth. Nekkedness doesn't bother me as long as the plant shoots out plenty of new growth and turns into a nice little bush.
They look pretty big for their pots to me! What sort of soil mix are they in? its doing the job whatever it is.
Trust me moo dont ask what soil there in , you dont wanna know .ok well ill tell you , at the beggining of the season i was raving about organic soil mix made from the good life soil company , Great for small plants but Shit if you want pods that arnt rotton on the inside , i used this soil and it was the worst mistake iv made in all the years iv been growing chillis , i to cut back a few plants like kev has and my plants i cut back look the same but when they start to pod up the pods are full of water and rotting , the soil holds way to much water in big pots , its ok for small pots .
I have repotted some of my plants into another type of potting soil with better drainage and i pulled the first 2 pods today from them and the pods are perfect seeds are fresh looking , so dont even bother with the good life soil company organic soil mix , unless you want blossem end rott , i even tried to fix it with cal mag but to get calcium to the plant you need to water and as soon as u water the plant roots are sitting in soup .
yeh some of my pods look great but crack the pods open and look at the sesspool on the inside, its heart breaking .. im about to dump the lot at the tip and only keep the ones in the new potting soil...

These are some of the pods with only a bit of rot, its to scary to show you the others .


Pods from decent well drained soil..


Come on kev , show us some pics of ya pods , on the inside lol..

I have grown tomatos for 20 years , 5 acres at a time on my parents property and all kinds of veggies, never in 20years have i had blossem end rot or rotten pods, yet every tomato on every branch this season had BER.

a friend down the road used the good life soil for his garden beds and is growing passion fruit , same deal with his plants and veggies, everything that has been planted in the goodlife soil rots, every single person i told about the gl soil company is having the same problem ...at first i thought it was me over watering and not enough calcium , but after going to other ppls houses and seeing exacly the same soil with the same problem i know its the soil .
That's fuct up dude. Nothing worse than losing ripe pods and not knowing until you cut them open.

Which green life soil co mix was it... they have a whole bunch of different mixes. All my current pods are in completely different stuff. But I've got plants just starting to pod up, and I've only used the GLSC potting mix in less than 50% of the mix.
Moo at the beginning of the season i tried there soil , i bought 1 bag , it was great my seedlings looked amazing , so i bought a trailer load and potted all my babies up , i used ther potting mix ORGANIC , had hundreds of plants to pot up so i went and got another trailer load, thats when the trouble started , it smelt real bad so i took it back and they said oh they changed the recipe, i told them i didnt want it so he was kind enought to replace it , well i went home with the new trailer load and potted a few up . lmao well i watered it and the water took over 20 min for the puddle of water on top of the soil to drain , so had it replaced again and he made the old style mix up , all through the grow season me and kev and a few others that used it have had mishapen leaves , distorted shapes , i put it down to lack of calcium , corrected it with some calmag and the leaves all looked true shape again , but were showing the true sign of over watering , pods form nice but every single pod i pick when ripe is rotted , seeds are black and some even show the true ber spot on the base of the pod.,i used ther potting mix in pots and i used there veggie mix in all my raised garden beds as well and all my tomatos rotted before they were ripe with the classic mushy ber rotten spot .

kevs got the same problem , so has 3 others i know who used this soil, and another friend who doesnt grow chillis but grows veggies .

The last thing i wanna do is bag ppl and there companys out and havnt said much about it but when i saw u ask kev what soil i thought id arc up so that you dont go and buy this rubbish , but it sound like you have , .... have you had some rotton pods?? from using there soil ?

I repotted a few plants into my old style mix i used over the past couple of years and picked a few pods today and they were perfect .

Please excuse my bad spelling lol.
Sounds like they had some bad ingredients. The rotten pods I've had came from overwatering, they weren't in green life.

I need to go out tomorrow and get enough soil to do a whole lot of transplants. I hadn't planned on using green life for that because I need a lot and its expensive.
Trust me moo dont ask what soil there in , you dont wanna know .ok well ill tell you , at the beggining of the season i was raving about organic soil mix made from the good life soil company , Great for small plants but Shit if you want pods that arnt rotton on the inside , i used this soil and it was the worst mistake iv made in all the years iv been growing chillis , i to cut back a few plants like kev has and my plants i cut back look the same but when they start to pod up the pods are full of water and rotting , the soil holds way to much water in big pots , its ok for small pots .
I have repotted some of my plants into another type of potting soil with better drainage and i pulled the first 2 pods today from them and the pods are perfect seeds are fresh looking , so dont even bother with the good life soil company organic soil mix , unless you want blossem end rott , i even tried to fix it with cal mag but to get calcium to the plant you need to water and as soon as u water the plant roots are sitting in soup .
yeh some of my pods look great but crack the pods open and look at the sesspool on the inside, its heart breaking .. im about to dump the lot at the tip and only keep the ones in the new potting soil...

These are some of the pods with only a bit of rot, its to scary to show you the others .


Pods from decent well drained soil..


Come on kev , show us some pics of ya pods , on the inside lol..

I have grown tomatos for 20 years , 5 acres at a time on my parents property and all kinds of veggies, never in 20years have i had blossem end rot or rotten pods, yet every tomato on every branch this season had BER.

a friend down the road used the good life soil for his garden beds and is growing passion fruit , same deal with his plants and veggies, everything that has been planted in the goodlife soil rots, every single person i told about the gl soil company is having the same problem ...at first i thought it was me over watering and not enough calcium , but after going to other ppls houses and seeing exacly the same soil with the same problem i know its the soil .
I was speaking with the owner of good life soil about there mixes. He told me that there soil isn't good for pots because they put some sort of clay in it for water retention. He talked me out of there mixes and sold me a bag of shut instead. He's a top bloke even emailed me a few recipes for making your own potting mix.