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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

First really hot day 35c can c the effect

In the morning

Getting funky

What the hell is this in me lawn sneaking to me chillis ? Friend or foe ?
my plants are looking a bit yellow aye...all the new smaller ones 3-4 sets true leaves are basically yellow/very light green.

Im using good soil and dont fertilise them more than once a week.

I alternated between MG and seaweed.

Im thinking i should just use plain water for a while, incase i over fertilised, then leave them like that for a week??

Post a few picks m8 cud just be a bit to much sun to soon , but yellow leaves with green veins is a lack of copper

I fertilize the Fark out of mine now it's getting hotter
ahh ok, they have always been this colour, like they havnt turned it recently.

They are in good quality organic potting mix that sownseeds also uses....

Heres some photos (i have recently used epsom salt on them last week.)

Maybe i should just hit them with another lot of miracle grow, the one i have is liek 15 11 12 or something...

These below ones arent doing too bad, i think its hot fish the one with the white marks through the leaves???


An example of one of my more green chillis, its a razzamatzz


Some yellow leafed superhot...



Some more yellow leafed superhots...

M8 def to dry and to small to be hitting with Fertz and especially Epsom salt if u r using good life soil all that shit is in it ull just b over dosing , cut down the sun light try sun up to rnd 11 and then up it every week or so

A couple of spares seeds I chucked in a pot to see if they go out side(as I started all the rest under light) , nothing but good life and a splash of water now and again , still can't find the catapiller that having a munch, been up 2 weeks

I've just stuffed up thunder storm so I raced out bombed fert on the lawn now the rain gone sun is roasting me lawn = burn
my plants are looking a bit yellow aye...all the new smaller ones 3-4 sets true leaves are basically yellow/very light green.

I've got exactly the same thing going on here too, and its giving me a bit of a headache, as when they are a bit yellow I am presuming its too much water, so I cut back on the water, but then they wilt...but still have yellow leaves obviously...which is then a pain as you don't know if you're overwatering from therein...
It's to much uv if they r little and as mr sown seeds will tell u don't love them to much!


= help from sown seed and my own experiments not bad for a nube

I'm having a beer and watching them grow :) well more than one beer but hey what the mrs don't know don't hut hey :)

U have to remember super hots start super slow till they get a good root system! A good root solves all !
I reckon i'm still guilty of overwatering mine.

Kev....the last picture you have above...the biggest black pots on the left of the pic, when you water these, how much water do you reckon you give them? Like, if the water sat on top without draining (for example) would it fill the top inch of the pot?? Or more / less? I'm trying to figure out how much is about right as i reckon i'm swamping mine :(
I've had seedlings that look like that, and the cause always seems to be one problem causing another, compounding another.

I concur with Blue Flames that a good root solves all. :D

Seedlings that small have tiny roots right at the top of the soil so a small change to the top of the soil affects the whole system. They need to be moist, not too dry, and not drowning, and if the moisture around the roots isn't right then every different nute won't do any good. So when they are so small there is very little margin for error.

After struggling with it I gave up on using potting mix or seed raising mix when they are that young. (Let me just pull out my GO COCO sign again ;) ) I now use coco coir because its got a very large margin of error when it comes to maintaining the right moisture content. It's hard to overwater it or let it dry out.

Really felt summer coming today in Perth. Got upto 33 I think. Second day in a row, just when I happened to pot up 65 seedlings. They started to wilt when thunder storm clouds cooled it all down.
M8 I water them till the water runs out the bottom of the pot , try stick ur finger in,if dirt stick don't water if ur finger cums up clean then water . Just don't water every day and if the soil has good drainage the plant will take what it wants and the excess will just run out . Obviously as it get hotter more frequent watering will be required , but from experience don't fert baby plants it just buggers and burns the roots , worm jizz diluted ( like 50ml to a litre ) to start then slowly increase and then u can introduce chem gear if u wish , Chilli focus is good for baby plants but is expensive and the temptation to up the amount for the quick grow is very tempting , but once again if u use to much it makes them grow slower of just kills them from experience .also try putting plants in different positions round the garden I've found in one corner the grow twice as fast as the other corner, I think it's to with wind and the amount of time in the sun the only problem is my garden is so small only two plant will go in that corner lol

I have now used about 4 different mixes of growing gear , moo is right with the coco but after pulling some that I have done in straight coco the roots r thick and white but not very fibours which isn't bad coz they r healthy and looking for dirt! Smash them in good soil and boom they just explode . So far I found it just a case of finding that sweet spot and what works for u/any one just because ur in the same region each house is effected by the elements in different ways it cud b wind , rain , sun , or a neighbor slinging snails over the fence (yes sown I seen one with a parachute today lol) find the G spot and all will cum!

Ps the water shouldn't sit on the soil it should flow straight in maybe to compacted or need to add perlite or even a small amount of blue metal mixed in

Hey moo u potted up 65 plants and not one pic ? Cum on show us ya bhut !
Alright thanks for the info,

I will move them to a spot that might get 3-4 hours of morning sun then the rest of the day it will be under shadecloth. Its the only place i can put them where i rent.

I didnt want to overwater them as that was my biggest problem before, hence why they look dried out :(

I try to water them maybe every 3 days or so but i guess it has been really hot. Also the soil i have now drains a lot better so i should water more frequently i guess.

Ill stay away from ferts for a week and see how they go, if they are doing well ill leave them longer, I have some larger plants and they are what i normally fert, then i just water the left overs on the small plants. But like you mentioned that might not be right..

I took a quick look this morning and they are looking a bit better, more green already.

Maybe they were dried out? but i thought they wilt when they are dry, they still looked ok structurally ><