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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Be about 4 , but is the one I founded up rooted and didn't have time to check it out b4 I went to work

The wind has been really bad the last two days so very a lot of moshed leaves!
Mmm might be time to water
Boing back up again this one makes a good point of when to water

Lol u Wudnt believe it woz the same plant 8 hrs ago :)

It's amazing chillis take a fair bit of sh$t
my carrots all failed this year...they didnt get enough sun early (about 1 hour a day) and well they are really fat but they couldnt bury deep either, even though the soil is sand.

They are all little stunted things.

They have been in the ground about 4-5 months ahah i just threw half of them on the worm farm the other in the bin...
We r getting hail right now

This one lost its tag in the gr8 green house disaster of 2012 (the wind picked it up and dumped it at the other end of the garden) any early stabs at what it will b

And a freaky leaf
haha sweet, the little black ones look so innocent :)

i was fostering a brindle for a while but not anymore.

Benny doesnt look like his photo above anymore, that was right after he was dumped and stopped racing,

now he's lost all that steroid style muscle and is just a 'fat greyhound' even though hes still skinny hehe.

love these dogs, my first dog ive owned and id love to raise one from a puppy
haha sweet, the little black ones look so innocent :)

i was fostering a brindle for a while but not anymore.

Benny doesnt look like his photo above anymore, that was right after he was dumped and stopped racing,

now he's lost all that steroid style muscle and is just a 'fat greyhound' even though hes still skinny hehe.

love these dogs, my first dog ive owned and id love to raise one from a puppy
expensive to get one as a puppy!