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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

A few more random pics from casa da Chilli

Black sting ( jungle rain strain) looking forward to this one


A sown seed naga these just grow silly , so quick


Bhut choc x yellow 7


White 7 pot


A butch t with massive leaves
meanwhile mine are still babies even after liek a month since planting seeds...

Yeah, i've got a tonne of babies that just dont seem to be growing at all. I guess they must be, but i just can't see any progress! I am pretty impatient though...lol
Just went for a slug hunt and found

Purple tiger pod

Ppl any u Perth guys/gals get into theses throw downs looks like fun , how does one go about all this I've had a quick flick on it but any pointers for the virgin , cheers
Hey moo u potted up 65 plants and not one pic ? Cum on show us ya bhut !

Sorry couldn't get a good photo of my bhut....I vow to keep trying though
here are those 65 chilli seedlings, 5 rows of 13. Hard to get a good angle on them.


Problem is that now my first growing station is at capacity and I've got bunch more seedlings that are ready to be potted up. Going to have to put them on a table like before and manually water them each day. Sort of defeats the purpose of the auto watering station :P
Argh.....sorry to be a photo-pest, but can i get you guys to cast an eye over these, as to my eye they don't seem that happy at all at the moment.

Im using premium potting mix, so its nothing cheap and nasty, and they get sun from about 12 - 3pm. The only ferts i have given are Chilli Focus, and that's only once every 3 or 4 weeks.

As for watering, i generally water only when they look a tad droopy...or if i know they haven't have water for 3 or 4 days.

I swear i'm 100% not guilty of over-loving these now, as i have learnt not to be giving them too much love....but when they look like this i just think it's something i'm doing or not doing!!?

Then again, if you guys reckon yours go through these ups n downs too, then that'll then put my mind at ease!

So if i could get some thoughts on these.... :)









Argh.....sorry to be a photo-pest, but can i get you guys to cast an eye over these, as to my eye they don't seem that happy at all at the moment.

Im using premium potting mix, so its nothing cheap and nasty, and they get sun from about 12 - 3pm. The only ferts i have given are Chilli Focus, and that's only once every 3 or 4 weeks.

As for watering, i generally water only when they look a tad droopy...or if i know they haven't have water for 3 or 4 days.

I swear i'm 100% not guilty of over-loving these now, as i have learnt not to be giving them too much love....but when they look like this i just think it's something i'm doing or not doing!!?

Then again, if you guys reckon yours go through these ups n downs too, then that'll then put my mind at ease!

So if i could get some thoughts on these.... :)


It sort of looks like mites but my first instinct is to say overwatering, or its more accurate so say `under draining`. Premium potting mixes are are made to be premium for most plants, but not specifically chillies which require more drainage than the majority of plants.

If they are not wilting for three or four days after watering then the soil is not draining quick enough. Which means its stagnating as its sitting around the roots, that is how they drown. Overwatering or inadequate drainage is the roots not getting enough oxygen from fresh water. When a plant is stressed like this bad bugs attack it more.

They could probably do with a bit more than 3 hrs sun a day too.
They could probably do with a bit more than 3 hrs sun a day too.

Sorry, i meant to write "full sun" for around 3 (poss 4) hours...the rest is shade. Do you reckon this is still too little? I have been scared to give them too much for fear of major scalding...but if that's part and parcel of it then i'll whack them in a sunnier spot. Today was 32 degs and tomorrow about the same....
No expert at all and is only my first season so can only help with what I've picked up , sun from 12 - 3 not good as the don't get a gradual build up if sun hits at 12 then it's just boom full wack they like a bit of fore play b4 the main event especially if they rnt accustomed to getting full sun. Moos bang on with ur soil it looks like it holding way to much moisture .i got plants that look the same very one said mites so hit the panic button bought neem spraying the crap out of them but now not so sure I think I moved them out to quick and the elements have shocked the shit out of them, have u moved these recently , r they over winter or from seed?

They just look a bit wind battered don't panic yet the new growth looks good , how much focus r u using coz the temptation to over dose is huge, I know I did it and it just stunts them. M8 I've got sum In worse condition than them and forecast is a huge storm in the morning and they will just have to deal with coz I ain't shifting pots all night , besides a bit of tough luv makes them stronger

Lol my biggest plant gets 2 hrs sun from 8-10 and shaded by the fence all day after

Ppps , every one Luvs photos :)
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i went with medium strength on the chilli focus...

these are over winters from seed...but i have been so careful with giving them sun. They started outside on the other side of the house, where only the early sun from 9 - 12 would hit them, and after about 4 weeks of that i have now moved them into the 'stronger sunlight' area......surely 4 weeks is enough to harden them?? lol

As for the soil, it seems to drain ok...but i added some sugar cane mulch on top of the soil which was recommended to hold in the moisture...is that not a good thing then!?

Ah well...i'll just soldier on as-is and see what happens :)
M8 just experiment leave that suff on one and not another , water one twice aday once a week anuda once a day 2 times a week , mix it up a bit , I woz hitting mine full strength focus 100ml and a bit for luck in a watering can once a week and worked well
When I used Chilli Focus in soil I got a build up of salts which really made my plants sick. I was probably using too much though, and doing a lot of other stuff wrong. I only use it in hydro now. Just putting it out there...
Nee, I would be putting them back in the morning sun (then I would just leave 'em there and quit moving 'em! :P I get the feeling they don't like being moved in and out of different conditions all the time when they are big boys). I could be wrong but to me it looks like something is intensifying the scalding. A coating of eco-oil perhaps? :P Or were they like that prior to the use of the stuff? Might just be wind battering too as Kev said.

And no amount of hardening off will prepare 'em for our sun. ;) Unless you grow under shade cloth or have your plants in a spot that receives only semi-sun and no direct sun (such as under a tree), always expect some sun damage. At least that's what I've found. Heck, I include letting them scald as part of my hardening off regimen. :lol:

Seasol and worm jizz are great too. It'll do wonders for plants exposed to intense sun.

The first pic.... I could be wrong again but the small leaves and small pods kinda suggests to me that the plant might be rootbound and/or the roots getting too hot. Is it a big plant in a small pot? I find a lot of my overwinters end up doing that and more often than not, a pot up usually makes 'em come good.

They do look mighty green too... perhaps a little too green... or does your camera just have a green tint to it? Slight OD maybe?
na its meant to be a butch t...but its definatly not.
according to the guys on the forum they think its trinidad scorpion of some kind...probably a cross.
its a big pod!! I can't imagine eating that sucker in one bit!

It looks yellow or is it just the light? A surprise pod Mmm take a pic of the leaves they look a bit pointy for a scorp.

A bit of wind makes the stems thick and chunky or up roots them as what happened last night lol

I should date theses pics but here's a few weeks in the life of my butch t :)

And then

And then today